Page 89 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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Look what our                              the Guild conducts a business meeting at      CHARTERED CLUBS
  Chartered Clubs are                        3 p.m. in the Social Center Ballroom. On
  offering to the whole                      the third Monday, we meet at the same         CHARTERED CLUBS INDEX
  community this month!                      time and place to enjoy and have fun with
                                             various activities. Come to any meeting       Actors & Theatre Arts Guild............87
  GARDEN: Wednesday, Feb. 10, 1              and check us out. Membership is only $12      Alt. Healing & Wellness................. 87
  p.m., CCF/G. Learn how to create           per year.                                     Amateur Radio Society................... 88
  more, more, more plants as Master                                                        Aviation............................................ 88
  Gardener JoAnne Dieterich presents         Mad Hatters is AcTAG’s outreach to the        Ballroom Dance............................... 88
  a program on plant propagation.            community. Two troupes of six to eight        Billiards............................................ 88
                                             members, each wearing many colorful           Bocce................................................. 89
  NATURE: Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2:30             hats, visit schools, pre-schools and          Computer......................................... 89
  p.m., SCB. Board Certified Master          Alzheimer’s groups to teach and entertain     Corvette............................................ 89
  Arborist Matt Tobola discusses how         them with animated fairy tales.               Country Western Dancing............. 89
  to select new or replacement trees                                                       Couples Golf..................................... 89
  and large shrubs.                          Alternative Healing &                         Creative Clay & China................... 89
                                             Wellness                                      Current Issues................................. 90
  THIRD FRIDAY INTERNATIONAL:                                                              Dance & Drill................................... 90
  Friday, Feb. 19, 1 p.m., ACA. Ursula       Friday, Feb. 5, 1 p.m., ACA                   Dominoes & Table Games.............. 90
  Pinner takes us on a virtual tour of       Contact: Doug Willoughby,                     Duplicate Bridge............................. 91
  Thailand, the Golden Kingdom.              512-819-0133 or [email protected]           Eagle Boosters................................. 91
                                                                                           Fabric & Fiber................................. 91
Actors & Theatre Arts Guild                  Our February speaker will be Larry            Foreign Language........................... 91
                                             Fowler, who will discuss electromagnetic      Garden.............................................. 92
Business Meeting: Monday, Feb. 1,            waves, how they are generated, how they       Hiking............................................... 92
3 p.m., CCF/G                                impact our health and how that impact         Horseshoes & Washers................... 92
Third Monday: Feb. 15, 3 p.m., SCB           can be lessened or even eliminated.           Horticulture..................................... 92
Board Meeting: Monday, Feb. 29,                                                            Hunting & Fishing.......................... 92
3-5:30 p.m., CCAN                            The Wise Women Group meet each                Investment Education.................... 93
Contact: Donna Sandercock                    Wednesday at 10 a.m. at 103 Montley           Karaoke............................................ 93
512-240-4530, [email protected]               Trail to discuss their spiritual journey.     Line Dance....................................... 93
The Actors and Theatre Arts Guild is a       For more information on this group and        Mah Jongg....................................... 93
chartered club and includes more than        Spirituality Anonymous, call Mary Pat         MGA................................................. 93
200 talented, fun-loving people who love     Morris at 512-869-8761.                       Nature.............................................. 94
the smell of greasepaint and the roar of                                                   Oldies But Goodies Dance.............. 94
the crowd.                                   The Spirituality Anonymous Group              Pet..................................................... 94
                                             will meet Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. at the Cowan      Photography.................................... 94
Each year, the club produces three main-     Creek Salado Room. They discuss various       Pickleball.......................................... 94
stage plays plus an annual Follies in the    topics related to contemporary questions      Poker................................................ 95
ballroom. In addition, the club produces     about spirituality; how it affects our life,  Radio Control Modelers.................. 95
two smaller-venue plays in the Atrium.       our attitude, our purpose, even our health.   RV..................................................... 95
Actors, directors, singers and dancers are                                                 Self Defense..................................... 95
not the only people important to the group.  The Qigong Exercise Group will help           Singers............................................. 96
Those who labor at backstage, off-stage      you start off your day with enhanced          Social Bridge.................................... 96
and non-stage assignments are equally        energy. It meets each Monday in February      Softball (Coed Sr. Slo-Pitch).............96
important. Set designers, set builders,      at 7 a.m. and Wednesday and Friday            Solos.................................................. 96
costume designers, seamstresses, make up     mornings at 8 a.m. in the Atrium.             Stained Glass................................... 96
experts, lighting and sound technicians,                                                   Sundancers...................................... 96
advertising and marketing creators and       The Health Seekers Group meets on             Table Tennis.................................... 97
illustrators, and those who create, acquire  Tuesday, Feb. 2 at 2 p.m. in AC Meeting       Tennis Association.......................... 97
and move props and set decoration are        Room 1. The meeting is an open discussion     Visual Arts....................................... 97
all mandatory for successful productions.    to share health-related experiences and       WGA 9-Hole..................................... 98
                                             knowledge that will benefit members           WGA 18-Hole................................... 98
The Guild meets twice a month, on the first  in their journey seeking healing and          Women Helping Others.................. 98
and third Mondays. On the first Monday,      wellness.                                     Woodworkers................................... 98
                                                                                           Zoomers............................................ 98
                                             The Nutrition Group will meet on
                                             Wednesday, February 10 at 2 p.m. in AC        F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 SUNRAYS | 87

                                                           Continued on the next page

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