Page 135 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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   The Sun Rays does not endorse or promote                  LEGAL SERVICES                          • J&J PET SITTERS Sun City Residents,
         any product or service advertised.                                                          Insured & Bonded. Let us take care of your
          Verification of qualifications and     • WILLS/TRUSTS/PROBATE: ESTATE                      furry friends. Jennifer Shirey (N52) 512-
                                                 PLANNING & PROBATE. Excellent                       240-4211, [email protected];
       current license are the responsibility    reputation. Hundreds of Sun City                    June Sewell (N06) 817-247-9118, txpooter@
              of persons seeking service.        clients. Complimentary Consultation (by   ; Michelle Augustine (N52) 512-
                                                 appointment only). Convenient Georgetown            825-9985, [email protected]
           INTERIOR DESIGN                       office at 1618 Williams Drive. The Wiewel Law
                                                 Firm. 512-869-1435. www.TexasTrustLaw.              • DEBBIE’S PETSITTING – Let me watch
• THE LONE ARRANGER - Room Makeovers             com. (Principle office: Austin, Texas)              your pets while you are gone. Dependable,
using your existing items; help with colors &                                                        insured & bonded. Debbie Sander 512-
new furniture purchases. A Designer look               MERCHANDISE & RETAIL                          431-7193;; email
at $30/hour. References. M.J. HUNTER,                                                                [email protected]
512-863-3597                                     • BANDY JEWELERS - 306 W. 8th St.
                                                 512-869-0097. Diamonds, Rings & Watches.            • DOG BOARDING, GROOMING & DAY
• KINSEY INTERIORS - Full Service Interior       Jewelry repair (gold & silver), ring sizing, neck   CARE Two miles west of Sun City. Five
Design. Custom window treatments. Remodel.       chains, and bracelets. Watch batteries & repair     outdoor playtimes daily. A fun, safe, climate
Call 930-2677 for your consultation                                                                  controlled facility. 512-863-8855 www.
                                                 • Make money consigning your high         
• DENNIS MYERS DESIGNS: Create                   end designer items. We consign handbags,
or update a new look! 30 years’ expertise in     accessories and clothing at 30% commission.         • OBEDIENCE DOG TRAINING AT YOUR
design, remodeling and as a color specialist.    Contact 512-627-2102 or service@fashionreloved.     HOME. Conducted by retired police officer/K9
Contact Dennis @ 512-943-4576 or www.            com. Visit us at            trainer, 29 years’ experience. 512-650-5495,                                                                               254-577-4042, [email protected]
 LAWN & LANDSCAPE SERVICES                                                                                PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
                                                 • STONE HILL BAND: Parties, dances, Sun
• M&P XERISCAPING - offers the best in           City Clubs, Oldies, Rock, Country. Featuring        • Driver/Transportation Service to/from
xeriscaping, landscaping, & mowing services.     Rae Gill, Mistress of Ceremonies. Contact Ken       doctor’s appointment, airport, errands, etc. City
Specializes in native & adapted plants &         Powers, 281-543-8215 or Bill Reeves, 361-           Permitted. Safe, reliable, caters to seniors. Full-
Custom Rock Gardens. Call 512-797-7443           563-2317, [email protected]                        service Assistant. References in Sun City.                                                                             Better rates than taxis. Stacey, 512-826-2868
                                                 • SOUTHWEST MAINTENANCE: Gutter
• LAWN & LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE                   cleaning and maintenance. Lawn and landscape                REPAIR - SPECIALIZED
serving the Georgetown area for 13 years. We     maintenance. Home repair and maintenance.
offer mowing, weed eating, edging, brush         Since 1984. Texas Veteran. One call does it         • HOURGLASS CLOCK REPAIR Tony
trimming, mulching, flower beds, tree limb       all! 512-809-4902                                   Manning, Owner Service Representative for
removal and more. Jason Stout 512-297-4125                                                           Howard Miller. Antique & modern clocks. House
                                                                  PAINTING                           calls for Grandfathers. 30 years’ experience.
• LANDSCAPING, LAWN & TREE                                                                           Free estimates 512-819-0803
SERVICES: Ten years’ experience in Sun City.     • SOUTHERN PAINTING- Free estimates,
Tree and bush planting & removal. Lawn care.     Interior/exterior, Bonded & Insured. Over           • APPLIANCE REPAIR: FREE SERVICE
Reliable. Call Mario Aviles at 512-966-7512      75,000 homes painted in 24+ yrs. Excellent          CALL WITH REPAIR Washers, Dryers,
                                                 references. $100 off with ad (some restrictions)    Stoves, Microwaves, Refrigerators, Freezers,
• Majestic Gardens Total Lawn Care:                   Dishwashers, Garbage Disposals & Dryer Vent
Mowing, edging, trimming, planting, Pre &        512-716-1114                                        Cleaning. Call Hines 512-639-9607
Post emergents, top dressing, mulching and
other services. Marco Garcia, 512-803-9404.      • PAINTED L ADIES PAINTING -                        • Lamp Repair: Experienced & Reasonable.
                                                 Formerly Paper Dolls. Your interior painting        Will pick up & deliver. Don Durham, 200
• J&L Services: We provide total Lawn            perfectionists. I’ll gladly help you w/ your color  Quartz Court, Jarrell, Texas, 76537 512-746-
Care Services including Pre & Post emergent,     choices. Friendliest team around! Check the         6200 Cell 512-922-9787
topdressing, mulching and other services. Sun    vendor book to see what our clients are saying.
City References Available. Lee Wright, 512-      Shelly Carpenter 512-818-5518                       • BLOOMIN BLINDS - We repair & sell
914-5703                                                                                             all types of blinds, shades & shutters. Family
                                                 • LINDSEY PAINTING: HOWARD                          owned & operated. Don’t replace it, repair
• Ledbetter Lawn Care: Off duty firefighers      LINDSEY, OWNER. Quality job for a                   it! 512-832-1111
providing professional lawn care services:       reasonable price. Interior/Exterior, Wood
Mowing, edging, weedeating, flower beds, leaf    replacement & added trim. Free Estimates.           • GRANGER PIANO SERVICE -
pick up, sprinkler repair and more! Call James,  512-848-8434                                        COMPLETE PIANO SERVICE, TUNING
254-718-0055                                                                                         & REGULATION since 1979 Free Estimates
                                                 • Painting Sun City! Interior painting.             Used pianos for sale Call Chuck 512-863-2519
• First Response Lawncare: Local                 Small/medium jobs preferred. Integrity and
Firefighters provide quality lawncare            honesty included. Call 512-943-8541 for free        • JON’S LOCKSMITH Licensed and insured.
at affordable prices. Includes mowing,           estimate appointment. Tom Charbeneau, Sun           Rekey, Lockouts, Peepholes, Installation of
edging weedeating, and all your basic            City resident.                                      locks, Cabinet knobs & more. 24 hour emergency
lawncare needs. Call Nick Twomey 512-                                                                service available. Lic# B19359. Call Jon at
820-7208                                                              PETS                           512-948-9650

• Ground Groomers: Landscaping,                  • SUSAN’S TLC PET SITTING, LLC.                                     Continued on the next page
Maintenance, Irrigation. Trees, Sod,             While away, let Susan (SC resident) care for
Flowerbeds, Rock Work, Fencing & Patios.         your pet(s) &/or home. Insured & Bonded.
Design, Install, Maintain. 512-636-0998.; 512-785-3535
Licensed Irrigator # 18120

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