Page 129 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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political                                   club dedicated to promoting the enjoyment     Sun City Texas Rotary
                                            of classic, antique and special-interest
Sun City Democrats                          vehicles.                                     Tuesdays, noon, location varies
                                                                                          Contact: JJ, 816-405-9557,
Saturday, Feb. 20, CCF/G                    GTACC awards the “Bob Olofson Memo-           [email protected]
Coffee: 9:30 a.m.; Meeting: 10 a.m.         rial Scholarship” to graduating George-                         town and East View High School seniors        We will hold a Mardi Gras celebration the
Contact: Dwaine Boydstun, President         who have successfully completed the Au-       evening of Monday, Feb. 8. Masks are en-
512-431-4412 or dwaine.boydstun@            tomotive Technology Program and have          couraged. See a Rotarian for details.                                   committed to continuing their formal          Raffle tickets for our annual spring golf
                                            education.                                    cart or gift card giveaway are now on sale.
Hear the latest about the platforms of                                                    Please “like” our facebook page for up-to-
Bernie and Hillary at our forum from        Kiwanis Club of Sun City                      date information and visit with a member
spokespersons for each of these candi-                                                    to get involved today.
dates. On what issues do they agree and     Tuesdays, 10 a.m., Location varies
on which issues do they differ? Which       Contact: Bill White, 512-868-9499             spiritual
candidate makes the best case against       Join your friends and neighbors each
the Republicans? Which candidate best       Tuesday to hear speakers of interest.         Catholic Rosary/Dinner
represents the issues that are important    Everyone is welcome.
to you? There will be time for questions                                                  A group of Sun City Catholics meets
from the audience. Mike Clark, Candi-       Feb. 2                                        once a month in each others’ homes. Pot-
date for US Congress, District 31, will     Scott Linebrink, former major league          luck dinner is followed by the Rosary
be moderator for the forum.                 pitcher, will talk about Water Missions       and fellowship. There are currently two
                                            International, bringing safe water to im-     groups involved. All Catholics – couples
Republican Club of                          poverished countries.                         or singles – are welcome. Contact Mona
Sun City                                                                                  O’Brien at 512-863-4867 or
                                            Feb. 9                                                                Sun City mystery writer Sid Frost will dis-
Thursday, Feb. 4, CCAC                      cuss his latest book “Murder in Sun City.”    Celebration Church
Primary Candidates Panel
Social: 6 p.m. No dinner - wine and         Feb. 16                                       One of the best ways to connect with oth-
appetizers served                           Joshua Barnett, co-owner of Lyft-Aerial,      ers is joining a small group and Celebra-
6:30 p.m., Panel begins                     will talk about drones and their uses in      tion Church has small groups in Sun
Contact: Bill Harron, 512-864-0965 or       business.                                     City. Through these groups there is fel-
[email protected]                                                                           lowship, life issues discussions and Bible
                                            Feb. 23                                       study for married and singles. Contact
The program will be a forum featuring       Jim Briggs, general manager of George-        Charles and Jan Sikes at 512-422-1917
candidates who are running for election     town Utilities, will discuss wind power.      for more information.
to various local and statewide offices in
the March 1 Primary. Panel discussions      Sun City Shriners                             Christian Science
will be held in the Florence/Georgetown
Rooms and Jarrell/Walburg Rooms.   > Clubs & Groups > Interest       If you would like to know more about
                                            Groups > Shriners Club                        the healing power of the Christ, you are
Dues for 2016 are $15 per person. A check   Tuesday, Feb. 16, 5:30 p.m.,                  lovingly invited to attend Christian Sci-
payable to “The Republican Club of Sun      Berry Creek Country Club                      ence worship services held each Sunday
City” may be mailed to The Republican       Contact: Jack Neal, 512-864-0237              at 10 a.m. at the Cowan Creek Amenity
Club of Sun City, 1530 Sun City Blvd.,                                                    Center. Testimony meetings are held
Suite 120, Box 227, Georgetown, TX,         Thanks to those Sun City residents who        the third Wednesday of each month at 3
78633.                                      made the holiday lighting project a success   p.m., also at the Cowen Creek Amenity
                                            and to Suddenlink for their help with the     Center. For more information, email
service organizations                       Welcome Station.                              [email protected] or call 512-
Classic Car Owners                          In Texas, we are privileged to help sup-
                                            port two of the 22 Shriners Hospitals for       F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 SUNRAYS | 127                               Children. The Houston hospital provides
First Saturdays 8 a.m. at Smokey            treatment for orthopedic and spinal cord
Moe’s BBQ at Wolf Ranch                     injuries, birth defects, and corrective sur-
Contact Kent Didriksen at                   gery for cleft lip and palate.
512-863-9206 or [email protected]
                                            Galveston receives burn patients and pro-
Georgetown Area Car Club (GTACC) is a       vides initial treatment, follow-up recon-
non-profit 501(c)(7) social and recreation  struction, and physical therapy.

ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG                         To learn more about us, please visit
                                   or www.
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