Page 96 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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Nature                                        Oldies but Goodies Dance                      Photography

Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2:30 p.m., SCB              Saturday, April 30, 7 p.m., SCB               Contact: President Jim Newkirk, 805-
Contact: Ed Wiley, president,                 Contact: Buck Linscott, 512-863-9856 or       660-8855 or [email protected]
512-688-1071; [email protected]           [email protected].
                                                                                            Members’ photos are exhibited at the
Making good choices about trees and           The OBG Club is where “The Young at           Activities Center, Cowan Creek Amenity
large shrubs                                  Heart dance to the Golden Oldies.” The        Center, the Photo Studio and the club
                                              club is open to any Sun City resident         website.
Whether you are a new or long-time home       who enjoys dancing to those Oldies but
owner, you make decisions about trees         Goodies. The dances feature the classic       Special Interest Groups: SIG
and shrubs: what to select, or whether        hits of the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s. Our 2016     meetings are held in the Photography
to keep or replace them. Matt Tobola, an      dances will take place on Saturday, April     Studio. Current SIGs are as follows:
Arborist with Bartlett Tree Experts, will     30; Saturday, Sept. 10 and Thursday, Nov.     Advanced, Competition, Lightroom,
present a program on tree maintenance         3. All dances will be held in the Social      Nature, Intermediate, Photoshop-CC-CS,
and advice on selecting new or replace-       Center Ballroom. Doors open at 6:30           Photoshop Elements, PSA, PSA-Print and
ment trees and large shrubs. Matt is          p.m. and the dance begins at 7 p.m. Dues      Story Telling with Pictures.
a Board Certified Master Arborist and         are $10 per person. All dances are free
holds a BS in Forestry from Texas A&M         to members. BYOB and snacks. Ice and          Field Trips: Monthly field trips
University. All Sun City residents are        water will be provided. Non-members and       offer members great photographic
invited.                                      guests are welcome to attend any dance        opportunities. There is a brief session
                                              at $5 per person.                             prior to the field trip to discuss trip details
Membership dues for 2016: $12. Dues                                                         and logistics; another get-together takes
include the monthly program and pro-          Pet                                           place after the trip to share experiences
grams and activities of all Special Interest                                                and photographs taken.
Groups (SIGs).                                Contact: Tom Olsen, 512-639-2085 or
                                              [email protected]                      Membership: The 2016 dues are payable
Special Interest Groups: See club cal-                                                      online and are $12 for the first member
endar on the website                          Dog training classes will start the first     and $5 for each additional family member
                                              week of April. If you have a new puppy or     until June 30. You may join through the
Amphibians and Reptiles: Jim Chris-           a newly adopted dog of any age that needs     Sun City Texas website.
tiansen, 512-868-3504.                        training, these classes are perfect. The
                                              dogs don’t have to be newly adopted—all       Pickleball
Astronomy: Micheal Starch, 512-868-           dogs can benefit.
1076; Rick Wagoner, 512-943-0966.                                                           Contact: Don Hayes, 269-209-1658,
Meeting: Monday, Feb. 22, 7 p.m., CCF.        If you have a pet emergency outside of        [email protected]
Program: TBA.                                 your vet’s usual business hours, there        Pickleball is a fun, active game that
                                              are two emergency vets located in Round       combines the elements of tennis,
Atmospheric Sciences: Gail Abend,             Rock. Contact the Pet Club and we’ll email    badminton, and ping-pong. Played on a
[email protected]. See club calendar;         you an “Emergency Vet Info” handout.          doubles’ badminton court with paddles
watch for email notices.                                                                    and a perforated plastic ball, all it requires
                                              Cats and dogs, whether new or established     are workout clothes, court shoes and a
Birding: Karen McBride, txmotmot@             or visiting, can easily get lost if they      desire to play the game. Whether you; Ed Rozenburg, 512-869-7303.        escape the house or fenced yard. If this      are new to pickleball or are a seasoned
No meeting this month. Bird Walks:            happens, contact the Pet Club for a copy of   veteran with tournament experience,
Wednesday, Feb. 17. Meet at LHPP at           our “Lost/found Pet Procedures” handout.      you will find a level of play suited to your
8 a.m.; details and/or changes by email.      We have a good success rate in finding and    needs with the Sun City Pickleball Club.
No walk on Feb. 4.                            reuniting lost animals with their owners.
                                                                                            We offer a free introductory training class
Butterflies: Ed Rozenburg, 512-869-           Training Tip of the Month: A slightly         for beginners. It provides a fundamental
7303. Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2:30          hungry dog is easier to train than one        overview of the skills needed to play
p.m., AC MR 3/4.                              with a full belly. Feed only a partial meal   the game. We also sponsor a Mentor
                                              before a training session. If your dog is     Program, in which some of our more
Native Plants: Art Gibson, 512-943-           treat motivated, use only small pieces        experienced players assist beginners
0173. Walk: Tuesday, Feb. 9. Meet at 9        of their favorite treat as a reward for       with rule assimilation and suggestions
a.m. at Tranquility trailhead, Lone Star      following your commands. Your dog will        on technique. Of course, the best way
Drive.                                        respond best to lots of small pieces rather   to become proficient at pickleball is to
                                              than to one large piece. To a dog, it’s the   actually come on out and play the game.
Rockhounds (Geology): Ed Cook,                number of treats, not the size of the treat,
[email protected], 512-591-7572.              which motivates them.                         If pickleball sounds like the game for
Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 9, 4 p.m., AC                                                        you, contact our Player Development
MR 3/4. Jim Tobin will present “Mineral       If you have a training or other pet-related   Director, Peg O’Toole at jgmlo@yahoo.
Hunting Adventures in Norway.” Come           question, feel free to contact the Pet Club.  com to sign up for the next Introduction
early for coffee, cookies, and conversation.
FREE REPTILE REMOVAL: See page 4.                                                                                                      ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG

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