Page 98 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 98


Singers                                      Play News:                                     There will be big screen viewing of the
                                                                                            game, pizza catered by CJ’s, and quar-
Rehearsals: Tuesday evenings,                12/7: Jim Copps and Irene Crass, 7 Spade       terly score chance boards. Mark your
6:40-8:30 p.m., SCB                          Grand Slam                                     calendar for Sunday, Feb. 7, at 5:30 p.m.
Contact: Nancy Robohn, president, 512-                                                      in the ballroom.
943-9682, [email protected]              12/16: Doris Jones and Wayne Nelson, 7
                                             Spade Grand Slam                               Stained Glass
Sun City residents may be battling a cold,
wet winter, but the Singers are looking      1/4: Marlene Mathers and Murray                Meeting: Tuesday, Feb 9, 3 p.m., CCF
forward to a bright and beautiful spring     Greenberg, 7 NT                                Contact: Tim Schmoll
with our concert, “It’s a Grand Night for                                                   847-287-0139, tschmoll2012@
Singing,” scheduled for Wednesday and        Softball                             
Thursday, April 13 and 14 at 7 p.m. in the   (Senior Coed Slow Pitch)                       Studio phone: 512-948-7662
Social Center Ballroom. The Singers, now
under the direction of Georgia Parmelee,     Contact: Membership Director Tom               The Sun City Stained Glass Club invites
will present a number of signature           Davis, 512-843-9465 or trdavis101@             visitors to stop by during studio hours
pieces from Broadway greats Rodgers                                      from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays to watch
and Hammerstein, the toe-tapping song        We invite all new and existing residents       our artists at work. We will also show you
“Sing Sing Sing” by Louis Prima and a        to beautiful Del Webb Field to watch and/      around and explain about working with
nice collection of spirituals, ballads and   or play one of the few spectator sports in     glass as an art medium. At the studio you
other bouncy show tunes.                     Sun City Texas! Come and have some fun!        will find members working on many dif-
                                                                                            ferent types of glass art including copper
Tickets for the concerts are $8 and will be  Our winter season is underway with             foil, leaded glass, kiln formed and slumped
available March 1 at the Member Services     games at 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Mon-        glass, mosaic projects and jewelry. Much of
Office or on the Sun City website.           days and Thursdays through Feb. 25.            the members’ artwork is for sale and you
                                             Watch our website for game day updates as      may even find a piece of original artwork
Dulcimers - a SIG of Singers                 we do cancel games when the temperature        with your name on it that will fit in that
                                             is too cold. There are also regular practices  perfect spot in your home.
Our members presented the Annual             and pick-up games at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays
Benefit Concert for The Caring Place on      and Fridays. Registration for our spring       In February, we welcome new members
January 17. Through your generous con-       season is in progress with team selection      who have graduated from the January
tributions we have raised much-needed        to occur on March 1 and games beginning        Orientation to Stained Glass class. The
funds for this worthy cause. The March       on March 7 and ending on May 26. There         orientation class is available to those in-
Sun Rays article will bring you up to date   are also very active and self-supporting       terested in learning to do stained glass.
on the total amount of money donated.        traveling teams, the Sun City Warriors,        It is a prerequisite to joining the Stained
                                             for the more competitive players.              Glass Club and is taught four times a year
We continue to make music together and                                                      in January, April, July and October. The
present gigs at local nursing homes. Spring  You are invited to also check the Softball     class teaches the copper foil method of
festivals have many of our members trav-     Club website and the club bulletin board       stained glass. If you are interested in a
eling throughout Texas and Louisiana to      at Del Webb Field for additional informa-      fun and creative hobby, stop by the stu-
learn more about our instruments.            tion, schedules and calendar of events.        dio and see the type of work our students
                                                                                            produce. Class size is limited so watch the
Practice is every Saturday from 10 a.m. to   “You don’t quit playing softball because       April, July and October Sun Rays for in-
noon and every Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m.      you get old; you get old because you quit      formation on signing up for future classes.
in Rooms 3 and 4 of the Activities Center.   playing softball!”
You are welcome to visit. Free lessons are                                                  Sundancers
offered for interested parties in February.  Solos
Please contact Jeanne Lubey for more in-                                                    Contacts: Terry & Ruth Ann Brown,
formation. Phone: 512-864-3459 or email:     Thirsty Thursdays, 5 - 6:30 p.m.,              303-518-0749 or [email protected]
[email protected].                              Second and fourth Thursdays                    Howard & Betty Wagner, 512-931-
                                             monthly, CCFG                                  0058 or [email protected].
Social Bridge                                Contact: Marilyn Hamner,
                                             512-869-5879 or marilyn.hamner63@              The Sundancers square dance on Monday
Contact: Marlene Mathers,                                               evenings and round dance on most
[email protected] or                         The Solos Chartered Club is open to all        Sunday evenings. All square and round
512-818-6881                                 Sun City residents. Our goal is to have a      dancers are welcome to join the fun. The
                                             good time participating in social, intel-      club dress code is casual.
We play four games per weeek in the          lectual and sporting activities. We wel-
Activities Center on Texas Drive. Bridge     come all new members to join our family        Square Dance Schedule
begins at noon; players should arrive at     of friends.                                    Lessons: 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
11:45 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and                                                       Workshop: 6:30 to 7 p.m.
Fridays, Room 1. Bridge takes place on       February Event                                 Square dance: 7 to 9 p.m.
Thursday in Room 3 and begins at 5:30
p.m.; players should arrive at 5:15 p.m.     Get out your favorite team jersey and                                                     ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
                                             your pompoms for Super Bowl Sunday.
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