Page 19 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 19


Expansion Task Force update

In early 2014, Pulte Corporation an-       able to help our community continue          $1.5 million will be spent over the next
nounced the purchase of land adjacent      its place as the number one retirement       four years to improve the existing facili-
to Sun City Texas. This land will contain  community in the country. This is a          ties that residents use for recreation and
two new residential sections and two       daunting task but one that volunteers        social events. The job of the Existing
new amenity campuses, bringing the         are determined to do well.                   Amenities Task Force is to talk to those
total number of homes to 10,000. To help                                                groups that use the indoor and outdoor
reflect the desires of current and future  An important part of the plan is to keep     facilities and to suggest ways to improve
Sun City Texas residents, Pulte created    residents informed of the Task Force’s       these amenities to meet the needs of a
four groups known as the Expansion         progress through the Sun Rays, CA            growing community. A report will be
Task Force. The groups are: Golf; Re-      Communicator and Town Hall meetings.         sent to Pulte with specific, itemized im-
search; Existing Amenities and Main        Listed below are several questions asked     provements based on the yearly budget.
Task Force (New Amenities).                of Task Force members. The answers
                                           are as accurate and current as possible.     How will the suggested improve-
The 28-member Task Force is comprised                                                   ments be prioritized?
of Sun City residents selected from ap-    Who will make the final decisions
proximately 280 applicants. Groups have    about changes to current amenities?          Task Force recommendations will be
been meeting 1-2 times per month to                                                     based on data compiled after meeting
gather information about existing ameni-   Pulte Corporation will make all final        with Sun City residents. Improvements
ties’ needs and to help determine what     decisions, but its staff will place a great  will be prioritized in a way that will
new residents will want to see in Sun      deal of importance on the reports submit-    maximize the use of the $1.5 million
City Texas.                                ted by the Task Force.                       over four years. Some projects can be
                                                                                        completed in one year; others will be
Each group is tasked with providing        How will the $1.5 million dollars            done in stages over several years.
Pulte with the best information avail-     that Pulte is giving Sun City Texas
                                           be spent?

  Some enhancements have been completed, such as the addition of sliding glass doors to the Cowan Creek Pavilion and
  the installation of a shade cover at Del Webb softball field.

Enhancements to existing amenities set to begin

The following enhancements to exist-       • Ceiling fans will be installed in the      of this project include additional
ing amenities have been scheduled for        ballroom to increase air flow and al-      space for equipment, the addition
year one:                                    low the HVAC units to function more        of two massage rooms, a new office
                                             efficiently.                               and a room dedicated to spin bikes
 • In 2015, the Cowan Creek Pavilion                                                    upstairs, all of which will better ac-
   was enhanced with an additional wall    • Additional club storage will be added      commodate the number of residents
   of sliding glass doors. This addition     to the Texas Drive Fitness area.           using the facility. After completion
   will allow residents to better utilize                                               of blueprint and construction draw-
   the pavilion year round by blocking     • Walking trails will be enhanced and        ings, the project will go out to bid and
   the prevailing winds.                     will include GPS markers.                  construction is anticipated to begin
                                                                                        later this spring.
 • A new shade cover was installed at      • The Cowan Creek Fitness Center will
   the softball field.                       expand by enclosing the downstairs
                                             patio and upstairs balcony. Highlights

ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG                                                                     FEBRUARY 2016 SUNRAYS | 17
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