Page 28 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 28


Purchase your tickets for CA Sponsored Outings at or at the Member Services Office.
             Tickets for outings listed for the first time will be available Monday, Feb. 1 at 8 a.m.

Continued from the previous page                                      magnificent homes and gardens:

singer/songwriter. A talented guitarist and vocalist, his sound is     (1) Steves Homestead (French Second Empire design), known
defined by a combination of contemporary roots with many Israeli/          as “The Mansion That Lumber Built,” contains its own
Middle Eastern and Jewish influences. He will be performing                natatorium and is filled with original furnishings and art.
“Compassion,” a song cycle for voice and orchestra written by
himself and Nigel Westlake.                                            (2) Villa Finale (1876 Italianate Villa) restored by Walter
                                                                           Mathis, the preservationist of The King Williams District.
Before the performance we will attend the always informative               European furnishings and arts adorn this home along with
pre-concert talk, given by Bob Buckalew.                                   a collection of Napoleon Bonaparte memorabilia.

Ticket cost includes transportation and mezzanine seating.             (3) The Guenther House and Grist Mill (1859), a simple stone
Limited number of tickets.                                                 house for a miller’s family, has become a symbol of prosperity
                                                                           for the Pioneer Flour Mills. Combining a beautiful museum,
Volunteer Trip Leader: Valerie Weis                                        river mill store and restaurant, we will have lunch here in
                                                                           the roof top garden. Menu includes mixed green salad topped
Austin Auto Show – Convention Center                                       with Pioneer seasoned grilled chicken, tomato basil soup,
Austin - NEW!                                                              freshly baked bread, apple strudel and iced tea or coffee.

Lunch on Your Own                                                     Following lunch take a stroll through La Villita, the little village
Sunday, April 10, $26 pp                                              where German, French and Spanish histories mix along with
Depart SCPL 10:15 a.m.; Return 3:15 p.m.                              shops, galleries and cafes.

                                 Bigger and better than ever, the     NOTE: You must be able to walk several blocks to view
                     Austin Auto Show will showcase some of the       the homes and climb two stair flights to the restaurant.
                     most anticipated new car models of the year.     This tour is not for the mobility impaired.
                     Full of cutting edge technology and style, over
300 cars and trucks from over 29 different manufacturers will         Ticket cost includes transportation, tours, and lunch.
be on display, including Chevrolet, Ford, Dodge, Buick, Jaguar,
Nissan, BMW, Jeep, Fiat, Toyota and Volvo. The 2015 show              Volunteer Trip Leader: Jerilee Prather
featured special exhibit cars including the following: The
DeLorean Time Machine; The ECTO 1; James Bond’s favorite,             Valero PGA Golf Tournament – San Antonio
the Austin Martin Vanquish; the exotic Lotus EXI; and the             NEW!
smokin’ hot Shelby GT350. This year’s special exhibit cars are
sure to be even more exciting!                                        Meals on Your Own
                                                                      Thursday, April 21, $52 pp
Whether you are a car enthusiast, new car buyer, or simply want       Depart SCPL 7:30 a.m.; Return 6:30 p.m.
something fun to do, this is the perfect opportunity to compare
brands and models all under one roof.                                                                 Join us as we travel to San Antonio
                                                                                           for the first round of the 2016 Valero Texas
For lunch on your own, choose from Gus’s World Famous Fried                                Open. The Open is a San Antonio tradition
Chicken, Crepe Cafe, PF Chang’s, Crave, Dave’s Wine Dive, Mai                              and celebrates its 94th year, making it the third
Thai, Pirahna’s, Michelada’s Tex-Mex, and The Brass House. All        oldest tournament on the PGA tour. This official PGA tour event
are within a one block walk from the convention center. Map           features 156 PGA tour professionals and world-class golf played
and menus provided.                                                   at the TPC San Antonio Oaks Course, a Greg Norman signature
                                                                      course. Enjoy walking along with your favorite golf professional
Ticket cost includes transportation and show ticket.                  or pick a hole where you can sit and enjoy the action.

Volunteer Trip Leader: Jerilee Prather                                NOTES: There will be extensive walking, rain or shine,
                                                                      and large crowds at this outdoor event. Wear comfortable
King Williams Homes Tour                                              shoes; bring your folding chair and umbrella.
San Antonio - NEW!
                                                                      Ticket cost includes transportation and tournament admission.
Lunch – The Guenther House
Wednesday, April 20, $67 pp                                           Volunteer Trip Leader: Sandra Celis
Depart SCPL 7:45 a.m.; Return 6 p.m.

                                              Settled by prominent    ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
                     German merchants on the San Antonio River,
                     The King Williams District has a distinct and
                     elegant architectural style. Tour three of the

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