Page 91 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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Bocce                                              Computer HELP CENTER                 Couples Golf Association
                                                           Computer Lab
Play: Monday through Saturday,                                Free WiFi                 Contact: President Charles Burleson,
8 a.m. and 1 p.m., BC                                                                   [email protected]
Contact: Russ Ruff, 512-639-1419 or                      Media Conversion
email: [email protected], or         Check out our website – it’s always cur-    This club was formed for the purpose of
visit the club’s website.                   rent.                                       promoting golf among Sun City Texas
                                                                                        couples who enjoy casual, competitive golf
New players and guests are always wel-      Corvette                                    in a friendly and welcoming environment.
come to play with us. During these winter                                               Playdays are every third Saturday,
months, members play at 1 p.m. Monday       Contact: Ken Tupacz, 512-925-0896,          rotating around the three Sun City Texas
through Saturday. Club members are          [email protected]                 courses. We have three social events
always ready to teach anyone interested                                                 planned for the upcoming season. Refer
in learning how to play the game.           The purpose of the club is to bring         to the website calendar for exact dates
                                            together automotive enthusiasts and         and locations.
Our club dues are only $12 for the year     lovers of the Chevrolet Corvette and offer
and bocce balls and yardsticks are avail-   opportunities to share common interests.    The CGA has players of all skill levels,
able in the small bin next to the club                                                  so you will always be improving your
shack for guests to use. We invite all      Membership is not limited to Corvette       game or helping others improve theirs.
Sun City residents to try the game and      owners, but to any Sun City resident with   Membership is only $15 a year per
then consider joining our club. You may     an interest in current and classic cars,    individual. Join today and let’s play!
join using the website or by    automotive history or the automotive
leaving a check made out to SCTXCA in       community.                                  See the Golf section of the Sun Rays for
the envelope in the shed at the courts.                                                 monthly CGA news.
                                            Joining is simple, go online to www.
High scorers for the month with 5-point, buy a $0 membership “ticket”   Creative Clay & China
frames were Sally Aveni, Paul Wiener        or send an email message to corvetteclub.
and Don Webb. Congratulations to each       [email protected]. Dues are $0 per year as     Studio hours: MWF 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.;
of these players.                           all of the club’s events and cruises are    TuTh 1-8 p.m.; SaSu 1-4 p.m.
                                            pay-as-you-go.                              Studio Telephone: 512-948-7664
Bocce Fact of the Month: A 5-point                                                      Contact: President Nan Massey,
frame can be achieved if all balls of one   Check the club’s website on www.sctexas.    512-863-8524.
team are closer than any of the opposing    org for news, events, photos and other      Looking for something creative to do?
team’s balls, each also being within 36     materials related to the club activities.   Come visit our studio, open every day
inches of the target (pallino) and one of                                               of the week. Member’s creations are dis-
the balls actually touching (kissing) the   Country Western Dance                       played in the windows of the club as well
pallino. The very rare six-point frame                                                  as on the website. Equipment, tools, glazes
would require that two balls be kissing     Friday, Feb. 19, 7 - 10 p.m., SCB           and clay are sold to members at cost. Dues
the pallino instead of only one.            Contact: Gini Carey, 512-868-3334;          are $12 a year.
                                            [email protected]
Computer                                    Larry Forson, 512-591-7070;                 The studio is located behind the Fabric
                                            [email protected]                      and Fiber Club. You can learn about ce-
Cyber Center Hours: MSa: 9 a.m. to                                                      ramics, handbuilding, wheel throwing,
noon; TuWThF: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.              Monthly dances provide traditional          and china painting. Monitors will take you
Contact: clubofficial@sctxcompclub.         country western dancing in the ballroom.    on a short tour and tell you about upcom-
org or 512-868-9780                         Dances will have recorded music or a live   ing classes and workshops.                        band. Ice and water are provided. Please
                                            bring your own beverages and snacks.        Ceramics: We buy greenware and pour
Join us! Annual dues are $8 for each                                                    our own. All is for sale in the studio.
member. You may register your mem-          Membership is $12 annually and covers
bership online at the website,  admission to monthly recorded dances;       Hand Building: We sell clay in 25lb.
or you may register in person at the CA     however, additional fees may be charged     bags. We have low or high fire clay, red
Member Services Office at 2 Texas Drive.    for special events. You can go online to    or white. All supplies are sold at cost to
                                            the Sun City website under Clubs &          members. When ready, objects are fired in
The Cyber Center is open Monday and         Interest Groups to pay dues or make your    one of five resident kilns. Beginner classes
Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon and on         check out to SCTXCA and bring it to the     and workshops are held frequently.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and            Member Services Office.
Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We offer:                                                  Wheel throwing: Six potter’s wheels are
                                            The February dance will feature the Glen    available and classes are held for begin-
          Informational Meetings            Collins Band. We will host the Terry        ning and experienced members.
             Weekly Newsletter              Taylor and Shiloh Band in March.
                                                                                        China Painting: Create your own design
          Special Interest Groups           Dance lessons are offered through the       on china and tiles. One room and kiln are
            Instructional Classes           Fitness Center.
                                                                                                      Continued on the next page
        Computer HELP FORUM
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