Page 126 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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learning can be fun!                        just for fun!                                California

AARP Driver Safety                          African/African-American                     Third Wednesdays
Program                                     Women
Smart Driver Course                                                                      Were you born in California? Lived in
                                            Sun City women of African and African-       California? Visited California? Just like
Saturday, Feb. 13,                          American descent meet monthly in an          California? Then come and join us on the
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., CCW                   informal, friendly and fun gathering to      third Wednesday of each month for dinner.
Purchase your $17 ticket online or          connect with one another. Contact Rae Gill   We’re “laid-back” Californians, just eating
at the Member Services Office               at 512-868-8688 or [email protected].     and socializing. Call Jan Renfro at 512-
                                                                                         863-2802 or email [email protected].
The AARP Driver Safety program offers       Book Discussion
the nation’s first and largest refresher                                                 Colorado
course designed specifically for older      Contact: Bob Stockburger, 512-240-
drivers.                                    5573 or [email protected]               The Colorado Club is open to all former
                                                                                         Coloradoans, as well as those who just love
The program consists of one (1) four hour   The Great Books Reading and Discussion       Colorado. We get together periodically
session and costs $17. The course helps     Groups meet monthly to review a work         to socialize and share memories of our
drivers refine existing skills and develop  of western literature. Each group con-       beautiful state. Watch this space for an-
safe defensive driving techniques. Both     sists of ten participants. One opening is    nouncements regarding future club events
AARP members and non-members may            available. Group One meets Sunday, Feb.      in the spring. To be included on our email
take the course; however, non-AARP          14, from 5-7 p.m. in AC MR1 to discuss       list, please contact Devon at dnunemann@
members must pay an extra $5 at the         Freud’s “Civilization and its Discontents.”	
door. AARP members must bring their         Group Two meets Saturday, Feb. 13 from
AARP card to avoid the additional charge.   9:30-11:30 a.m. in AC MR 1 to discuss        Cruisers
                                            Tocqueville’s “The Power of the Majority.”
Upon completion of the course, graduates                                       
MAY receive a discount on their automo-     For information, contact Bob Stockburger,
bile insurance premiums. Please check       [email protected] or 512-240-5573.      Have a motorcycle or scooter or dream of
with your auto insurance carrier to see                                                  having one? Join the Sun City Cruisers.
what discount, if any, will apply.          Born In Texas                                We meet for fellowship, story swapping,
                                                                                         discussions on bikes and accessories,
AARP courses do not qualify for ticket      If you or your spouse were born in Texas     and planning for future group rides. Call
dismissal in Texas unless you have pre-     and are not receiving the BIT Club emails,   Russ Miller at 512-863-9692 or email
viously contacted the appropriate court     contact Carolyn Heald at 512-819-9484 or     [email protected].
and received approval to take this course   [email protected].
in place of a Defensive Driving Course.                                                  Cycling
Remember to bring your driver’s li-                                            
cense, AARP card and the ticket you         Second Thursdays
purchased at the Member Services                                                         The Sun City Texas Cyclists have rides
Office or online.                           The British Group meets monthly on the       from cruising around Sun City to longer,
                                            second Thursday of each month. If you are    faster rides over rarely traveled roads. New
For more information, contact Herb Hain-    from the UK and would like to socialize      member rides are Saturday and Monday
len at [email protected]                     with fellow Brits, please come and join us.  mornings. For more on our ride options,
                                            Anglophiles are also welcome! Contact An-    distances and pace, visit our website.
Friends of the Library                      gela and Norman Tucker at 512-240-4063
                                            or [email protected] for information.     Czech
The library is closed for book process-
ing from 8:30-11:30 a.m. on the first       Cajuns                                       If you are of Czech heritage and interested
and third Tuesday of each month                                                          in meeting socially with other Czechs,
Contact: Nancy Davis 512-863-5626 or                          contact Stephanie Matlock at stephanie_
[email protected]                                                                  [email protected].
                                            Join us at Putters on Saturday, Feb. 6 at
The Sun City Library now has an im-         11 a.m. for our free Mardi Gras Party and    DAR - Robert Gilbert
proved web page. Log on to www.sctexas.     Golf Cart Parade. Also, tickets now avail-   Livingston Chapter
org and look for Community Library          able at the Member Services Office for
under Community Association Info.           our Country & Gospel Show on Sunday,         Daughters of the American Revolution,
We present a lot of information that is     March 13 at 7 p.m. in the SCB.               Robert Gilbert Livingston Chapter, will
regularly updated. Take a look and come                                                  hold their next meeting on Thursday,
back often.                                 For Cajun Club updates, subscribe to our     Feb. 11, in the Sun City Activities Cen-
                                            monthly newsletter, The Cajun Times, by      ter Atrium. Coffee and refreshments will
124 | SUNRAYS FEBRUARY 2016                 emailing Ron or Peggy Scarborough at         be served at 9:30 a.m., and the business
                                            [email protected] or call (512) 943-       meeting will begin at 10 a.m. The pro-
                                            9450.                                        gram will be “The Texas State Cemetery
                                                                                         and the TSDAR Patriot Monument” pre-

                                                                                                                                    ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
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