Page 39 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 39

in slacks and pin curls, the whole room      Out of all national contestants, MJ placed     participant in the Singers Club as well
stopped and stared, aghast at her faux       4th overall. Miss California –Lee Ann          as in her church choir. Last year, MJ
pas. Looking back, MJ can’t help but cut     Meriwether – took home the title. Asked        was invited to be a judge in the Miss
her fellow contestant some slack – this      if she wished she had won, MJ chuckles,        Georgetown pageant, where she says she
was, after all, before hair dryers or hot    saying, “Well of course! Every girl did.       was truly impressed by the talent and
rollers. If you wanted to look your best,    But they picked a good Miss America,           enthusiasm of the contestants.
you had to plan ahead!                       and I had a fun time with my fifteen
                                             minutes of fame.”                              “I’ve had a lot of luck in my life,” says
For all the planning and preparation,                                                       MJ, reflecting on her adventures. “I have
MJ says the event itself was something       Though she had no desire to carry on           a wonderful husband of 58 years, two
of a blur, adding, “I just saluted sportily  with pageants, MJ was quite comfortable        marvelous sons and good health.” She
and got out on time!” The live broadcast     onstage and continued to sing and              says she’s proud of her life, but that the
broke ratings records, with 27 million       perform. After completing her degree           fun is hardly over yet.
viewers tuning in for the pageant. Yet MJ    in Theatre Arts, she became an active
does not remember being scared or even       participant in community theatre and           “Last night someone asked me, ‘MJ,
nervous: “I was thinking, ‘Gosh! This is     enjoyed close relationships with her           what would we be doing if we weren’t
happening!’ Yet I hadn’t pursued it, so it   community, family and friends. In her 16       here together in Sun City?’ I said we
felt like something that was happening to    years in Sun City Texas, she has directed      wouldn’t be having near as much fun!”
me, mostly. It was a delightful surprise.”   five plays and five Follies, and is an active
                                                                                            Even without a crown, MJ Hunter knows
                                                                                            how to live like royalty.

ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG                                                                         FEBRUARY 2016 SUNRAYS | 37
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