Page 38 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 38

Continued from the previous page             “It wasn’t near the big business it is      father,” says MJ. “They were not going
                                             now,” says MJ, “where professionals take    to have any scandals.”
crown. But amid all the preparations,        girls and manage them. You had to get
MJ recalls one thought in particular:        yourself in shape, buy your makeup and      Fearing that real life colors would
“I had to put off a term paper in order      clothes. It’s changed a lot.”               translate poorly on black and white
to compete!”                                                                             television, pageant executives limited
                                             Adding to the pressure was the              all evening gowns to a single color: white.
A theatre student, MJ sang George            announcement that this year, for the first  Curiously, the swimsuits were in color -
Gershwin’s “Embraceable You” and “I’ve       time ever, the Miss America Pageant         MJ’s was pink, with shoes dyed to match.
Got Rhythm” for the talent portion of the    would be broadcast live on national
competition. Swimsuits were required to      television, with Grace Kelly serving on     Rehearsals were rigorous as contestants
be one piece with straps, though strapless   the panel of judges.                        prepared for their live television debut.
evening gowns were permitted. Asked                                                      Interview, daywear, evening gown, talent
about her eveningwear, MJ laughs: “We        The months went quickly by. Traveling       – the producers had it down to a science.
all wore long, white gloves, but my dress    by train, MJ ventured to Atlantic City      During the swimsuit competition, judges
– oh, that was a red dress, honey!”          along with a chaperone from the Macon       had all girls line up shoulder to shoulder,
                                             Jaycees. Chaperones were just one of the    heels together, turning in unison so all
MJ did particularly well on the interview    numerous rules laid out for the girls in    angles could be viewed. Says MJ, “They
portion of the pageant. When asked,          an extensive rule book. As a military       could really see what you were made
“What is the most important quality          brat, MJ was unbothered by the rules,       of.” The girls were scrutinized both on
for a woman to have in order to succeed      though some seemed a little dramatic.       stage and off, making it imperative that
in business?” MJ presented an answer                                                     they always look their best. When Miss
ahead of its time: “You must have the        “You were not allowed to see, talk to or    California showed up for a rehearsal
want to succeed, because if you don’t, you   even be around any men – not even your
won’t be able to overcome the barriers
that will be put in front of you.” When
the host followed up with, “Who is
the most important political figure in
Georgia?” the young lady from Macon
grinned: “Why, the mayor of Macon, of
course!” The previous Miss Georgia was
soon placing a crown atop MJ’s head.

Sweet though it was, MJ didn’t have
much time to enjoy her victory – she
still had to finish out her freshman year.

“Winning is not like it is now,” she
explains. “I didn’t take a year off of
school or anything. Now, they use the
winner in a lot of promotion for the state.
I went to a few things, rode in a few
parades, crowned a few Peanut Queens,
but it wasn’t the thing it is now.”

With the Miss America Pageant
scheduled for September, MJ didn’t
have much time to prepare. She made
arrangements to study with her voice
professor at Wesleyan over the summer,
but other than that, she was on her own.

Right: Though bikinis were worn in the                                                   ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
1947 pageant, they were banned again
in 1948. MJ’s swimsuit could not bare
her middriff, and was required to have
straps. Bikinis were not allowed back
into the pageant until 1994.
Page 37: An excerpt from MJ’s Miss
America Handbook.

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