41042_SunCity-1088 4 Flipbook sm1 - page 11

Continued from the previous page
actions on water use while also maintaining the look of a com-
munity that supports large common areas and three golf courses―
putting our community in the forefront of community associa-
tions across Texas.
The rural settingmany SunCity Texas residents originallymoved
into no longer exists. The growth of Georgetown andWilliamson
County is expanding at a fast pace. Projections of the I-35 Cor-
ridor, which includes Georgetown, estimate the population to
increase to 4.1 million by 2040, with 100 people moving to the
region each day (source: Project Connect). This increase will
bring with it a demand for more roads, transportation, increased
infrastructure, and new businesses to support the growth. Our
community is an integral part of this growth.We need to continue
to build upon our participation and relationships with the city
and county by working hand-in-hand with our city and county
leaders as these changes become part of our community.
As transition approaches, the selection of residents to serve on
the Board of Directors becomes very critical. The Developer will
no longer serve on the Board; therefore, resident boardmembers
must make all decisions on the total operation of the Community
Association. Knowledge and experience in areas of finance, insur-
ance, investments, reserves, contracts, legal matters, amenities,
personnel management and a multitude of other issues will be
needed by Board members. Board members will need a funda-
mental understanding of HOAs, how a nonprofit corporation like
ours differs from a for-profit corporation like Pulte or General
Motors, and how to manage the staff. To achieve knowledge of
these important Board issues, residents should serve on commit-
tees or subcommittees and attend committee meetings, Board
Workshops and Board Meetings. This preparation will provide
Sun City Texas with a well-informed Board of Directors.
Board Member Views
Steve Kelley relates this bizarre tale: “While out riding in our
golf cart along Sun City Blvd, I was holding a red Solo cup
with Gatorade in it. Suddenly, I felt a flop in the cup, and lo and
behold, a bat landed in my cup. It was hanging on to the side,
but who knows whether it liked Gatorade or not?”
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