Page 9 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 9


Let’s Communicate!                                                                      Coffee with
                                                                                        Chief Nero
Jim Romine, Executive Director
                                                                                         Thursday, February 11,
What do you do when...?                                                                  8 - 10 a.m., French Room of the
                                                                                         Social Center Ballroom
This is a compilation of information       or the Executive Director for additional      Come visit with Georgetown Police
        from many of your CA staff         assistance.                                   Chief Wayne Nero and members of
        members in an attempt to answer                                                  his senior staff for an open meet-
the ol’ question, “What do you do when…    …you want to purchase tickets to              ing during which Sun City residents
this or that occurs?” Hope you find this   an outing or event that is sold out?          may ask questions, share a cup of
information helpful.                                                                     coffee and enjoy some fellowship
                                           Add your name to the ticket resell list       with “Georgetown’s Finest.” Chief
What do you do when…?                      at the Member Services Office or go           Nero will address general concerns,
                                           online to the Resident Forum and post a       answer questions, and share ongoing
…your bank account changes and             message under the CA Ticket Exchange.         efforts and initiatives. This meeting
your CA assessments (annual dues)          Many times people have a change of            is open to all residents.
are paid via automated clearing            plans and they need to sell their tickets.
house (ACH)?                                                                           Email to: [email protected] with
                                           …you have an idea for an onsite             your request.
You will need to fill out a new bank       activity, or outing or event?               …you wish to get rid of items you
draft form (available on the Sun City                                                  can no longer use?
Texas website). Contact Learhea Grant      Contact the Lifestyle Department at         A Monitor can help you post your items
in the Member Services Office for more     [email protected].                   on the “For Sale” bulletin boards in
information.                                                                           the Social Center and Cowan Creek
                                           …you see irrigation water running           Amenity Center. You may also post on
…you are selling your home but             in a common area for over one hour?         the Resident Forum at
have outstanding dues?                                                                 in the Personal Items for sale topic.
                                           Call the Landscape Department at 512-       …you didn’t receive your Sun Rays?
Pay any dues owed. When your home          948-7790 or the CA Monitor on duty at       Pick up a copy at the Social Center
sells, the title company will have the     512-948-7700 and report the location of     or Cowan Creek Monitor’s desks. Fill
buyer reimburse you.                       the stuck valve.                            out the Monitor’s form with name
                                                                                       and address so that we can notify the
…your billing information changes?         …you see a dead animal in a                 post office if there is a trend with any
                                           common area or on a nature trail?           particular postal route.
Fill out a Change of Information form                                                  …you want to rent one of our
at the Member Services Office.             Call the CA Monitor on duty at 512-948-     facilities for an anniversary,
                                           7700 to arrange removal.                    birthday party or other special
…you want to start a Chartered                                                         occasion?
Club or SIG?                               …you would like to change the TV            Call Sheree Barnes at 512-948-7415 or
                                           station while working out at the            use the Sun City Texas website to send
Contact Rick Artus at 512-948-7718 or      Fitness Center?                             a request through “Room Reservations.”
consult the Policy for Chartered Clubs                                                 …you want to borrow the LCD
on for procedures.         Ask your neighbors if they mind, then       projector for your event?
                                           grab the remote and go for it!              Contact Jim Brown at 512-948-7416 to
…your Chartered Club wishes to                                                         complete your reservation. Pick up and
make a donation?                           …you want to attend Fitness Center          return the projector to the Social Center
                                           orientation but haven’t made a              Monitor’s desk on the day of your event.
All donations from Chartered Clubs         reservation?
must receive prior approval from Ann                                                          FEBRUARY 2016 SUNRAYS | 7
Dodson, Director of Finance, 512-948-      Go anyway - reservations aren’t
7711 or [email protected].            necessary.

…your Chartered Club has a                 …you forgot your
member dispute?                            password?

Policy requires all clubs to establish     Call the Member Services Office at
grievance procedures for internal          512-948-7720 and staff will reset your
issues. If the dispute cannot be managed   password.
internally, the issue may be taken to the
Board-appointed oversight committee        …you want to get a screen or runner
                                           placed on Channel 18?
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