Page 92 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 92


Continued from the previous page              Dance & Drill                                you prefer an individual lesson, call Ben
                                                                                           Cardinal to make arrangements. If you
designated for painting china.                Contact: President Patricia Gee at           decide to attend a session, arrive about
                                              512-240-5955 or [email protected]          10 minutes early because all games start
Notice: Check the class book by the moni-                                                  on time.
tor’s desk to see if we have any new classes  Sun City Georgettes: Tuesdays, Texas         Friday nights feature Mexican Train
that you are interested in taking.            Drive Fitness Center, 3:15 p.m.; Beginners   Dominoes, Fast Track, and Mish Mash.
                                              on Wednesdays, Atrium, 9:30-10:30 a.m.;      Fast Track is a board game that is
Current Issues                                performance groups 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.     played with four to six players. Playing
                                              Contact Connie Stutters at 512-912-6489      cards are used to determine the possible
Friday, Feb. 26, Check-in 9:45 a.m.,          or [email protected]                        moves. Mish Mash is played similarly to
Program 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.,                                                             Rummikub, but regular playing cards are
Georgetown Room, CCAC                         Composed of a lively group of ladies who     used. Mish Mash can be played with two
Program topic: Check club website             love to dance and perform around the         to eight people. It is not a partner game so
for the topic                                 Georgetown and greater Austin area.          an odd number of players works just fine.
Contact: President, Larry Buxbaum                                                          Sundays		
(612) 237-8911 or PresidentSCCIC@             Happy Feet Cloggers: Beginner Classes:       2 p.m.	 Hand & Foot Canasta, GR 3                                     Fridays, 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.             Mondays		
                                                                                           7 p.m. 	 Hand & Foot Canasta, GR 3
Mission: The Current Issues Club              Intermediate and Advanced Classes:           Tuesdays		
provides a nonpartisan environment where      Fridays, 10:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.            9 a.m.	 Mah Jongg, GR 1 and 2
a respectful exchange of ideas among                                                       	 Lessons by appointment
members promotes discussion and a deeper      All classes are held in the ACA. New         1 p.m.	 Dominoes 42 and 84, GR 1/2
understanding of current issues.              members may join Clogging the first          7 p.m.	 Pinochle, GR 3
                                              two weeks of January. For information        7 p.m.	 Sheepshead GR 1/2
Topics: Suggestions for topics are            on classes, please contact Patricia Gee at   7 p.m.	 Pennies from Heaven Canasta
submitted to the Board from the SIG,          512-240-5955 or [email protected].         Wednesdays	
program evaluations and members’                                                           7 p.m.	 Liverpool Rummy, GR 3
emails. The Board presents four choices       Clogging is an excellent form of aerobic     7 p.m.	 Euchre, GR 1/2
at the program for membership vote at         exercise for both men and women.             7 p.m.	 Bid Euchre, GR1/2
the program. Topics cover international,      Students learn clogging steps in the form    Thursdays	
national, state and local issues.             of choreographed routines that assist with   1 p.m.	 Mah Jongg, GR 1/2
                                              reinforcing memory skills. No experience     7 p.m.	 Dominoes 42 and 84, GR 3
Research: Volunteers serve on the             necessary!                                   Fridays	
Research Committee and present                                                             7 p.m. 	 Mexican Train Dominoes,
background information on the club            Tap Dancing:                                 	 GR 1/2
website and at the monthly program.                                                        7 p.m. 	 Pegs and Jokers, GR 3
                                              Beginners/Review: Wednesdays, 1 p.m.         7 p.m. 	 Your choice, GR 3
Dues: 2016 dues are $6. Please pay on the                                                  Saturdays	
CA website ticket system.                     Intermediate: Wednesdays, 2 p.m.             9 a.m. 	 Cribbage, GR 1/2
                                                                                           1 p.m. 	 Dominoes 42 and 84, MR 3
Discussion SIG: Members only. Second          Advanced: Thursdays, 4 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 12, Walburg Room, CCAC.                                                                                                  ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
Members participate in less formal, small     All classes are held in the ACA. Contact
group discussions about topics affecting the  Marijean Schindler at 512-869-4857 or
world, nation, Texas, Georgetown and/or       [email protected]. Tapping
Sun City. Members start arriving at 9 and     is super exercise and fabulous fun for both
can stay until 11:30 a.m.                     men and women. No experience necessary!

Debate SIG: Members only. Members             2nd Chance Jazz Dance:
interested in forming a Debate SIG met
in January. Check the website to see if a     Thursdays, Men’s class, 1 p.m.; Beg./Int.
Debate SIG may be forming.                    class, 2 p.m.; Adv. class, 3 p.m., ACA.
                                              Contact Georgia Medler, georgiedave@
Courtesy: Participants are required to, 512-864-2131.
observe the adopted Courtesy Guidelines.
All points of view and political party        2nd Chance Jazz Dance offers the
affiliations are welcome.                     opportunity of fitness and fun as you
                                              learn dance steps. Students will learn
Guests: Guests may attend the program.        choreographed jazz routines.
If time allows, guests may participate
during the last 15 minutes. Join the club     Dominoes & Table Games
to participate in the discussions, attend
the SIG meetings and gain access to the       Contact: Ben Cardinal, 512-240-4179
club’s research.                              or [email protected]

90 | SUNRAYS FEBRUARY 2016                    Are you interested in learning one of the
                                              games listed below? Experienced players
                                              are available to help you learn! New
                                              players are welcome at all sessions. If
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