Dance & Drill
sctxca.org > Site Index > Dance & Drill
Sun City Georgettes:
Mondays, Texas
Drive Fitness Center, 10:15 a.m.; Begin-
ners on Wednesdays, Atrium, 10 a.m.
Contact Marian Phillippi at 512-869-
8145, or
Composed of a lively group of ladies who
love to dance and perform around the
Georgetown area. Drop by to watch them
practice and learn more about how you
can be a part of this exciting group.
Happy Feet Cloggers:
Clogging is great
fun, good exercise and helps to reinforce
memory skills. If you are interested,
please join our beginner session on Fri-
day, January 9, from 9:15-10:15 a.m. in
the ACA. The first two classes are free
for first time cloggers.
Intermediate and Advanced Classes are
held from 10:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. We
clog to various genres of music under
the instruction of Terrie Gatton. Con-
tact Dorinda Williams at 512-656-2043
for more
Tap Dancing:
A new tap session begins
on January 7.
Beginners: Wednesdays, 1 p.m.
Intermediate I: Wednesdays, 2 p.m.
Intermediate II: Wednesdays, 3 p.m.
Advanced: Thursdays, 4 p.m.
All classes are held at the ACA. Contact
Marijean Schindler at 512-869-4857 or
. Tapping
is super exercise, fabulous fun and full
of so many great people. No experience
2nd Chance Jazz Dance:
Men’s Class: Thursdays, 1 p.m.
Beginner/Intermediate Class:
Thursdays, 2 p.m.
Advanced Class: Thursdays, 3 p.m.
All classes are held at the ACA. Contact
Georgia Medler at georgiedave@sudden-
link.net or 512-864-2131. Second Chance
Jazz Dance offers fitness and fun while
you learn basic dance steps common to
all forms of dance.
Current Issues
Sctxca.org>Site Index>Current Issues
Friday, February 20, CCG
Contact: Lou Snead, 512-350-4751 or
The Current Issues Club pro-
vides a nonpartisan environment where
a respectful exchange of ideas among
members promotes discussion and a
deeper understanding of current issues.
: “End of Life Issues”
Day: Friday, February 20
Time: 9:45 a.m. Check-in, 10-11:30 a.m.
Place: Georgetown Room, CCAC
Vendors: Jarrell Room, CCAC (check
website for information)
A panel of experts will explore the medi-
cal, emotional and legal aspects of this
special time in everyone’s life – dying.
Local vendors will be available before
and/or after the presentation to provide
information. Please check the website
for times and participation.
Delve into the facts and
fiction of each month’s topic. Members
can prepare for discussions through the
Research Committee
Volunteers explore
the upcoming topics, post information on
the club’s website and open each program
with factual background for discussion.
Check the CAwebsite
for the club’s calendars, research and
All points of view and po-
litical party affiliations are welcome. All
participants are required to observe the
adopted Courtesy Guidelines.
Small Discussions Groups:
First Fri-
day, February 6, Jarrell room (CCAC)
beginning at 9 a.m. Members come when
they can to meet for less formal, small
group discussions. Topics vary includ-
ing local issues, program follow-ups and
program preparation.
Listeners are welcome. Guests
are invited to observe the discussion.
If time allows, guests may participate
during the last 15 minutes. Please con-
sider joining the club to participate in the
discussions and gain access to the club’s
research. Annual dues are $6.
Dominoes & Table Games
sctxca.org > Site Index >
Dominoes & Table Games Club
Contact: Ben Cardinal, 512-240-4179
This club offers a variety of domino, board
and card games. A full list is provided
below. Games are played in the Activities
Center. Please try a game as our guest.
New officers were elected at our Annual
Meeting on October 15. The officers for
2015 are as follows: Ben Cardinal, Pres-
ident; Janet Lull, VP; Nancy Wasson,
Treasurer; Bill Bigger, Secretary. Special
thanks to our outgoing officers.
Annual dues are $6. You may complete
a dues envelope in the Activities Center,
or join online at the sctxca.org website.
2 p.m. Hand and Foot Canasta, GR 3
7 p.m. Hand and Foot Canasta, GR 3
9 a.m. Cribbage, GR 3
9 a.m. Mah Jongg, GR 1 and 2
10 a.m. Mah Jongg lessons, GR 1 and 2
1 p.m. Dominoes 42 and 84,
GR 1 and 2
7 p.m. Pinochle, GR 3
7 p.m. Rummikub GR 1 and 2
7 p.m. Backgammon, GR 3
7 p.m. Sheepshead, GR 1 and 2
7 p.m. Liverpool Rummy, GR 3
7 p.m. Euchre, GR 1 and 2
1 p.m. Mah Jongg, GR 3
7 p.m. Dominoes 42 and 84, GR 3
7 p.m. Mexican Train Dominoes,
GR 1 and 2
7 p.m. Pegs and Jokers, GR 3
7 p.m. Five Hundred, GR 3
7 p.m. Backgammon, GR 3
7 p.m. Farkle
9 a.m. Cribbage, GR 1 and 2
1 p.m. Dominoes 42 and 84, GR 3
Duplicate Bridge
sctxca.org > Site Index >
Duplicate Bridge Club
Contact: Paul Olstad, 512-639-8441
An annual renewing membership is $10.
We ask that you join our club after playing
Continued from the previous page