Page 128 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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New York                                     Contact Jerri Matthews at 512-868-9502           Sun City Live!
                                             or [email protected].
Yo, New Yorkers! Do you love the Big                                                          Contact Cathy Francis, president, at
Apple? Did you leave your heart in the       Psychology                                       [email protected]
Empire State? Do you miss the New York
accents you grew up with? If you are in-     Anyone who would like to participate in          This is a new performing group which is
terested in meeting others who feel the      an interest group in psychology (psycholo-       showcasing new talent in Sun City. They
same, let’s get together! We meet four to    gists, social workers, counselors, psychia-      just produced a successful holiday show
six times a year at various venues, and      trists), contact Don Pool at 512-864-7595        entitled “You Better Watch Out” to a sell-
we are planning some fun events for 2015.    or [email protected].                           out audience. The group hopes to create
For more information or to add yourself                                                       two shows a year. Do you have a special
to our email list, contact Tom Olsen at      Runners/Joggers                                  talent? Get involved and show it off! Email
512-639-2085 or tolsen53@suddenlink.                                                          Cathy for more information.
net. We look forward to meeting you.         We meet at 7 a.m. on Tuesdays, Thurs-
                                             days and Saturdays in front of the Texas         Tai Chi & Chi Kung
Nurses                                       Drive Fitness Center; all are invited to
                                             join. Contact Dee Simmons at 512-688-            Meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m.
Lunch and Learn                              1286 or [email protected]. If it           at the LHPP for a gathering of Tai Chi and
Friday, March 4, 11:30 a.m.                  is too early for you to run, join us for coffee  Chi Kung practitioners to exercise and
The Worship Place                            at the City Market on Tuesdays at 8 a.m.         have fun. Open to all. Contact Don Mulvey
                                                                                              at 512-917-3236 or [email protected].
Sun City nurse practitioner Misty Porter     Sky Girls
will speak on her upcoming Faith in Prac-                                                     Texas Tech
tice medical mission trip to Guatemala.      We are a group of retired stewardesses
Learn about her volunteer role on a medi-    (better known today as flight attendants)        Guns up, Texas Tech Red Raiders!
cal team which treats the sick and refers    who meet monthly in the home of one of           Time to celebrate another great year of
patients for life-changing surgeries. All    our members. Our meetings are held the           Red Raider sports. Contact Dr. Robert
Sun City nurses are invited. Bring your      first Thursday of each month at 10 a.m.          (Bob) Pinder at 512-864-0860 or pinrob@
brown bag lunch; drinks and cookies pro-     We are strictly social, and have discovered
vided. Contact: [email protected].      we have endless experiences to share and
                                             compare! Call Debby Dooher at 512-869-           Viva El Paso!
Ohio                                         7459 or Pam Meyners at 512-868-5575
                                                                                              If you’ve ever lived or want to reconnect
Our January Chili Cook-off was a cheer-      SAR - Alexander Hamilton                         with the original Sun City, its rich west
ful, fun evening! Next social is a Mem-      Chapter                                          Texas culture, the Franklin Mountains
bers’ Happy Hour on Monday, Feb. 22, 4–7                                                      or the desert southwest, you must join
p.m., Longhorn Steakhouse. Interested in     The Alexander Hamilton Chapter of Sons           VIVA EL PASO! Exchange memories
joining the Ohio Club? 2016 dues are $8/     of the American Revolution will meet on          from Texas Western/UTEP, Ft. Bliss
pp (pays CA rooms/supplies). No charge       Saturday, Feb. 20, at the Austin Women’s         and, of course, Ciudad Juarez. Many of
for Club members for quarterly events;       Club for a President’s Day luncheon. Our         the people who made El Paso great live
guests pay $5/pp/event. Members only for     speaker will be Bill Federer, nationally         right here in Sun City Texas. Join us for
Lunch/Happy Hour socials. Mail/drop-         known author, historian and lecturer who         our bi-monthly Saturday dinners. Contact
off check, payable to Ohio Club, to Peggy    will present “An American Minute,” based         Yolanda, [email protected], or
Springer, 121 Double Fire Trail, 78633.      on his popular YouTube and television            Patricia, [email protected].
Information: Celia Olson at 512-948-7382     series.
or [email protected].                                                                        Wisconsin
                                             For more information, please contact
Pennsylvania                                 Harry Walden, 512-818-1379, or email             Contact: Loree Parker, 512-869-0319
                                             [email protected]. Find us on               or [email protected]
Whether you were born and raised in under Clubs & Groups
Pennsylvania, lived there for a short time,  > Interest Groups > SAR Group.                   The Wisconsin Group will not be gath-
or just appreciate the history and culture                                                    ering in February, but plans are being
of the Keystone State, you are welcome       St. Louis                                        discussed for spring. Your suggestions are
to join us. For emails and information on                                                     welcome. You may contact Loree Parker
upcoming events, contact Fran Jackson        It seems we have a number of former St.          at 512-869-0319, Judy Weckerly at 512-
at [email protected].                   Louisans living in Sun City Texas. If you        868-3158, or Gail Roush at 512-943-0269
                                             feel that St. Louis connection, contact Gary     to share your ideas or join our committee.
Porsche Owners                               and Sheila Engel at [email protected] or         We would welcome volunteers.
Do you own a Porsche? Are you inter-                                                          If you would like to join the Wisconsin
ested in meeting other Porsche owners                                                         Group, please contact Loree Parker at
for informal outings and social activities?
                                                                                              [email protected] or call 512-869-
126 | SUNRAYS FEBRUARY 2016                                                                   0319 to be added to our mailing list.

                                                                                                                                         ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
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