Page 88 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 88

Two by two:
Couples Golf

By Mike Gullickson

Couples Golf Club members gather to play golf on Saturdays and also enjoy an
occasional picnic lunch.

Do you want to play Divorce Court?            - time to polish your clubs!
      Many of us have played, and it’s not
really fun. I remember how my 32nd wife       Couples Golf began in late 2013, but it
(who was also my 7th and 24th) finally        already has 288 members. They play
decided that divorce was too painful and      on Saturdays, usually at 1 p.m. but
we would simply acquire an unmarriage         occasionally at 8 a.m. as well (presuming
license for $42. …but enough about me.        the deer, turkeys and coyotes are off the
Divorce Court is one of the formats of        course by then). It’s $5 per play, and dues
Couples Golf, and, unlike real divorce        are $15 per year. Couples Golf also hosts
court, this one sounds like it might          luncheons and a watermelon event in the
actually be fun. Two other formats are        summer. The main emphasis of the group
The Lone Ranger and Step Aside (sounds        is fun and socialization – sort of sounds
similar to Divorce Court). Couples Golf (as   like the main emphasis of Sun City Texas!
the name implies) involves golfing pairs,     But hey, didn’t we earn it? All the work,
including man + woman, man + man and          all the sacrifice, all those marriages. Yep,
woman + woman.                                it’s time for fun. If you would like more
                                              information, email Charles Burleson at
Because Couples Golf is a chartered club,     [email protected] or phone him at
it is open to all Sun City residents. If you  512-694-1020. Why not look into this? You
do not have a current partner, they will      might just find your perfect match.
find one for you, so there goes your excuse
                                                                                            ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
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