Page 87 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 87


A round Georgetown is used to help nonprofit organizations in the
         Georgetown area promote charitable events and fundraisers and
         to publish volunteer opportunities. We do not publicize monthly
meetings. All information must be received by the first of the month prior
to the month in which the article will appear. Contact Nancy Snow, Editor, at
[email protected]. (Note: type “Around Georgetown” in the subject line
for your information to be considered.)

The following special events are taking place in February and March.

 GEORGETOWN PALACE THEATRE                  list of documents needed is at       TURKEY ON THE ROOF BY BARBARA LUNA
                 “XANADU”                   money/taxes/info-01-2011/important-tax-
                                            documents.html                              contacting Marcy Lowe at 512-868-8974.
Georgetown Palace Theatre presents                                                       GEORGETOWN PALACE THEATRE
“Xanadu” through Sunday, Feb. 14. This             BINGO IN THE BALLROOM                           “DISNEY’S TARZAN”
Tony Award-nominated musical comedy
about following your dreams rolls along     The first 2016 Knights of Columbus          Georgetown Palace Theatre presents
to the original hit score composed by       Council 12522 bingo sessions will be        “Disney’s Tarzan” Friday, Feb. 26 –
pop-rock legends Jeff Lynne and John        held on Feb. 14 and 28 in the Social        Sunday, March 27. Based on Disney’s
Farrar. Based on the Universal Pictures’    Center Ballroom. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.    epic animated musical adventure and
film starring Olivia Newton-John and        Games begin at 6 p.m. Cash prizes will be   Edgar Rice Burrough’s “Tarzan of the
Gene Kelly, “Xanadu” is hilarity on wheels  awarded. All proceeds are used to support   Apes,” “Disney’s Tarzan” features heart-
for adults, children and anyone who has     various charitable activities. Please, no   pumping music by rock legend Phil
ever wanted to feel inspired. Fridays and   children under age seven. For information,  Collins. High-flying excitement and
Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.; Sundays at 2 p.m.   contact Frank Luccia at franknleona@        hits like the Academy Award-winning
Tickets: General: $28; Senior (55+): $26; or 512-864-0796.                  “You’ll Be in My Heart” and “Son of Man”
Children: $11                                                                           make “Disney’s Tarzan” an unforgettable
                                            GEORGETOWN SYMPHONY SOCIETY                 theatrical experience. Fridays and
       EASTVIEW HIGH SCHOOL                 The Georgetown Symphony Society             Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2
          MULCH FUNDRAISER                  presents the Round Rock Symphony’s          p.m. Tickets: General: $28; Senior (55+):
                                            Valentine Concert featuring soprano         $26; Children: $11.
Support the East View High School           Chan Yang Lim on Sunday, February
Patriot Band by purchasing bags             14 at 4 p.m. at the Klett Center for the         FORD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
of organic Texas hardwood mulch!            Performing Arts. Tickets (Adults $30,
Purchase five or more bags of brown or      $25; Students $5) are available at the      Sun City volunteers Tony and Pat Locke
black mulch for delivery to your door       Member Services Office or at the door the   will soon be retiring as volunteers at Ford
on Saturday, March 5. Bags are $6           afternoon of the concert. For information,  Elementary School and replacement
each. Each bag contains 2 cubic feet of     visit or call (512) 864-9591.     volunteers are needed to do cutting,
mulch. Discount for pallet orders! Order                                                laminating, copying, stapling, etc. for
online at through              FRIENDS OF THE GEORGETOWN                 teachers. Training provided. For more
February 29. For more information,                       PUBLIC LIBRARY                 information, please contact Tony or
contact Angela Gaston by phone at 512-                                                  Pat at 512-819-9524 or email tonypat@
277-3847 (512-277-EVHS) or by email at        HILL COUNTRY AUTHORS SERIES     
[email protected].
                                            Join the Friends of the Georgetown Public   If your organization has volunteer
AARP FREE TAX SERVICE PROVIDED              Library on Monday, Feb. 22 at 2 p.m. for    or charitable opportunities, contact
                                            the Hill Country Authors Series featuring   Nancy Snow at the email above.
The AARP Tax-Aide Foundation is again       Fort Worth journalist Julia Heaberlin.
providing free tax service in Sun City.     She will speak about “My Path into the          F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 SUNRAYS | 85
                                            Publishing Jungle.”
Assistance is available every Friday
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. through April 15      Heaberlin is well known for suspenseful
at Cowan Creek Amenity Center.              murder mysteries set in Texas. Amazon
                                            named her most recent book, “Black-Eyed
In addition to bringing all necessary       Susans,” the “Best Thriller of the Month!”
financial documents needed to complete
your 2015 tax return, bring your 2014       The Georgetown Public Library is located
tax return and the required photo I.D.,     at 402 W. 8th Street in Georgetown.
Social Security cards for yourself and all  Tickets for the event are $15 in advance
dependents and a checkbook if you want      or $18 at the door and may be purchased
to direct deposit any refund. A complete    at the Second-Hand Prose bookstore at
                                            the library, from the Wow!mobile, or by

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