Page 32 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 32


                         Michelle                                     Unlimited Fun!
                         Fitness                                                                      Ken Conahan consumes exercise like the
                         Director                                                                     rest of us tackle an all-you-can-eat buffet.

       Hours of operation                                                                             That’s why Ken takes full advantage of
                                                                                                      the Fitness Center’s monthly All-Access
                Weekdays:                                                                             pass, which allows him unlimited access
             6 a.m. to 9 p.m.                                                                         to all land and aqua classes offered at
                                                                                                      both Texas Drive and Cowan Creek. The
                Weekends                                                                              slender and toned 65-year-old Sun City
      Saturday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.                                                                      Texas resident purchases the $60 pass at
      Sunday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.                                                                       the first of every month and attends up
                                                                                                      to 16 group fitness classes every week.
      New resident Fitness                                                                            By the time the pass expires at the end
     Orientation (required)                                                                           of the month, he will have attended an
                                                                                                      impressive 60 classes or more.
  Cowan Creek | Tuesdays, 2 p.m.
    Texas Drive | Tuesdays, 7 p.m.                                                                    “It saves a lot of money!” exclaims Ken,
                                                                                                      who is a regular in Low Impact Aerobics,
       No need to pre-register.                                                                       Step, Step-n-Sculpt, Senior Boot Camp,
   New members are required to                                                                        Balanced Body, and Cycle-n-Sculpt. He
 attend Orientation prior to using                                                                    also uses the pass to occasionally attend
                                                                                                      Zumba and Pilates classes.
      the Fitness Centers or the
            swimming pools.                                                                           “Being in a class is great for me because
                                                                                                      it motivates me to exercise, plus the in-
          Fitness Center                                                                              structors provide guidance on proper
         Information Line                                                                             technique,” says Ken, a former staff di-
                                               rector for the Joint Budget Committee of the Colorado Legislature and a Denver
    512-948-7755                               resident for more than 25 years. He and his wife, Nancy, moved to Sun City Texas
                                               in June 2013. Not easily exhausted, Ken also runs, rides his bike, plays pickleball,
      Pool and hot tub closings,               and participates in line dancing.
   class cancellations, inclement
    weather and other pertinent                “Exercise keeps me in shape both physically and mentally, and it provides great social
                                               interaction,” says Ken. “I’ve made many great friends by attending these classes and
         information updated                   gotten to know people from all over Sun City.”
         throughout each day.
                                               The All-Access pass can be purchased at the front desk of either fitness center. In
     Children’s swim hours                     addition to allowing unlimited access to all ticketed classes, it can also be used to
                                               attend any series class without preregistration, as long as the class is not full. The
        For kids ages 4-15 years               pass is nontransferable – meaning it can only be used by the purchaser – and can-
          OCTOBER - MARCH                      not be refunded.
          1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the
                                               Find Your Fit                              your exact fitness level – whether you’re
                indoor pool                                                               a newbie, a seasoned athlete, or some-
   Children’s age restrictions                 With up to 134 group exercise classes      one who is recovering from an injury or
                                               happening every week at the Sun City       dealing with mobility issues. Copies of
      Children under the age of                Texas Fitness Centers, there’s bound to    the four-page calendar are available at
    four, per the CA Rules/Reg.,               be one designed just for you! Our new and  both the Texas Drive and Cowan Creek
    are not allowed at the pools               much improved group fitness calendar       fitness centers. Pick one up today, and
                                               now includes detailed descriptions of all  find your fit!
      or in the Fitness Centers.               our land and aqua classes. It also offers
                                               a guide to selecting a class that matches
  Mr. Etiquette
                                                                                          ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
                   Please take all cell phone
                   conversations outside un-
                   less you want us to listen
                   and join in.

   Remember, Mr. Etiquette is watching.

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