Page 133 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 133

Classified Advertising Rates                                                                   classifieds

 Up to 25 words:                                • CUSTOM CABINETS & FURNITURE                     • Computer Services TX: Computer lessons,
    1 month: $40                       Small-medium size         repairs, diagnostics and set up. Comprehensive
    3 months: $36/mo. (10% Savings)             projects are my specialty. Call Chris Windsor     support for all of your devices is only a phone
    6 months: $34/mo. (15% Savings)             512-799-4207                                      call away! 10% SENIOR DISCOUNT. 737-
    12 months: $32/mo. (20% Savings!)                                                             202-5200 or 512-888-3966
    Plus $1 for each word over 25 words.        • Jay’s Cabinets & Crown Molding
                                                presents for any 1600 to 1900 square foot                    CRUISES/TRAVEL
  For contract, email: [email protected]  house installed in all rooms four and one
    and fax back to 877-395-7311 or mail to     quarter inch crown molding, caulked and           • CWT VACATIONS - Your Vacation &
     2 Texas Drive, Georgetown, TX 78633        painted for $2,195.00 OR Super Offer, you         Cruise Specialists! Ask for promo code
     Contact Kristen Runde, 512-948-7732        paint only $1495! 19 year resident. Over 1100     CWTV16 and receive $50 off any new cruise
                                                cabinets and crown jobs. 512-635-3459 or 512-     or tour reservation! Call us for all your travel
   DEADLINE: Ads are due by 5th day of          869-2654                                          needs 1-800-397-5713.
 the month prior to month of publication.
                                                             CAREGIVERS &                              ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING
         Friday, Feb. 5 for March issue.               PERSONAL ASSISTANTS
                                                                                                  • MLJ ELECTRIC Let a Licensed & Insured
  AIR CONDITIONING/HEATING                      • DO YOU OR A LOVED ONE need help                 Electrician do your electrical work. Anything,
                                                with shopping, appointments, running errands,     from switches, smoke detectors, fixtures,
• CAPITOL A/C SERVICES – Air                    etc.? Light housekeeping & pet care. Friendly     receptacles, fans, breaker box & remodels. TECL
Conditioning & Heating Sales & Service.         & efficient. Located in Sun City. Call Linda      #26210; ME #195890. 512-656-6093
Free service call with repair. A+ Rated         512-393-1954.
with BBB. Sun City references available.                                                          • REYNOLDS ELECTRICAL SERVICE 512-746-2400     • Guiding Light Home Care is a locally owned      Licensed & Insured, 30 years experience
TACLB29844C                                     company offering in-home care for seniors.        providing all your electrical needs in Sun City.
                                                We are licensed by the State of Texas and all     TECL29938. Emergency 24 hour service
• HEATING OR A/C CHECK-UP ONLY                  our caregivers are bonded and insured. Claims     available. Call 512-508-6123
$35 OR FREE ESTIMATE FOR A NEW                  assistance provided. Call 512-863-7233 or visit
SYSTEM UPGRA DE. SAV E UP TO                    us at                • KINSEY PLUMBING SERVICES 512-
50% OFF YOUR UTILITY BILLS. BBB                                                                   930-2677 FREE ESTIMATES. WATER
MEMBER. TACLBOO9009. AMERICAN                   • Guiding Angels Home Care is a locally           SOFTENER SPECIALISTS. Complete
HOME SERVICES 512-868-3500                      owned company offering home care for seniors.     plumbing repair services. See our ad for
• GEORGETOWN AIR CONDITIONING &                 We are licensed through the State of Texas and    SUN CITY RESIDENT SPECIALS. Master
HEATING: Guaranteed service! 7 days a week.     we do a background check on all our caregivers.   Plumbing License #M-18887
Ask about our AC maintenance contracts. Check   We provide care to seniors with dignity and
our Vendor Book referrals! Call 512-869-5017    respect. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a              FINANCE & INSURANCE
                                                week. Contact us at 512-212-1108 or visit us
        ALTERATIONS & MORE                      at                     • DOYLE PENDLETON, Enrolled Agent,
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Mac 512-864-1521 or 512-639-0883. Near Sun                                                        Letters. Sun City Resident. Will Pick-up and
City - Serenada Drive. Rush orders accepted.    • PEACE FROG CARPET & TILE                        Deliver. 512-863-9320. www.doylependleton.
Many years’ experience                          CLEANING - providing carpet, tile, upholstery,    com
                                                & dryer vent cleaning. Check out the Vendor
• IN SUN CITY - SUKHUI SEWING: Pick             Book! Call now for 5-Star Service. 512-547-       • ARE YOU TURNING 65 THIS YEAR,
up service call 512-868-6817. 603 Farm Hill     7052 or           or are you paying too much for your current
Drive. Alterations for clothes, bedding,                                                          Medicare supplement coverage? Confused
pillows & everything! Fast Service.             • SHINING IMAGE CLEANING SERVICE.                 by all of the ads you are receiving? Let Sun
                                                Professional in/out window cleaning. Rain         City Resident Ron Isgitt advise you on which
• MASTER TAILOR 30 years’ experience            gutter cleaning & pressure washing services. 20   Medicare supplement program is best for you.
with men’s & women’s alterations. Excellent     years’ experience. See display ad for special     Ron offers best rates available for Medicare
references! Great Rates! FREE PICK-UP &         pricing. 512-258-4784                             Supplements, Medicare Advantage, Prescription
DELIVERY. Call Barb at 512-964-3606                                                               Drug (Part D), Dental/Vision/Hearing, and Life
                                                • JUNK OR CLUTTER REMOVA L                        Insurance. Call Hill Country Associates at
        BEAUTY & COSMETICS                      SERVICE: Garage cleaning/organizing.              512-773-8412 or 512-763-1097
                                                Reclaim your garage! Call for a FREE
• MARYKAY INDEPENDENT SALES                     estimate. No job too small. Call 512-815-2901.    • RECEIVING PAYMENTS FROM REAL
DIRECTOR (Sun City) Beverly Rogers, all                                                           ESTATE YOU SOLD? GET CASH NOW!
products available, 104 Painted Bunting Lane,      COMPUTER & ELECTRONICS                         Steve 512-260-2274
512-864-3662 or 512-630-3076, rogersbr1@;           • AGAPE BUSINESS SERVICES Specializes             • REVERSE MORTGAGES – Need to
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CONSULTANT, Margene P. Olson (Sun               If we can’t fix it, it’s FREE. Call Ted 512-912-  Unique Reverse Mortgage Strategies. Gary
City) Full Inventory 512-887-0939 mpo1944@      6602 or email agapebusinessservicestx@gmail.      L. Anderson (nmls#382024) - 512-868-0382;              com                                               - [email protected]

      CABINETS & CARPENTRY                      NOTICE: Some of your favorite service providers may be under new headings. If you
                                                  have difficulty locating a specific listing, please call 512-948-7732 for assistance.
• designs, builds,
finishes & installs custom cabinetry to your
specifications. Satisfied Sun City customers
are our best advertisement. Visit site for
information. 512-863-5248 / 512-844-4626

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