Page 14 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 14


COPs urge motorists:
Steer clear of these bad driving habits

Submitted by Susanne White, COPS volunteer

Any of the following illegal or dangerous       dangerous, but most of us still think         IN THE EVENT OF
actions, often seen by Sun City COPs on         we can “handle” two or three drinks           INCLEMENT WEATHER
patrol, could get you a ticket from the         and drive competently. Both response          go to or
Georgetown Police. However, there is            time and judgment are impaired at             our facebook page, www.
a more important reason to avoid such           blood alcohol levels well below the le-
behavior: it could cause an accident or         gal limit.                                    TexasCommunityAssociation
harm other people. What type of actions                                                       for up-to-the-minute informa-
are we talking about? To name a few:          •	Lane incursions. These take place two         tion on CA facility closures or
                                                different ways:                               delayed openings.
•	Running stop signs or making rolling
   stops. You’re not alone out there on the     1. Swinging wide into the far lane of       Early Voting for March 1
   road, and risk running into another             a two lane street (this occurs with      Primary Election
   car, cart or person.                            both left and right turns).
                                                                                             Voters may cast their ballots at
•	Speeding. Consider setting your cruise        2. Changing lanes without signaling          any polling place; in Sun City, early
   control. “Use the cruise!”                      your intent.                              voting will be offered in the Cowan
                                                                                             Creek Jarrell/Walburg Rooms.
•	Failing to stop for pedestrians at            Both of these could result in a traffic      Early Voting
   crosswalks. It’s more than common            citation from a Georgetown officer.          • Tuesday, February 16 through
   courtesy to let someone cross a busy
   street - it’s the law. (Texas Transporta-  •	Letting minors operate golf carts.              Saturday, February 20:
   tion Code Section 552.003) Pedestri-         Even if it’s just around the neighbor-          7 a.m. to 7 p.m., CCJ/W
   ans: Make eye contact if possible. Try       hood, this could lead to litigation.         • Sunday, February 21:
   to determine if the approaching driver                                                       noon-6 p.m., CCJ/W
   realizes you intend to cross; even then,   •	Bicycle riding without obeying the           • Monday, February 22 through
   use extra caution.                           rules of the road. Bike riders have the         Friday, February 26:
                                                right to use public roadways but must           7 a.m. to 7 p.m., CCJ/W
•	Driving under the influence (DUI). We         comply with motor vehicle regulations,       Election Day
   all know drunk driving is illegal and        including full stops at stop signs. Ad-      • Tuesday, March 1:
                                                ditionally, bicyclists may not ride more        7 a.m. to 7 p.m., SCB and
                                                than two abreast.                               CCF

COPs needs you to volunteer! Give us two hours twice a month. You                         use. Your bill and water meter are tools
can drive (new cars) alone or with a partner, or run the office (at your                  that can help you discover leaks.
home). We’ll train and outfit you. Call 512-966-1362, Monday–Friday                       Consider calling a professional service
from 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m.                                                                     to evaluate your irrigation system, to set
                                                                                          an appropriate watering schedule and
Water Matters                                                                             identify problem areas or overwatered
                                                                                          zones (i.e. between houses).
Submitted by Carlton M. Mathis, Sun City Texas Water Management                           Adjust sprinklers so only your lawn is
                                                                                          watered and not the house, driveway or
The forecast for a                            precipitation, I may be able to hold off    street.
wetter, milder winter                         even longer. If you feel you must water,    Help your neighbors by keeping an eye out
seems to be holding                           remember that the city allows you to        for broken heads, lines or overwatering.
true – hopefully all                          water up to three days per week based on
irrigation systems                            your address, although the Water Matters                                               ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
are turned off. With                          team recommends a two day per week
the exception of the                          schedule.
new turf installation along Del Webb
Boulevard, I have had the Common Area         The city’s Aqua Alert and GUARD
system off since the end of October and       programs are useful tools for monitoring
I do not expect to resume watering until      water consumption. Consider enrolling
March at the earliest. If the weather         in these free services to help maximize
continues to bring us an abundance of         water conservation.

                                              Monitor your water bill for unusually high

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