Page 35 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 35

Take it to heart                                                                                Friday, February 5
                                                                                         When it comes to heart disease,
By Jaime Calder                                                                          women’s symptoms, risk factors
                                                                                         and survival rates differ from
                                                                                         men’s. To fight the longstanding
                                                                                         perception of heart disease as a
                                                                                         “man’s issue,” the American Heart
                                                                                         Association declared February 5
                                                                                         “National Wear Red Day” to raise
                                                                                         awareness about the unique risks
                                                                                         and symptoms of heart disease
                                                                                         in women. To learn more about
                                                                                         women’s unique risk factors and
                                                                                         the preventive steps they can
                                                                                         take to improve heart health, visit

A healthy diet and regular exercise have been shown to be beneficial in preventing heart disease. Always consult your
physician before beginning any exercise plan.

When doctors began investigating          their research, doctors in New York City,      States, one out of every four deaths will
           cardiovascular heath in 1915,  Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago founded       be related to heart failure – a number
           many were skeptical that       the American Heart Association (AHA).          which, after years of decline, began to
patients with heart disease could endure  The group grew steadily over the years,        rise again in 2012.
anything more strenuous than bedrest,     with medical professionals and laypersons
much less live full, productive lives. A  alike working to further the scientific        The good news? Ninety percent of all
handful of doctors, however, believed     research and public understanding of           cardiovascular disease is preventable.
otherwise. In 1924, seeking to share in   cardiovascular illness.                        Though men and women experience the
                                                                                         symptoms of heart disease differently,
  Top Fitness Center picks for            In the 1950s, researchers were able to         both genders can easily reduce their
  heart health                            definitively link heart disease to lifestyle   risk through a healthy lifestyle. A diet
  Cardio Sculpt                           choices such as diet, smoking, alcohol         rich in fruits and vegetables can lower
   Monday, Wednesday, Friday              consumption and physical activity. Though      blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose
   9:15 a.m. • TD                         many are familiar with the benefits of         levels, and when coupled with regular
  Aqua Intervals                          healthy living, even the best of intentions    exercise, keep weight within a healthy
   Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. • TD             can be waylaid by the chaos of daily life. In  range. While any movement is better
  Power Cycle                             1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued       than nothing, high intensity workouts
   Monday, Wednesday, Friday              an official reminder to all Americans          which alternate between the upper and
   6:30 a.m. • CC                         annually by declaring February to be           lower body will get your heart and blood
  Basic Kickboxing                        American Heart Month.                          pumping, exercising your arteries and
   Monday, 1 p.m. • TD                                                                   giving you the most bang for your buck.
  Meditation                              Though there have been tremendous              Workouts which reduce stress and tension,
   Thursday, 3:15 p.m. • TD               advances in cardiovascular health              like yoga and meditation, also contribute
                                          since President Johnson’s declaration,         to heart health by lowering blood pressure
                                          maladies of the heart continue to be an        and improving sleep quality. Whatever
                                          urgent public health issue. Cardiovascular     you choose to do, remember to have fun
                                          disease is the leading cause of death          – after all, if you’re going to add years to
                                          worldwide, claiming more lives than all        your life, you might as well enjoy them!
                                          forms of cancer combined. In the United

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