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tume designers, seamstresses, make-up
experts, lighting and sound technicians,
advertising and marketing creators and
illustrators, and those who create, acquire
and move props and set decoration are all
mandatory for successful productions.
The Guildmeets twice amonth, on the first
and third Mondays. On the first Monday,
the Guild conducts a business meeting at
3 p.m. in the Social Center Ballroom. On
the third Monday, we meet at the same
time and place to enjoy and have fun with
various activities. Come to any meeting
and check us out. Membership is only $12
per year.
Mad Hatters is AcTAG’s outreach to the
community. Two troupes of six to eight
members, eachwearingmany colorful hats,
visit schools, pre-schools and Alzheimer’s
groups to teach and entertain with ani-
mated fairy tales.
Alternative Healing &
sctxca.org > Site Index >
Alternative Health & Wellness Club
No January meeting
Contact: Doug Willoughby,
512-819-0133 or
There will be no General Meeting on
January 2.
Wise Women Group
will resume
Wednesday, January 7, at 10 a.m. at 103
Montley Trail. A new discussion will be-
gin about St. Francis, his love of creation
and his teachings of our connection to the
universe and to one another. Call Mary
Pat Morris for information, 512-869-8761.
Spirituality Anonymous Group
will meet at the Cowan Creek Amenity
Center on Wednesday, January 21 at 7
p.m. We will view the film
Alive Inside
, a
presentation of how music stimulates the
memories of people with dementia and Al-
zheimer’s and shows how you can activate
your loved one’s memories of times gone by.
Call Mary Pat Morris for more informa-
tion, 512-869-8761.
A special 6-week discussion on “Compas-
sionate care of the dying: how to help a
loved one experience a peaceful death” is
being planned forMonday afternoons, Jan-
uary 12 to February 16 at Cowan Creek
Actors & Theatre Arts Guild
sctxca.org > Site Index > Actors &
Theatre Arts Guild
Business Meeting: January 5, 3 p.m.,
3rd Monday: January 19, 3 p.m.,
Reader’s Theatre, SCB
Board Meeting: Monday, January 26,
3 p.m., CCW
Contact: Donna Sandercock
The Actors and Theatre Arts Guild in-
cludes more than 200 talented, fun-loving
people who love the smell of greasepaint
and the roar of the crowd.
Each year, the club produces three main-
stage plays plus an annual Follies in the
ballroom. In addition, the club produces
two smaller-venue plays in the Atrium.
Actors, directors, singers and dancers are
not the only people important to the group.
Those who labor at backstage, off-stage
and non-stage assignments are equally
important. Set designers, set builders, cos-
Chartered Clubs Index
Actors & Theatre Arts Guild...........99
Alt. Healing & Wellness................ 99
Amateur Radio Society................ 100
Aviation......................................... 100
Ballroom Dance............................ 100
Billiards......................................... 100
Bocce.............................................. 101
Computer....................................... 101
Country Western Dancing........... 101
Couples Golf.................................. 101
Creative Clay & China................. 101
Current Issues.............................. 102
Dance & Drill................................ 102
Dominoes & Table Games........... 102
Duplicate Bridge........................... 102
Eagle Boosters.............................. 103
Fabric & Fiber............................... 103
Foreign Language......................... 103
Garden........................................... 104
Hiking............................................ 104
Horseshoes & Washers................ 104
Horticulture.................................. 104
Hunting & Fishing....................... 105
Investment Education.................. 105
Karaoke......................................... 105
Line Dance.................................... 105
Mah Jongg..................................... 106
MGA............................................... 106
Nature............................................ 106
Oldies But Goodies Dance........... 106
Pet.................................................. 106
Photography.................................. 107
Pickleball....................................... 107
Poker.............................................. 107
Radio Control Modelers............... 107
RV................................................... 108
Singers........................................... 108
Social Bridge................................. 108
Softball (Coed Sr. Slo-Pitch)..........108
Solos............................................... 108
Stained Glass................................ 109
Sundancers.................................... 109
Table Tennis. ................................ 109
Tennis Association........................ 109
Visual Arts.................................... 110
WGA 9-Hole.................................. 110
WGA 18-Hole................................ 110
Women Helping Others............... 110
Woodworkers. ............................... 110
Zoomers......................................... 111
Continued on the next page
Look what our
Chartered Clubs are
offering to the whole
community this month!
January 16, 1 p.m., ACA. Third
Friday International - Pamela
Lager will speak about Israel.
All are invited.
January 18, 2-4 p.m., AC. All are
welcome to the club’s reception
for the annual competition and
exhibit. Snacks and drinks will
be served. The exhibit runs from
January 12 to February 27.
NATURE: Tuesday, January 20,
2:30 p.m., SCB. “A Report on
Texas State Parks” – Kevin Good
presents highlights on our Texas
parks, a report on new parks and
the acquisition of Powderhorn
Ranch on the Gulf Coast.
ASTRONOMY: Monday, January
26, 7 p.m., ACA. All residents are
invited to monthly Astronomy
meetings. See page 106 for the
January meeting presentations.
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