tion of new club officers for next year,
we again find ourselves looking for a few
good volunteers to help us in our con-
tinued growth. As the largest chartered
club in Sun City Texas, we need your
help to get to the next level in club de-
velopment. There are a great variety of
openings to select from regardless of your
background. Contact us at official@sctx-
compclub.org to get more information on
your area of interest and what training is
available to you. Be part of our solution
for a better club aiming to meet the needs
of our community.
The New Member Forum:
Watch the
training calendar for possible dates and
times for
training on the use of the
new member forum.
Club Membership:
As a member, you
have access to mentor help, media con-
version equipment, computer classes at a
low price, Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
that include
Android, Excel, Geneal-
ogy, Hearing Solutions, iDevices,
Mac User Group, Picasa, ProShow
Gold, Quicken, Vector Vest,
Computers in the lab have various soft-
ware programs that are for your use along
with access to the Internet. See the club
website for details.
Country Western Dance
sctxca.org > Site Index > Country
Western Dance Club
Saturday, October 12, 7 p.m., SCB
Contact: Joe & Connie Main, 512-869-
1610 or
Monthly dances provide traditional
country western dancing in the Ball-
room. Dances will have recorded music
or a live band. Ice and water are pro-
vided. Please bring your own beverages
and snacks.
The October dance will feature the
Somewhere In Texas Band.
Membership is $12 annually and covers
admission to monthly recorded dances;
however, additional fees may be charged
for special events. Go online to www.
sctxca.org > Clubs &Groups to pay dues,
or make your check out to SCTXCA and
either drop it off or mail it to Debbie
Williams, 104 Rio Leon Cove. Dues paid
in October, November, or December
will carry over to the next year. For a
Membership Application or 2014 dance
pressure. Just drop in and have some
fun! Beginners are encouraged and folks
show up anytime after 6 p.m.
Members are eligible for lessons, tourna-
ments and special billiards parties. Our
stereo system plays background music,
the televisions show financial news in the
mornings and news and sports the rest
of the day. We are a wi-fi hot spot, too!
Our players range from beginners to
expert. The annual dues are $12 for
an individual or $20 for a couple. Ap-
plications are available in the Billiards
Center and online at Sun City website
sctxca.org > Site Index > Bocce Club
Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m.
and 1 p.m., (weather permitting) BC
Contact: Bill Templeman, 512-863-
3159 or
We invite all Sun City Texas residents
to come and enjoy the game of bocce. If
you decide you like the game as much
as we do, we invite you to join our club.
Our dues are only $6 for the remainder
of the year.
During the past month, only one player
rolled a 5-point frame: Joe Platek. Con-
Our most recent session of league play
produced the following winners: First –
Russ Ruff; Second – Don Webb; Third
– Larry Hunting. The next league is
planned to start on October 14, imme-
diately after the club’s annual hot dog
lunch. There’s still time to join the club
and enter the league, which will run for
8 weeks.
Bocce Fact of the Month:
When is a
bocce ball “dead?” Whenever a player’s
bocce ball hits the backboard without
striking another ball or the pallino, the
bocce ball is considered a dead ball and is
removed from play until the next frame.
Phone: 512-868-9780
Cyber Center Hours:
Monday, Friday
& Saturday: 9 a.m. to Noon;
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday:
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Come Join Us!
As our year starts to
wind down and we gear up for the elec-
coffee and conversation at the old Legacy
Hills cafe. Aviation brings folks together,
so they can recall and reminisce about
days when they and their friends and
colleagues were more actively involved
in the industry. All are invited to visit;
membership is not limited to pilots, but
to anyone with an interest in aircraft,
aviation history or the aviation commu-
nity. Dues are $12 a year.
Members meet on the second Saturday of
each month at 8:30 a.m. for a social time
of coffee and donut holes in the Atrium
of the Activities Center.
Ballroom Dance
Wednesday, October 16, 7 p.m., SCB
Contact: Meredith Chiles, 512-868-
1391 or
The October dance will feature carefully se-
lected recorded music for Fox Trot, Waltz,
East and West Coast Swing, Cha Cha,
Rumba, Tango, Samba and other dances.
Non-resident guests are $5 at the door.
Ice, water, plastic glasses and napkins will
be provided. Please remember to bring
your own beverage needs.
Tea dance:
In addition to the regular
monthly dance, there will be a Tea Dance
on Sunday, October 20. It will start with
a reception time from1:15-1:45 p.m., then
dancing will begin and continue until 3:45
p.m. Bring a tea cup; come and enjoy.
Dance Instructions:
A new session of
dance classes will commence October 21.
For full information and to register, con-
tact John Moore at
(Aka The Rack Pack)
sctxca.org > Site Index > Billiards Club
Contact: Phillip Pensabene, 868-0103
The Billiard Center is open from 8 a.m.
to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and
8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
The phone number is 512-948-POOL
(7665). We are located at 1410 Sun City
Blvd., across from the Pickleball courts.
Monday night is Social Billiards. This
is a great opportunity for ladies and
couples to play or learn to play with no
Continued from the previous page