Page 136 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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classifieds                                                        TREE SERVICE

        RVs & SELF STORAGE                           • AABEAR TREE An Arborist who takes
                                                     his work artfully. Off roof, raise canopy,
• SHELL RD RV & BOAT STORAGE-                        storm damage, stump grinding 864-9898.
12 years in business, onsite owners, covered/        Gutters cleaned. Check the Referral Book!
open to 55’, electric gate, 24/7 access, Discounts,  [email protected]
Free air compressor, FREE washbay, close
to Sun City, 3700 Shell Rd 512-468-7524              • MILLERS TREE SERVICE, Georgetown –                             Almost never underbid. Trimming, removal,
                                                     roof clearing. Insured. Free estimates,
• ADMIRAL STORAGE - 6608 Jim Hogg                    512-869-1012. Sun City References since
Dr, near Sun City. Covered RV parking,               1996. Spray and sterilize tools.
Boat & Self Storage. Guaranteed Lowest
Rates in Georgetown. Sun City Discount!              • Jody’s Tree Service: I use sterilized blades
512-508-0492                                         from tree to tree, proper pruning methods, and
                                                     Oak wilt prevention. 25 years’ experience.
• Sun City residents own BLUE AGAVE         512-508-9664, or
RV & SELF STORAGE facility near the                  [email protected]
back entrance to Sun City, Hwy 195 & Bonnet
Lane. Most Reasonable. 512-868-3900 or

The Sun Rays does not endorse or promote any product or
                           service advertised.

    Verification of qualifications and current license are
         the responsibility of persons seeking service.

                                                                                                      STAINED GLASS CLUB SHINES ON
                                                                                                     Above: Poppy mosaic by Cynthia Miller

                                                                                                                                                                        PHOTO BY TOM LEIRER

                                            EASTVIEW BAND COMES TO SUMMER RIDGE LANE
On December 19, Carolyn and John Crilly hosted the East View band at 116 Summer Ridge Lane to play Christmas music
and stay for a garage and driveway party. The neighbors and relatives brought lawn chairs and snacks and listened to the
band play.

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