Page 99 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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The Sundancers held their annual             welcome during non-club hours.                  located in the Community Association
Christmas Dinner and Dance on Dec.                                                           Building at 2 Texas Drive.
7. Each member of the club brought an        Table Tennis is a sport which can be
unwrapped stuffed animal, toy or game.       played at the beginner level (ping-pong)        Need more information? Call Dave Young,
These gifts were donated to the Blue         or at the Olympic level; playing exercises      president, 512-864-2778, davemarge.
Santa Program. The Sundancers also           both your brain and body and puts a smile       [email protected]. He’ll be happy to guide
rang the bells for the Salvation Army at     on your face! Table tennis is a low injury      you through the process of engaging in
the City Market on Dec. 12.                  activity which can be played by men and         tennis in Sun City Texas.
                                             women of all ages, including some no-
The Sundancers 19th Anniversary Dance        nagenarians. There is a ladies group, a         Visual Arts
was held on Monday, Jan. 18. Guest caller    men’s group, mixed play, and singles and
Scott Bennett of Lawton, Oklahoma            doubles. The club also offers members, at       General Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 23,
assisted Brad Caldwell with calling the      no additional cost, beginner and interme-       3-5 p.m., CCF/G
square dance. Jerry and Lucy Pate cued       diate clinics and use of a robot for practice.  Contact: Violet Nicklen, 850-543-7775
the rounds.                                  Check the website for events, meetings,         Studio Phone: 512-948-7661
                                             clinics, socials and photos! Yearly dues are
February dances will be held in the          $10 per person. We are a friendly group         Any resident of Sun City is encouraged to
ballroom. The club will, however, be dark    where everyone is supported and encour-         join the VAC and explore the possibilities
on Feb. 22.                                  aged. We invite you to become a member          of talent in the visual arts. The VAC
                                             of our club!                                    membership includes basic beginners as
Workshops will be Mainstream on Feb. 1,                                                      well as professional artists, many of whom
8 and 15. The Workshop on Feb. 29 will       Tennis Association                              share their talent by teaching classes in
be Plus Level.                                                                               our Studio. Opportunities within the club
                                             Gene Gonin, communications/                     include friendship, fellowship, classes,
Round Dance Schedule                         publicity director, 512-240-5096,               shows to display members’ work, displays
Lessons (phase 2 two-step): 3 to 4:30 p.m.   [email protected]                               of membership work around Sun City and
Dance (phase 2 waltz and two-step, phase                                                     in Georgetown, and several days a week
3 cha-cha and rumba): 4:30 to 5:15 p.m.      Tennis at Sun City is for all playing sched-    during which members may come to the
Teach and dance (phases 3 and 4 all          ules and all skill levels. Whether you’re       Studio and work together.
rhythms): 5:15 to 7:15 p.m.                  just restarting tennis or an active USTA
                                             player, join in and let’s play some tennis!     General meetings are held on the fourth
Dances will be held in the Atrium most                                                       Tuesday of the month. This month’s
of the Sundays in February.                  To reserve a court with your friends, come      business meeting will be followed
                                             to the ball draw at 5 p.m. two days in ad-      by a demo given by Marci Boone, an
Check out our website for pictures and       vance of your desired play date, or just        outstanding artist and teacher, who
video of club activities, plus the current   show up and play on any available court.        will prepare us for the class she will
schedule of dances, along with links to      For even more fun, join us and take part        be teaching March 2 through 4 using
area square dance information.               in some of our many other activities.           Aquaboard.

Table Tennis                                 Try Open Tennis, which features doubles         Classes are usually held on Wednesday,
                                             with no partners, no levels and a friendly      Thursday and Friday, leaving the Studio
Social/Open House                            coordinator to get you started. Play Monday     available for open painting on Mondays
Saturday, Feb. 6, 1 p.m., CCG, CCS           and Wednesday evenings or Friday morn-          and Tuesdays. On Saturdays the Studio
Contact: Sharon Tillisch,                    ings at times posted on the court schedule      is used by one of the SIGs, which include:
[email protected]                     on the bulletin board between Courts 2 and      Oriental Brush, Oil Painters, Water
Don’t miss the February 6 social/open        3. Just show up and have fun!                   Media and Alcohol Inks. Weeknight
house for the Sun City community, from 1                                                     SIGs include Zentangle and Professional
to 4 p.m. in the Georgetown/Salado Room.     Use the Tennis Game Finder. Locate other        Artists. The schedule for the SIGs and for
Very light refreshments will be served.      like-minded (similar skills, schedules, etc.)   classes can be located on the VAC website.
                                             tennis players. Sign up cards are on the
The Sun City Table Tennis Club plays at      bulletin board.                                 Members’ work can currently be seen
the Cowan Creek Amenity Center. Club                                                         at the Studio, the Social Center and at
days/hours are Friday through Monday, 8      Join the Sun City Texas Tennis Asso-            Cowan Creek Amenity Center. Other
a.m. to 7 p.m. Play on Tuesdays through      ciation (SCTTA) and participate in our          venues include The Legacy Grill, St.
Thursdays also is an option if the Salado    leagues (we offer Women’s, Men’s and            David’s Hospital, and Wildfire, to mention
room has not been scheduled for use by an-   Mixed doubles leagues), tournaments (we         only a few.
other group (check with the Cowan Creek      sponsor two weekend tournaments each
monitor or at the Sun City Community As-     year), tennis socials and various other         Dues: $15
sociation website). Balls and tables are in  activities.
the closet of the Salado room and paddles                                                        F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 SUNRAYS | 97
are in the cabinet. Please sign the log-in   Joining is simple. Go online at www.
book on the counter whenever you play. and buy a membership or go
Family and friends of CA members are         in person to the Member Services Office

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