Page 95 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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lodge, fishing opportunities and quail      each month in the Atrium. Coffee is               Thursdays – CCFG
and pheasant hunts.                         served at 10:30, the meeting begins at
                                            11 a.m. Investment SIGs meet the second           Experienced - Transition/Intermediate:
Membership: Annual dues are $12 per         and third Thursdays of each month from            9 a.m.
person; sign up and pay online through      1-3 p.m. in Meeting Rooms 3 and 4 of the or at the Member Ser-       Activities Center. The club’s discussions         Intermediate - Advanced: 10 a.m.
vices Office. Contact John Pettitt, mem-    will focus on Introduction to Investing,
bership director, at 512-943-0618.          Advanced Investment Strategies and                Sundays – (first, third, fifth) CCFG
                                            other financial topics. Please consult the
Fishing: Check out the club website for     Investment Education Club website for             Ultra Beginner: 1 p.m. (First Sunday
a list of planned fishing activities. Con-  specific topics and dates.                        only)
tact Jim Grier, fishing director, at 512-
869-2627 or [email protected].                Karaoke                                           Beginner: 1:30 p.m.

Hunting: Leases and day hunts are           Wednesdays at Cowan Creek                         Transition: 2:30 p.m.
available for dove and deer. High fence     Amenity Center, 6 to 9:30 p.m.
game preserve hunting and hog hunting       Contact: Jim Hastings, president,                 Please visit the club’s website for dance
are available year round. Contact Ber-      512-868-5869 or jameshastings2@                   schedules, step sheets, instructional vid-
nie Long, hunting director, at 512-943-                                         eos and other pertinent information.
0241 or [email protected].
                                            Are you ready for your 15 minutes of…             Pattern/Partner Dance: Contact SIG
Sport shooting: Club members orga-          something? Club Karaoke will surely be            Director Betty Wyer at 512-869-8442
nize events and outings at a local shoot-   playing your song. You can have a great           or [email protected]. Members
ing range. Skeet and trap shooting:         time singing or just listening to the music       meet in the Atrium from 6-8 p.m. on the
Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. Pistol shooting        and going out on the dance floor.                 first, third and fifth Thursdays of each
at a variety of targets in several scenar-                                                    month. All Line Dancers Club members
ios: first Fridays, 9 a.m. Pistol target    We host fun Karaoke events every week,            are welcome to participate in the Pattern
shooting: first and third Wednesdays.       generally on Wednesdays from 6-9:30 p.m.          Dance sessions. Pattern dancing is done
Contact Bernie Long, director of hunt-      The schedule for February is as follows:          by couples, but is not limited to male and
ing. Rifle target shooting: fourth                                                            female partners. It utilizes many of the
Wednesdays; meet at the Cowan Creek         Wednesday, Feb. 3...........6 p.m.............CC  same steps employed in line dancing.
Pavilion at 9:30 a.m. Contact Andy At-
taway, [email protected].                Wednesday, Feb. 10.........6 p.m.............CC   Mah Jongg

Black Powder Shooting: Contact              Wednesday, Feb. 17.........6 p.m..........ACA     Wednesday and Saturday, 12:30 p.m.
Larry Maltz, 512-869-7003 or pattilm@                                                         Thursday, 6:30 p.m. AC, GR 1/2/3                                Wednesday, Feb. 24.........6 p.m.............CC   Contact: President Anna Freas,
                                                                                              [email protected]
Fly fishing: Contact Bill Smith, 512-       Feel free to BYOB and snacks.                     Vice President Sharon Kyslowsky,
591-7016 or [email protected].                                                         [email protected]
                                            Membership is open to all Sun City
Archery: Contact Bernie Long, 512-          residents and the yearly dues are $12.            Come one, come all and join us in a game
547-3056 or [email protected].          Visit our club online at:        of Mah Jongg. The Sun City Texas Mah
                                                                                              Jongg Club welcomes players of all skill
Kayaking: Contact John Digits, 512-         Line Dance                                        levels. For those who want to learn the
869-4164 or [email protected].                                                          game, we have a great teacher, and
                                            Wednesdays, Thursdays and                         our group consists of both social and
Investment Education                        Sundays; times vary                               tournament players. We have several
                                            Contact: June Mueller, 512-591-7618 or            tournaments and lunches throughout
Contact: Art Gibson, 512-943-0173, or       [email protected]                            the year. Give us a try!
[email protected]
Membership: The club educates on            Do you like to dance? Various dance styles        Men’s Golf Association
investment/financial topics. Everyone is    are incorporated into “lines” and danced
welcome to attend our general meetings.     to a variety of musical genres. And you           email: [email protected]
Dues are still only $5 annually so if you   don’t need a partner! Come join us.               Contact: President Steve Ritzwoller,
have not joined, please sign up now.                                                          [email protected]
                                            Residents are welcome to attend three             The purpose of this association
Club Website: Visit the club website        times before joining. Dues are just $14 for       is to promote good fellowship and
for more details about our monthly          the year. Five socials with special themes        sportsmanship among its members while
speakers, Special Interest Group (SIG)      are held annually in the ballroom. The            playing golf. Weekly tournaments are
events, calendars, contests, Sweet 16 and   first social of the year will be on Thurs-        held each Wednesday. You do not need
Selected Favorites.                         day, February 4, in the ballroom.                 great golfing skills to become a member
                                                                                              or to participate in any sponsored golfing
Meetings/Investment Special                 Wednesdays – SCB (unless otherwise                event.
Interest Groups (SIGs): General             notified)
meetings are held the first Tuesday of                                                        See the Golf section of the Sun Rays for
                                            Beginner: 12:45 to 1:35 p.m.	                     monthly MGA news.
                                            Transition: 1:40 to 2:25 p.m.                         F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 SUNRAYS | 93

                                            Intermediate: 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.
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