Page 127 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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sented by Jason Walker, Director of Re-        Please contact Karen Meredith Lindholm       meeting with others to practice Spanish or
search, Texas State Cemetery. For more         at [email protected] or 512-686-         exchange cultural experiences in a casual
information call Catharine Browning at         1906, or Martha Toler at marthanntoler@      social setting, contact Fran at 512-930-
(512) 864-7544.                       or 512-868-3639.                   8180 or [email protected].

Firefighters                                   Illinois/Chicago                             Life Sciences

Are you a former firefighter, either career    The Illinois/Chicago club is for those       We meet on the first Saturday of the
or volunteer? If you’re interested in casual   with Midwest values, Illinois connec-        month. Contact Norm Ford at 512-868-
gatherings with other former “smoke eat-       tions and memories and a fondness for        0098 or Bob Hazelwood at 512-864-0311.
ers” contact Ken Phipps at kenwphipps@         Chicago foods, sports teams and Windy                                     City neighborhoods. We meet four times a     Michigan
                                               year for fun, friendship and food! Contact
French Social                                  Jim Bonk at [email protected] or Linda         If you have lived in Michigan, have ties to
                                               Dwyer at [email protected] to         or an interest in Michigan, please join us
Born, lived or worked in French-speaking       be added to our email list.                  to share information, stories, and memo-
countries? Want to keep up the language?                                                    ries of the Great Lake State. For further
Join our group on the second Thursday          Iowa                                         information or to be included on our email
of the month at 2 p.m. For the location,                                                    and notification list, contact Will Wright at
please contact Claudia Shelton by email at     If you are from Iowa or have lived in        512-240-4325 or [email protected].
[email protected].                           Iowa, come join us for our annual Maid-
                                               Rite party on Tuesday, February 2 from       Minnesota
German                                         5:30 -7:30 p.m. in the Georgetown and
                                               Florence Rooms of the Cowan Creek            The January wild rice soup supper was
Second Thursdays, Noon                         Amenity Center. For more information,        a successful get-together. Now we need
                                               contact Pat Sampson at 512-863-8219 or       someone to coordinate a spring social.
This spirited social club comprises native-    [email protected] or Jan Miller at        To volunteer or to get on our mailing
born and German-Americans with a desire        [email protected].                   list, please contact Marcia Whittier at
to share mutual experiences in all things                                                   [email protected] or Betty Jean
Germanic; the language, peoples, culture,      Italian Social                               Steinke at [email protected]. All are
prevalent in its diverse regions. Interest is                                               welcome.
keen regarding the migration of German         We meet on the second Friday of the month
settlers to Texas and their contributions      at the V.F.W. (1000 College Street, George-  Mississippi
to the Lone Star state. Luncheons are on       town) for all the spaghetti and meatballs
the second Thursday of each month, with        you can eat. Dinner starts at 5 p.m.; cost   Calling all Mississippi folks – join our
dialogue in German and English. Contact:       is $8 per person.                            Mississippi Club. Come meet other Mis-
Jerry Faulkner, 512-868-1847.                                                               sissippians living in Sun City. Contact
                                               If you have Italian heritage, have lived     Bunny Petty at [email protected] or
Hadassah - SC Kadima                           in Italy, or just love everything Italian,   512-864-0683 or Mary Lou Harrington at
                                               join us for the Italian Social and Cultural  [email protected] or 512-864-1949.
Hadassah is the largest women’s Zionest        Club. Occasionally we have outings, pot-
and volunteer organization in America.         lucks, and bocce games. Contact Eddie        Nebraska
Hadassah is dedicated to improving             Verdecanna at 512-868-0704, cell 512-426-
the lives of people in Israel, supporting      3041 or [email protected].                Nebraskans get together three to four
women’s health issues and women’s rights                                                    times a year to share and celebrate. If you
in the U.S. To find out more information       Kansas                                       have a Nebraska Connection or just want
about the local Kadima chapter, contact                                                     to have one, please contact Jerry and Cleo
Sarah Christiansen, 512-868-3504 or            If you have lived in Kansas or just wish     Ramsey at 512 863-0662 or jlrams2002@
[email protected]; Geri Scheer,          you had, you are invited to join us as we
512-864-0212 or [email protected].          share information, stories, and memories
                                               of Kansas. The Kansas Group gets togeth-     New England
Hawaii                                         er at least annually. Watch the Kansas
                                               Group page on the Sun City Texas web-        Hail to all who called New England home!
Members will gather in March for a Palm        site for upcoming events. For additional     Whether you’re native born, a former resi-
Sunday Brunch. Watch your e-mail for           information, contact Jim Wayland at 512-     dent, student, or just love the six-state re-
more information.                              864-9319, Reg Bessmer at 512-686-0140,       gion, we welcome you to join our group. We
                                               or Larry/Jonene Pruitt at 512-591-7268.      gather several times during the year for fun
Our club consists of members who were                                                       and fellowship (and usually food). If you’d
born or raised in Hawaii, those who have       Latin/Hispanic                               like to be on the mailing list please contact:
lived or worked in Hawaii, or those who                                                     Gail Abend at [email protected].
possess a real love for the state and its      Are you Latin or of Latin heritage? Have
culture. Do you visit Hawaii often? Then       you spent a number of years living in          F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 SUNRAYS | 125
this club is for you.                          Latin America? If you are interested in

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