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sctxca.org > Site Index > Bocce Club
Play: Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m.
and 1 p.m., BC
Contact: Russ Ruff, 512-639-1419 or
Happy New Year from the Bocce Club!
New players and guests are always wel-
come to come and play the great game of
bocce with us. Members play at 1 p.m.
Monday through Saturday during the
winter months and are happy to teach
the basics of the game to anyone inter-
ested. Membership dues for 2015 are
$12. Membership may be renewed or
purchased through the Sun City Texas
online ticket system.
Club officers for the year 2015 are: Presi-
dent - Russ Ruff; Vice President – Larry
Hunting; Secretary - Don Webb; Trea-
surer - Janet Lull; Members-at-Large
– Pam Wilcox and Bill Wightman.
This month was great for high scoring
with two players rolling 5-point frames:
Kathy Perrine and Nick Drury, and
a rare six point frame rolled by Paul
Wiener. Congratulations to all!
The bocce club recently hosted Junior
University kids for bocce and a hot dog
lunch afterward. All participants had
a great time.
Bocce Fact of the Month:
A 5-point
frame can be achieved if all balls of one
team are closer than any of the opposing
team’s balls, each also being within 36
inches of the target (pallino) and one
of the balls actually touching (kissing)
the pallino. The very rare 6-point frame
would require that 2 balls be kissing the
pallino instead of only one.
Cyber Center Hours: MFSa: 9 a.m. to
Noon; TuWTh: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Contact: clubofficial@sctxcompclub.
org or 512-868-9780
JOIN US! Dues are $8 for the first mem-
ber of a household and $4 for each ad-
ditional household member. Come by the
Cyber Center in the Activities Center to
pay by check. To pay by mail, download
the application from our website under
the JOIN US tab and mail it, along with
your check, payable to Sun City Com-
puter Club, 2 Texas Drive, Georgetown,
78633. The Cyber Center is open Mon-
day, Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to
noon, and on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We offer:
Informational Meetings
Weekly Newsletter
Special Interest Groups • Free Wi-Fi
Instructional Classes
Computer Lab • Media Conversion
Check out our website – its always current.
Country Western Dance
sctxca.org > Site Index > Country
Western Dance Club
Sunday, January 18, 7-10 p.m., SCB
Contact: Caroline Willingham,
512-876-5297 or
or Bob Ticer, 512-868-9386 or rdticer@
Monthly events provide traditional coun-
try western dancing in the ballroom.
Dances feature recorded music or a live
band. Ice and water provided; please
bring your own beverages and snacks.
Membership is $12 annually and cov-
ers admission to monthly recorded
dances; additional fees may be charged
for special events. Go online to the Sun
City website under Clubs and Groups
to pay dues, or make your check out to
SCTXCA and drop it off or mail it to
Clyde Jeffcoat at 722 Texas Drive. For
a Membership Application, please visit
our website. For more information, con-
tact Caroline Willingham or Bob Ticer.
Couples Golf Association
sctxca.org > Site Index >
Couples Golf Association Club
Contact: Rick Phillips, 512-818-3384 or
This club was formed for the purpose of
promoting golf among Sun City Texas
couples who enjoy casual, competitive
golf in a friendly and welcoming envi-
ronment. Playdays are every third Sat-
urday, rotating around the three Sun
City Texas courses. We have three social
events planned for the upcoming season.
Refer to the website calendar for exact
dates and locations.
The CGA has players of all skill levels,
so you will always be improving your
game or helping others improve theirs.
Membership is only $15 a year per indi-
vidual. Join today and let’s play!
See the Golf section of the
Sun Rays
monthly CGA news.
Creative Clay & China
sctxca.org > Site Index >
Creative Clay & China Club
Studio hours: MWF 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.;
TuTh 1-8 p.m.; SaSu 1-4 p.m.
Studio Telephone: 512-948-7664
Board Meeting: Tuesday, January 6,
10 a.m. in the Studio
Contact: Jamie Haymes, President, 512-
In our five-room studio, members create
long lasting, three-dimensional objects
for both practical use and visual beauty.
Equipment, tools, glazes, brushes and
clay are sold to members at cost and dues
are $12 a year.
The studio is open every day of the week.
Members’ creations are displayed in the
windows of the club, as well as on its web-
site. Visit our studio behind the Fabric
& Fiber Club to learn about ceramics,
hand building, wheel throwing and china
painting. Monitors will gladly guide you
on a short tour and tell you about upcom-
ing classes. Enjoy fun and companionship
in this friendly atmosphere.
Existing forms (such as
plates, bowls, vases, animals, Christmas
trees and Santa Clauses) can be painted
and glazed to your own design.
Hand Building:
For those who like to
sculpt from scratch, red, white, low-fire,
and high-fire clays are available. When
completed, objects are fired in one of five
resident kilns, which are operated by
experienced members. Beginners’ classes
are held frequently.
Wheel Throwing:
Six potter’s wheels
are available. Classes for this unique
skill are held for both beginning and
more experienced members.
China Painting:
One room and one
kiln are designated for painted china
objects (such as dishes and cups). Those
interested in a beginning class in china
painting may contact Dorothy Riddle,
512-864-0061, or Doris DeWitte, 512-
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