Page 94 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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Continued from the previous page                answered by the experienced gardeners         Shuffleboard SIG
                                                among our members, share plants, and                                      enjoy coffee and cookies.                     Sun City Texas has an active Shuffleboard
                                                                                              group; approximately 20 individuals
German: New students are welcome in             Membership                                    belong to the Shuffleboard SIG and 20
both beginner and intermediate classes.                                                       other residents also play at the two courts
Contact Ursula Pinner jupinner@gmail.           Dues for 2016 can be paid on the Sun City     (adjacent to Bocce Courts, and next to
com.                                            website or at the Member Services Office      Horseshoes and Washers). The courts are
                                                located in the Texas Drive Social Center.     open every day to residents. Although there
The Stammtisch for intermediate, ad-            Dues are $12 for both new and renewing        is no league play, members of the SIG and
vanced and native speakers of German            members. If you have a Sun City yard,         other residents gather at the courts at 1
takes place every Thursday from 4:30-           you qualify for membership.                   p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday to play
5:30 p.m.                                                                                     for one hour. Newcomers are welcome to
                                                Garden Tour                                   join us any time.
Hebrew: “Beginning Conversation-
al Hebrew,” contact Leon Hananel,               Work is already underway for the 2016         Horticulture/Sun City
[email protected]. “Judaic Stud-            Garden Tour, May 14-15. We are seeking        Organic Gardens
ies” will continue in February. If you are      seven beautiful yards that provide a variety
interested, please contact Stephen Sut-         of landscape styles and plenty of creative    Monday, Feb. 1, 1 p.m., CCF
ter, [email protected].                       ideas. We welcome recommendations. If         Nursery, Iris and Greenhouse: Open
                                                you know a good candidate, contact Lynn       Thursdays and Saturdays, 9-11 a.m.
Italian –Join us this February to study         Stude at [email protected].                   Contact: Randall Brown, president,
Italian and to learn more about the Ital-                                                     512-508-8015 or randy.brown@gmail.
ian culture. Contact Reeta Wadzeck at           Yard of the Month                             com
512 591-7199.
                                                Yard of the Month will return in February.    The Club will host an Open House for all
Russian – Beginning Russian will be                                                           Sun City residents on Saturday, Feb. 20
offered. Please email Nancy Grafton at          Hiking                                        from 2-4 p.m. at the Community Garden,
[email protected]. Also, if you                                                      located at 141 Sun City Blvd. near the
are interested in teaching an intermedi-        Email us at: [email protected]           softball field. We will give tours of the
ate level Russian language class, please                                                      entire Garden, including the herb garden,
contact Nancy.                                  The Hiking Club has nearly 100 hikes          nursery, orchard, and vineyard. We will
                                                planned in 2016 as well as four fun social    also explain how to rent one of our raised
Spanish: 102 and 104 will be offered in         events. We hike near - like the San Ga-       garden beds, each with its own faucet with
February. Read the class descriptions on        briel River Trail and the Lake Georgetown     water provided by our onsite water well.
our website.                                    Goodwater Loop, and far - like Colorado       We want to acquaint Sun City residents
                                                Bend State Park and Enchanted Rock            with our club, the Organic Gardens and
To enroll or inquire about these or 200,        State Natural Area. Our hikes can be          all we have to offer.
300, 400 level classes, and all levels of       relatively easy - about 4 miles on level
Practice and Review, contact Judy Har-          trails, or challenging - like 12 miles on     Mark your calendars for our Spring
ries, [email protected].                       rocky and hilly terrain, and everything in    Plant Sale on Saturday, March 19 from
                                                between. Our February schedule includes       9 a.m.-1 p.m. This sale is a major fund-
Spanish Happy Hour at the Movies,               hikes around Sun City, Granger Lake,          raiser for the club to raise money for our
Thursday afternoons. Read descrip-              and the famous Enchanted Rock. You can        operations. We will have a wide array of
tions online. Contact Cheryl Jagst,             learn all about our hikes by accessing the    annuals and perennials, Texas Native and
[email protected].                        calendar on the Hiking website. Be sure       adapted plants and shrubs, vegetables
                                                to log in as a resident before going to the   and herbs, as well as compost, mulch and
Destinos, the famous teaching telenove-         club website. Interested folks are welcome    compost tea.
la, will be offered in March. Contact Joe       to join us on an introductory hike before
Gomez, [email protected]                you join. See you on the trail!               Hunting & Fishing

Garden                                          Horseshoes & Washers                          Tuesday, February 2, 2 p.m., SCB
                                                                                              Contact: President Frank Sicola, 512-
Wednesday, Feb. 10, Social at                   Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 p.m.                 863-9808 or [email protected]
12:30 p.m., Meeting at 1 p.m. CCF/G             Horseshoe Courts                              Vice President Gary Massaglia, 512-363-
Contact: Carol Parsonage,                       Contact: Tom Minor, 512-863-9811              8619 or [email protected]
[email protected]                    Newly arrived homeowners have been
Meeting                                         joining our club, but we need more players.   Meeting: Our February meeting will
                                                Long-time residents are missing out on fun    feature a representative from Beaver
This month, Master Gardener JoAnne              and fellowship! Many of you have played       Creek Planation Resort in Georgia.
Dieterich will present a program on plant       horseshoes in parks and at family picnics,    Learn about everything this getaway
propagation. If you have ever wanted to         so what are you waiting for to join us? Our   has to offer, including Beaver Creek
create more of a favorite plant or hesitated    club maintains 10 well-kept courts, so come
to accept a cutting from a friend, this is the  on down!                                                                                 ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
how-to program for you. During the social
time you can get your gardening questions

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