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Hill Country Bible Church -                 Creek Amenity Center, Florence &            The Worship Place
Sun City                                    Georgetown Rooms at 7:30 p.m. In ad-
                                            dition, services are held on the High       An Interdenominational church located                              Holidays. Throughout the year many          at 811 Sun City Boulevard. Believers in
Sundays, 8:30 a.m., CCAC                    other religious, social, and community      Jesus Christ grow in faith, nurture and
Contact: Senior Adults Pastor               activities are offered.                     care for each other and reach out to the
Dennis Keller, 512-496-8934 or                                                          community and the world. Saturday ser-
[email protected]                          Light of Christ Anglican                    vice at 5 p.m.: Blended worship - a mix
                                            Church                                      of traditional hymns and contemporary
Hill Country Bible Church has been in                                                   praise songs. Sunday services, 8:15 a.m.:
Georgetown for over 18 years and now has    Weekly Bible studies are offered each       Vintage worship - traditional hymns and
an additional campus right in Sun City      week on Monday or Thursday at the           old-time favorites. 9:15 a.m. and 11 a.m.:
Texas for your convenience. There are sev-  homes of Sun City residents. No previ-      Traditional worship. For Bible study
eral small groups that meet weekly in Sun   ous knowledge is required or expected       and ministry information, visit www.
City Texas, as well. For more information,  as we explore together the Old and New, call 512-869-1310 or
please visit our website or contact us.     Testaments in small sections. We meet       email [email protected].
                                            from 7 to 9 p.m. with time for study, fel-
Jewish Congregation                         lowship and refreshments. Sunday wor-
Havurah Shalom                              ship is held at City Lights Theater at 10
                                            a.m. For information, contact Steve Pope,                               512-591-7183 or [email protected].
2nd and 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m.
Contact: Linda Schaffer, President,
512-591-7000, [email protected] or
[email protected]

Congregation Havurah Shalom of Sun
City holds services on the 2nd and 4th
Friday of every month at the Cowan

                                                  CORVETTE CLUB QUARTERLY BREAKFAST
The Sun City Corvette Club cruised to Putters Cafe for the Club’s quarterly breakfast social on December 10 where they
had a fine time together enjoying good fellowship and food. See the club microsite on for more pictures.

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