Page 34 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 34

FITNESS                                                        Fitness Center Happenings

                      Julie O’Connor                           Group Fitness Tutorial
                      Personal Aquatic Trainer
                                                               Monday, Feb. 8 at 9:45 a.m., CC
                         Julie has been leading group
                         aquatic exercise classes, performing  Sun City Texas Group Fitness Coordinator Beth White
                         swimming instruction and offering     will answer your questions about group fitness classes.
                         one-on-one adapted aquatic
                         programs since 1982. She has a        February Group Fitness All Access Pass
      passion for swimming and helping others.
      Certifications:                                          Unlimited Group Fitness classes for only $60!
        •	 Aquatic Exercise Association
          certified since 1992                                 Personal training tutorial
        •	 Ai Chi advanced certified
        •	 Halliwick Certified Adapted Aquatic Instructor      Monday, Feb. 8, 9 a.m., CC
        •	 Personal Aquatic Trainer (AEA)
        •	 Advanced studies through Aquatic                    Sun City Texas Personal Training Coordinator John
          Therapy and Rehab Institute                          Rutan will answer your questions about personal training.
      For an appointment with Julie, call 512-630-6203
                                                               FREE equipment demonstrations

                                                               Join us for an inside look at a piece of fitness equipment,
                                                               including proper set-up and how to use it most effectively.
                                                               Texas Drive	 Feb. 10	 | Recumbent Bike
                                                               Cowan Creek	 Feb. 24	| Recumbent Bike

                                                               Unwind with a Sun City Texas Massage!

                                                               Get a 60-minute massage starting as low as $65 at the
                                                               Cowan Creek Fitness Center. Call 512-948-7781.

Athlete of the Month By Lynda Dufour

“Patient” is the first word that comes to    Jan Pinkston - Personal Aquatic Trainer: Julie O’Connor
Jan Pickston’s mind when she describes
Sun City Texas personal aquatic trainer      glide to supine float to standing from each  and to overcome any setbacks.
Julie O’Connor. “Caring” follows right       position, all of which has been critical in
after.                                       her ability to learn to swim after more      “Water is a gentle medium to relearn
                                             than 30 years,” says Julie, adding that      skills that may have been dormant
It’s both of those attributes that motivate  Jan, a former water skier and dancer, is     or interrupted due to medical issues,”
Jan to consistently workout twice a week     now able to perform a modified backstroke    explains Julie. “It’s a great way to move
with Julie at the Texas Drive Fitness        for up to 50 yards. She is also working to   without pain, to strengthen atrophied
Center indoor lap pool. Her goal, she        improve her freestyle.                       muscles, and to pursue health and
says, is to not only to improve balance,                                                  wellness at any stage of life. My purpose
coordination, and her overall quality of     “Jan has a great attitude and presses on     as an aquatic specialist is to help people
life, but also to enhance her swimming       despite some medical challenges,” says       get reacquainted with their body and
skills so that she can start swimming        Julie, adding that Jan is a “joy” to train   to help them move more effectively and
laps. And Julie, she notes, is helping her   and sets a good example for others because   efficiently in water. The ultimate goal is
make headway in all those areas.             she is determined to improve her abilities   always independence.”

“Jan initially was involved in my Aqua for
Balance group fitness class,” says Julie,
“but she quickly found out that the water
was more of a challenge than she thought.
She struggled with balance issues that
needed more one-on-one attention. She
and her husband also agreed that safety
was of utmost importance, so our primary
goal was to have her doing exercises from
the Aqua for Balance class proficiently
and safely.”

According to Julie, the duo progressed to
improving Jan’s swimming skills after
first tackling independent standing
balance exercises and the successful use
of fitness equipment such as the aqua
noodle. “We began with the basics -- prone

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