Page 100 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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Women’s Golf Association                       Ruther, a Professional and Therapeutic       net for more information. Woodcarvers
9-Hole                                         Horsemanship International Instructor        meet each Monday from 6-9 p.m. and
                                               and Equine Assistant Manager at Ride         Tuesday from 8:30-11 a.m.
Contact: Paula Elmers,                         on Center For Kids (ROCK). ROCK
[email protected]                          provides equine-assisted therapies and       Zoomers
                                               activities to children, adults and veterans
The WGA 9-Holers tee off on Tuesdays,          with physical, cognitive and emotional       Zoomers monthly newsletter is available
alternating weekly play among all three        disabilities. We have just completed our     via email. Contacts are noted below.
Sun City golf courses. In addition, golfers    first year as a chartered Sun City club,     Social Activities
are encouraged to attend our monthly           and we have accomplished our goals of        Contact Peggy Searles at zoomers.
general meetings which are held on the         volunteering, fundraising and donating       [email protected] to join a group,
second Tuesday of each month.                  funds to support charitable organizations.   start a new group, or for information about
                                               Come and see WHO we are and the great        book clubs, cards, table games and bowl-
See the Golf section of the Sun Rays for       things we are doing in our community.        ing. Contact Robin Pearlstein at social.
monthly WGA 9-Holers news.                                                                  [email protected] for information
                                               Woodworkers                                  about dining, wine, beer tasting and movie
Women’s Golf Association                                                                    groups.
18-Hole                                                       ZIE (Inside Events) Current members
                                               Shop phone: 512-591-7853                     only
Contact: Marcia Ness,                          Shop hours: M-F, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30           The ZIE Committee closed out another
[email protected]                        p.m., Sat. 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.           successful year of parties with our Holiday
                                               Board Meeting: Wednesday, Feb. 17,           Gala on December 14. We held events in
Play days are every Tuesday, alternating       9 a.m., WS                                   March, June and October. All events are
between all three Sun City golf courses.       General Meeting: Thursday, Feb. 18,          made possible by the dedicated work of
Monthly meetings are held the first            9:30 a.m., WS                                ZIE volunteers. Look for announcements
Tuesday of every other month. Please           Contact: Jane Bonk, 443-986-4474 or          of future events in the 2016 Sun Rays, the
check the Sun Rays’ Golf section or visit our  [email protected]                        Zoomers newsletter or contact Dee Struble
website for dates, locations and monthly                                                    at [email protected].
WGA 18-Holers news. We welcome any             New members: All new members must            ZOE (Outside Events)
new or returning ladies interested in          pay through the Sun City Texas website       We are already into February and many
18 holes of fun, competitive golf! New         or at the Member Services Office. Please     of our excursions and trips are beginning
members must contact membership                bring your ticket to the shop to sign up     to fill up. Our website lists all the trips for
representative Paula Mockenhaupt at            for the orientation and safety class. We     which we still have space as well as the
[email protected] or 512-240-4273.            maintain a fully equipped woodshop with      volunteer who is coordinating the excur-
We’re looking forward to a successful 2015,    jointers, planers, table, band and miter     sion. Throughout the spring and summer
so please come join us.                        saws, routers, sanders, hand tools and       seasons we will continue to add local ex-
                                               clamps. We sell a variety of hardwoods       cursions, so be sure to check everything
Women Helping Others                           to our members.                              out when you get our emails.
                                                                                            Here’s wishing you and yours a very happy
Monday, Feb. 22, 11 a.m., SCB                  We are happy to give tours of our            Valentine’s day from all of our Zoomers
Contact: Nina Stancil, 512-868-1609            facility. Our members have use of our        Outside Events volunteers.
or [email protected]                            training classes and extensive library       Sports Activities
                                               for enhancing their skills. We conduct       Dates for Zoomers’ 2016 golf tournaments
WHO welcomes all residents. We are a           orientation classes twice a month and        are: March 6, April 3, May 1, June 5, Sept.
cohesive group with a passion for caring,      enhanced classes quarterly. Our shop         25, Oct. 16. Contact Dave Ritchey at dav-
sharing and serving the extended               is set up to accommodate all levels of       [email protected].
community. Our mission is to support           woodworking.                                 Membership
existing charitable organizations with                                                      Join or renew online or at the Member
time, donations and assistance while           Any member can participate in Toys           Services Office. Direct questions to Tom
fostering camaraderie, fellowship and          for Tots, making toys for children at        Greer at [email protected].
inclusion. And yes, men are welcome,           Christmas; we also make projects for
too. We meet the fourth Monday of the          Camp Discover and help kids fighting                                                    ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
month. The agenda includes a salad             cancer assemble them.
luncheon and a presentation from a
nonprofit organization, followed by our        We sell craft items at the woodshop and
business meeting. The members bring            at the Hill Country Arts & Craft Fair. We
the salads and make a $10 donation at          also do furniture repair.
each meeting. Annual dues are $10 and
may be paid online or at the monthly           Special Interest Group
meeting. Guests and prospective members
are welcome to join us. Just let us know       Woodcarvers: Beginners to experienced,
you are coming so that we may welcome          all are welcome. Contact Karl Fiedler at
you. Our speaker for February is Lindsey       512-818-4156 or karlandme@suddenlink.

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