Page 101 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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Alcoholics Anonymous                           COPD A support group has formed for          liams Drive. Caregivers Support Group
                                               Sun City residents who have chronic ob-      and new “Solos with Parkinson’s” group
• Saturdays 9:30 a.m., Worship Place.          structive pulmonary disease (COPD). For      meet on second Thursday of the month at
  Mondays 10 a.m., Wednesdays and Fri-         more information, contact resident Helen     2 p.m. at the same location. FREE exer-
  days 3 p.m., Scott & White Clinic. Pat,      Brayton at 512-864-0039.                     cise, yoga and dance classes for movement
  203-470-4425 (c); 512-945-8503 (h).                                                       disorders. Contact Mary Jane Berry at
                                               Grief First & third Tuesdays, 1-2 p.m.,      512-240-4167; [email protected].
• Georgetown White House Group meets           Scott & White Clinic Conference Room,
  at 1019 S. College Street four times daily,  4945 Williams Drive. Contact Glenn Gray      Post Polio Survivors Our next meet-
  512-863-9938.                                at 254-215-9301.                             ing will be Thursday, March 24, at the
                                               GriefShare Contact Jim Nelson at 512-        Scott & White Clinic at 10 a.m. FFI email
Al-Anon For friends and family related         639-4457 or [email protected].         [email protected] or call 512-
to alcoholics:                                                                              868-1427.
                                               Hearing Solutions Second Thursdays
• Saturdays 11 a.m., Georgetown Church         monthly, 3 p.m., in the Activities Center    Prostate Cancer Meets on Thursday,
  of Christ, 1525 W. University Ave.;          CyberCenter. Contact Nelda McQuary at        Feb. 11, from 3-5 p.m. at Scott & White
  Darlene, 512-868-0948.                       512-819-0499 or [email protected].      Clinic conference room. Roundtable discus-
                                               Low Vision Meets the second Thursday         sion by members to review status of pros-
• Mondays, 8 p.m.; meets at Georgetown         ea/mo, 10-11 a.m. at The Wesleyan at Es-     tate cancer treatments, past and future.
  White House, 1019 S. College Street, no      trella Independent Living. Contact Helen     Women are always welcome to attend.
  contact currently.                           Sanders, 512-868-5189, or Barbie Stoner,     Contact Ed Quillen at: 512-943-0028;
                                               512-868-9808                                 [email protected]; or Don Michel
• Mondays, 3:30 p.m., Scott & White Clin-      Neuropathy Our topic this month is           at (512) 943-8623; [email protected]
  ic, 4945 Williams Dr., Conference Room       Good Foot Care with Keith McSpadden,
  off the Lobby. Susan, 512-240-4289.          DPM. He will talk about treatments for       Sjogren’s Syndrome Meets quarterly.
                                               painful feet, and there will be time for     Helen Smith at 512-869-8840 or Linda
ALS Assn. (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)               questions. All are welcome. Monday, Feb.     Frost at 512-255-6049.
1st Thursday ea/mo, 10:30 a.m., S&W            8 from 1-2:30 p.m. at 2423 Williams Dr.,
Boardroom, Jennifer Beckett, 512-745-          Suite 101, LakeAire Shopping Center,         SC Helping Hands We provide assis-
0400 or email [email protected].        Community Room A, Georgetown. Con-           tance to residents. Call to borrow baby
Alzheimer’s Last Tuesday each month,           tact Diane at info@neuropathyalliancetx.     necessities for little visitors or medical
7-9 p.m., The Worship Place, Cheryl White      org or 512-863-9293.                         items on a temporary loan. Call Maria
at 512-864-1380.                               Overeaters Anonymous                         Wagner, 512-864-0641 or Janet Liem, 512-
Breast Cancer Sponsored by the Breast                                                       868-8658 or Shirley Worth, 512-943-4110.
Cancer Resource Center (BCRC), meets           • Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., Worship Place
on the fourth Monday of each month, 1 - 3        choir rm. Mary at 206-499-9525;            Stroke Survivors - Williamson Coun-
p.m., Cowan Creek Andice Rm., Marjorie                                                      ty Stroke Support Group meets the 3rd
Gallece, Navigator, 512-248-2645.              • Saturdays, 9:30 a.m., Church of Christ,    Thursday of each month - 3:30 to 5 p.m. at
Cardiac Support Group Meets on sec-              1525 W. University. Bernice, 512-635-3585  the Scott & White Georgetown/Sun City
ond Tuesdays at 10 a.m. at Seton William-                                                   Clinic - 4945 Williams Dr. Lee Mobley
son, 201 Seton Parkway in Round Rock.          Parkinson’s Meets the fourth Thursday        512-657-1779 or Laura Trela 512-509-
Free cardiac yoga each Tuesday 11 a.m.         of the month at 2 p.m. in the Georgetown     9432, [email protected].
Contact Lydia Terry at [email protected]       Health Foundation rooms at 2423 Wil-
or 512-324-4000 ext. 21828. 

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