Page 12 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 12


Bits from Ginny’s Desk

Submitted by Ginny Wagner, Community Standards Supervisor

When making plans for plant replace-          tures to help you choose wisely when           details at Community Association Info
ment, remember our successful Water-          shopping for new plants. If you adhere         > Documents > Policies > Political Sign
Wise and Fire-Wise programs and con-          to the size of the bed, mulch and one          Policy.
sider exchanging declining plants for         plant per 100 square feet guidelines, an       HOLIDAY DECORATIONS
native plants that require less water and     application isn’t necessary, even if you
aren’t of an oily nature. Appendix G of       are changing the edging of the bed. Re-        Finally, enjoy the Valentine’s Day decora-
the Design Guidelines has an excellent        member to keep plants under 36-inches          tions, which are allowed from February 7
schedule of plants, detailing how plants      in height in the sight triangle of a corner    through February 21, as well as decora-
rate as to water, deer and fire concerns.     lot, as well as in the last 20-feet adjacent   tions honoring Texas Independence Day,
Login to our website at       the rear perimeter of a golf course lot.       allowed February 24 through March 9.
and choose: Community Association Info        POLITICAL SIGNS POLICY                         It is always a joy to see the creativity
> Documents > Governing Documents >                                                          expressed through appropriate displays
Design Guidelines.                            Elections are approaching. You may dis-        for the recognized holidays!
                                              play one professionally done 4’x6’ sign
Another resource is the binder assembled      for one candidate per race or bond issue            Ginny Wagner can be reached at
by the Garden Club. Available at both         in your yard, between ninety days prior                   512-948-7462 or email
monitor locations, this resource uses pic-    to and ten days after an election. View
                                                                                                     [email protected]

Calling all candidates!

Submitted by Katie Sutton, Director of Administration and HR

It is that time of year again, when we put    Monday, March 14. The last day will be         during these times, please provide the
out the call for candidates for the Sun City  the close of business on Thursday, March       Community Association with a correct
Texas Community Association Board of          31. Per the Voting and Elections Policy, a     mailing address for your ballot. Begin
Directors. Any resident may file to run for   Candidate Forum will be held at 9 a.m. on      checking your calendars for the dates
one of the two open seats. Directors Glandt   Monday, April 18, at which all residents       of your trips, etc., and how the election
and Sandercock are completing their terms     will have an opportunity to hear from and      dates might affect you. The Voting and
and are eligible to run again.                submit questions to Qualified Candidates.      Elections Policy is posted on the Sun City
                                                                                             Texas website and provides all necessary
If you are interested in becoming a           The Elections Committee will mail out          information concerning the election process.
Qualified Candidate (includes many CA         one ballot to the owner of each lot on         There will be more information in future
provided campaign resources), you may pick    Monday, May 2. The Elections Committee         issues of the Sun Rays and the weekly
up an Application to Serve as Director of     will provide additional details as the         Communicator. Please contact the Elections
SCTXCA in the Member Services Office.         filing period approaches. Ballots must be      Committee at [email protected] or
These packets, which include all necessary    returned, either in person or by mail, before  [email protected] (512-948-7704)
forms, will be available beginning Tuesday,   the end of the balloting period, which is two  with any questions you may have about this
March 1. Be prepared to include a brief,      hours before the beginning of the Annual       very important annual process.
one-page biography with your application.     Meeting on Thursday, May 26.
You may have your picture taken at
the Member Services Office, or you can        If you will not be at your Sun City residence
include a personal photograph. Qualified
candidates must be a member-in-good-          2016 ELECTION SCHEDULE
standing throughout the campaign period.
If you are interested in campaigning to       Tuesday, March 1	 Applications available
serve on the Board of Directors and do not
wish to complete the qualification process,   Monday, March 14	 Candidate filing period begins
be sure to check the “Non-Qualified” box
when you complete the application. Non-       Thursday, March 31 	 Candidate filing period ends
Qualified candidates will be listed on the
ballot but will not receive CA sponsored      Friday, April 1	  Introduction of Candidates, 10 a.m., SCB
campaign assistance nor be eligible for any
campaign expense reimbursements.              Monday, April 18 	 Candidate Forum, 9 a.m., SCB

The first day a candidate can file will be    Monday, May 2	    Meet the Candidates 9 a.m., CCF

                                              Monday, May 2 	 Ballots mailed to all homeowners

                                              T	hursday, May 26	 Members Annual Meeting at 3 p.m. to finalize all
                                              	counting of ballots. Ballots will be accepted at the

                                                                           Monitor’s Desk until 1 p.m.

10 | SUNRAYS FEBRUARY 2016                                                                       ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
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