Page 97 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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to Pickleball class. Give us a try and find   how. We even have a computer-controlled       a wide variety of destinations throughout
out why Pickleball has become the fastest     flight simulator if you don’t want to do      the year; they are listed on our website.
growing sport in America.                     the “live stuff.” We “fly it” at the weekly   We meet once a month except June, July
                                              meetings. Monthly we fly rotor craft,         and August when many of our members
Poker                                         small airplanes and run cars/off-road         are traveling. Interested residents can
                                              vehicles in the Social Center Ballroom        find membership and other information
Contact: Alan Bourdo, 512-943-0430;           and do other “fun stuff” at Berry Creek       on the club website or from contacting
[email protected]                      Pond. We have recently opened an              Mike Moody.
                                              off-road dirt track for cars and trucks just
If you like to play Texas Hold’em or          off the parking lot at Berry Creek Pond.      Self-Defense
Omaha High / Low, come and join other         Come and enjoy the fun.
Sun City resident players and have a                                                        Contact: Jackie @ [email protected]
great time. Players come and go at their      February schedule:                            or Ed @ [email protected] or Roger
leisure throughout the days of play.                                                        @ [email protected] for questions
                                              Sunday, February 7, SCB:                      regarding Club membership and class
All of the events listed take place in the    10 a.m. 	Rotor Craft                          schedules.
Activities Center located at 1 Texas Drive.   noon 	 Cars/Trucks
All Sun City residents are welcome to         2 p.m. 	 Fixed Winged Aircraft                The Self Defense Club’s primary goal is
join the club. Dues for 2016 are $10 per                                                    to help our members develop awareness
resident and that allows each member to       Sunday, February 28:                          of possible dangerous situations, how to
participate in as many of the games as        1 p.m. 	 Boating, Berry Creek Pond            avoid them and how to escape or to defend
he/she desires.                                                                             themselves if attacked. You will be taught
                                              Tuesdays and Saturdays:                       easy to learn self-protection techniques
Texas Hold’em No Limit Tournament             10 a.m. 	Sailing, Berry Creek Pond            that are very effective with a little training
                                                                                            and practice. No fighting, no martial arts.
The Poker Club will hold a $10 buy-in Texas   We fly small electric airplanes on the golf
Hold’em No Limit tournament on Tuesday,       driving range that is closed on Mondays.       • Club instructors are Sun City residents
Feb. 9. The tournament will consist of no     We fly every evening at the White Wing           with martial arts or other self-defense
more than four tables with a maximum of       driving range 30 minutes after the               training.
40 players. A sign-up sheet is posted on the  golf shop is closed. For a membership
bulletin board in Game Room 3. You must       application, log on to         • Classes are held at the Cowan Creek
place your name on the sign-up sheet to       and find our club listed under Chartered         Amenity Center.
reserve a seat for the tournament.            Clubs. Memberships can be had at any
                                              of our weekly meetings at 7:30 a.m. in         • Self-protection techniques are senior ori-
Texas Hold’em Schedule of Events              the CCF.                                         ented, easy to learn, remember and use.

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,            RV                                             • The techniques taught are tailored to
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., GR3                                                                    accommodate the physical limitations
                                              Tuesday, Feb. 16, 5 p.m.,                        of each individual.
Omaha High/Low Schedule of Events             Mel’s Lone Star Lanes
                                              Contact: Mike Moody, 512-864-7873              • Training is non-combative with no sig-
Mondays and Thursdays,                        or [email protected] or                  nificant physical contact.
5 to 9:30 p.m., MR 4
                                              Come join the Mardi Gras celebration           • A portion of each class is devoted to
Saturdays, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., MR 3/4         on Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 5 p.m. at Mel’s           practice with a partner to improve your
                                              Lone Star Lanes. The Cajun dinner will           self-protection techniques.
Are you interested in learning how            include boudin-stuffed pork loin, chicken
to play Texas Hold’em? If so, express         in bourbon sauce and dirty rice. We will       • The $10 membership dues and the self-
your interest by an email message to          have beads for all as well as Cajun music        defense class training fees are used to
[email protected].                     and good companionship.                          purchase practice equipment.
                                              Trips planned for 2016 include a week
Radio Control Modelers                        in the Rio Grande Valley in March.             • Training will be offered in 2016 for
                                              Information about this trip is available         members wanting to learn how to use
Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m., CCF                      on our website.                                  a cane for self-protection and for those
Contact: Ted Kennedy, President,              The RV club brings together those                wanting to learn more advanced self-
[email protected]                            residents of our active lifestyle                protection techniques.
512-863-8978                                  community who also enjoy the RV
                                              lifestyle. The result is a great combination  Classes are offered for Sun City residents
Newly retired or new to Sun City?             for friendships, travel and adventure.        who are members of the Georgetown Par-
Looking for a fun hobby that you never        We currently number nearly 100 rigs of        kinson’s Disease Support Group.
had time to pursue? Welcome to the RC         virtually every style and configuration.
Modelers. We build them and we run            Our members organize group RV trips to        2016 scheduled classes will be on Wednes-
them: airplanes, sailboats, helicopters,                                                    day from 10 to 11 a.m. and 11 a.m. to noon
quads, powerboats, cars, and off-roaders.                                                   at the Cowan Creek Amenity Center.
Come and learn how to do it with a group                                                    Training fees will be determined by the
just like you. Lots of members, men and                                                     type and duration of the classes offered.
women, new to the hobby along with
some seasoned hobbyists will show you                                                          F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 SUNRAYS | 95

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