Page 13 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 13

CA Board Candidate Information Hour                                                CA NEWS
New Policies, New Opportunities
                                                                     FEBRUARY 2016 SUNRAYS | 11
Monday, Feb. 15, 1 p.m., Activities Center, MR 3/4

                     Thinking about becoming a candidate or
                     working on a campaign team for the CA
                     Board? If so, you won’t want to miss this
                     event. Receive important information to assist
                     you in choosing your team and planning your
                     campaign. The Agenda will include:
 • New election policies effective this year
 • Qualified and Non-Qualified Candidates: defined and
   associated privileges
 • Campaign rules
 • CA-sponsored campaign publicity and events for Qualified
 • Campaign expense reimbursement rules
 • New process for ballot counting
There will be time for questions and answers.
To make sure we have materials ready for you, please RSVP
by Friday, Feb. 12 to [email protected] listing the names
of all attendees.

Update your info!

The Communications Department
will be printing the next Sun City
Texas Resident Directory in May
and we want to be sure that your
information will be correct so that
all your friends and neighbors can
contact you. The resident list used
in the printed directory is pulled
from the online directory; there-
fore, it is very important to make
sure your information is correct on the Sun City Texas website.

 • Go to
 • Log in with your member ID and password
 • On the Resident Home page, click the My Profile link on

    the left side of your screen
 • Click on Edit My Profile to update your information and

    scroll down to click Save Data
Your information will be displayed. (Note: Each person in
a household has his/her own separate profile.) Review
the information to see if it is correct; if not, please correct the
information. If you need further assistance, go to the Member
Services Office and someone can make the change or give you
a form to fill out to get the change made for you.
If you plan to change your email provider in the next year, do it
now so that your information will be correct in the new Directory!

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