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 FINANCE & INSURANCE (cont.)                      • P & M Handyman: Any work in your                   • ARTISAN TILE & STONE. DESIGN,
                                                  home I can do, even outside power washing            INSTALLATION & REPAIR. Interior
• EXTRACO FINANCIAL SERVICES,                     and irrigation. Call 24/7. Reasonable rates.         Kitchen & Bath. Patio Decks, Barbecues.
provides wealth management, trust services,       Patrick at 512-825-7997.                             Walkways. Quality work guaranteed. Bonded
estate planning, personalized retirement plan,                                                         & Insured. Please call Paul 619-850-9323 or
401K rollovers, IRA plans, long-term health       • DAN THE HANDYMAN – I do just about                 email [email protected]
care, portfolio diversification, and retirement   everything these other guys do and makefriends
income distribution. 866-EXTRACO www.             too. And I also do windows, chores and errands!      •NEED NEW CARPET OR FLOORING?                      Call 512-589-6910.                                   Eagle Rug and Floor has an excellent
                                                                                                       selection and our show room is just down the
• STAN WHEELER, Enrolled Agent.                   • MS. FIX IT - A handyman’s skills with a            street at 3014 Williams Dr. Call 512-864-3006
Tax preparation and planning. Federal and         woman’s touch. Ceiling fans, cabinet hardware,
State returns for Individuals and Businesses.     furniture repair, etc. Sun City Resident.            • Decorative Concrete!!! Contact Andrew,
Help with IRS problems. I offer a friendly,       References available. Phone 252-414-7331.            local Firefighter-owned and operated.
professional Service for reasonable cost. Sun     Email [email protected].                      Specializing in texture/coated sidewalks, patios,
City resident. Please call for a meeting, we can                                                       driveways, garage EXPOXIES, and stone
meet at your location. Telephone 512-677-4165.    • Summit Contractors, LLC. Handyman:                 pattern overlays. Call 512-630-8387. FREE
Email [email protected]                Patios, Fencing, Irrigation, Outdoor Living,         ESTIMATES!!!
                                                  Tree Trimming, Prerssure Washing and
• Are you a diabetic? I offer life insurance      More. 512-695-1558                                              HOUSE CLEANING
for diabetics at competative prices. Sun City
Resident. Call Larry, 512-922-6573.                       HEALTH & WELLNESS                            • HOUSECLEANING HATERS! Cleanliness
                                                                                                       Next to Godliness is our Motto. Totally relax
• SUN CITY RESIDENT: Bill McMillian               • HELP YOURSELF HEAL - Foot reflexology              & trust Kelly’s Cleaning Service. Over 28
will prepare your income tax return for           or Bowen Therapy can assist recovery from            years’ experience. Free estimates. 512-694-6767.
electronic filing. Experienced, professional and  many conditions. Contact Ginny Hahn (SC              Competitive prices.
friendly. Call 512-529-8422 for an appointment    Resident) for an appointment in your home
in your home                                      512-240-4323                                         • HIS WAY Cleaning Services Christian
                                                                                                       Home Cleaning Co. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly
        HANDYMAN SERVICES                         • IN YOUR HOME SENIOR MASSAGE                        cleanings. Move-In/Out, make-ready cleanings.
                                                  (Mary Duval) #ME2549. Receive a massage in           Bonded/Insured, Georgetown Chamber of
• HANDYMAN/CONTRACTOR Electrical,                 the comfort of your home. Call 512-736-9131 to       Commerce 512-639-
Garage Doors, Ceiling Fans, Windows, Mirrors,     make an appointment today. Gift Certificates         3906
Dryer Vent & Gutter Cleaning, General Home        Available
Maintenance, Minor Roof Repair. Reliable,                                                              • BUTTLERFLY CLEANING SERVICE-
Honest. Sam Nijmeh, 512-748-6518 License          • Medicare Advice for 2016: There is still           is looking for new clients in Sun City. In
#17773                                            time by mid February to change from a HMO/           business since 2002. Reliable, trustworthy &
                                                  PPO to a 100% Full Coverage Medicare                 hard workers. Residential cleanings weekly,
• A WORK OF ART Handyman Services,                Supplement plan. The best coverage for retirees.     biweekly & monthly. Move ins/Move outs.
specializing in window cleaning, power washing,   Call Retire Good LLC at 512-300-5502.                Call Tonya for estimate 254-415-8484. Email
interior/exterior painting, artistic tree work &                                                       [email protected]
other. Art 512-925-2921                           • Need to supplement your income?
                                                  What better way than helping others to               • MICKY’S HOUSECLEANING. Full
• Lind-A-Hand - Affordable handyman service       better health! Operate from your home. Call          home cleaning, move-in, move-outs. Residential
- Georgetown resident servicing Sun City - No     Glenda 512-576-0527 for more information.            cleaning weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or one-time.
job too small - See Vendor Referral Book for      [email protected]                         14 years’ experience. References, trustworthy,
referrals - Dependable & Insured. Call 512-                                                            reasonable prices. Call Micky 512-818-0398
818-6777                                          • Life Got you Stuck in a Rough Spot? I
                                                  can help you. Emotional pain eventually leads        • IMPRESS YOU CLEANING now offers
• JIM’S MAINTENANCE in conjunction                to physical illness. Embrace Your Journey, THE       home “make ready” cleaning services.
w/ Aabear Tree “what a good son would do.”        ONE STOP COACHING SHOP can help you                  Selling or buying, we give your home a
Chores, hauling furniture & more. HOT             today. 512-965-0151/688-5183, Delores Hill           thorough DEEP CLEAN. Ceiling to floor,
WATER pressure washing: patios, garages           Certified Life Coach, (office is Behind BB’s         no one does more. Call 512-589-3141 or
and driveways. Gutters Cleaned. Exposed           Café). Open After Hours.                             email [email protected].
tree root grinding. Call 512-864-9898                                                                  Georgetown Chamber of Commerce. www.
                                                          HOME IMPROVEMENT                   
• MR. HANDYMAN - Home Repair &                                 & REMODELING
Maintenance - Small/Medium size repairs                                                                • A WOMAN’S TOUCH House cleaning
& remodels. Insured, bonded. Background           • SERRANO CONCRETE & MASONRY                         prices start at $60 & up. Basic clean on small
checks, work guaranteed. National Company         Rock Patio, Concrete Patio, Sitting Wall, Repair     house 2 bed/2bath, living room & kitchen. We
- local ownership. Mr. Handyman Georgetown        Rock, Concrete & more. 512-630-5819                  also do windows. Call Rachel 512-635-5062
                                                  • KINSEY INTERIORS & SERVICES -                      • GO GREEN CLEAN New to Sun City.
• I DO IT ALL! Even Power Washing - too           Turn-key Remodel. Specializing in Baths &            Cleaning to fit your schedule. Only Earth-
many to mention. Fair Prices. Sun City            Kitchens. ML#M-18887 Call 930-2677                   friendly cleaning materials used. Leave the
References. Call Randy 512-736-3215                                                                    dirty work to us. Insured/Bonded 512-222-7209
                                                  • TOOLS OF THE TRADE - Remodel/
• NEED HELP? Replace A/C filters & bulbs,         Construction. Repair kitchen, bath, patio,
fill water softeners, test smoke detectors. No    fencing, tile, trim. Special projects or completion
job too small Call Alan 512-560-3066. Son         project. I have SC resident references. Bo
of Sun City Resident                              Stearns 512-635-4553

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