please call 512-630-6203. Class size
limited to 15.
Pilates for Men Series - Beginner
Tuesdays, 5:45-6:45 p.m. • TD
4 classes for $12, January 6-27
An introductory men’s class to develop
balance, flexibility, and core strength
with focus on abdominals and back while
improving posture. Womenmay register to
attend; however, this class will be focused
toward men. Series taught by Nancy.
Pilates for Men Series
- Intermediate
Thursdays, 5:45-6:45 p.m. • TD
4 classes for $12, January 8-29
This class is for experienced exerciserswho
want to be challenged to develop greater
balance, flexibility, and core strength
with focus on abdominals and back while
improving posture.Womenmay register to
attend; however, this class will be focused
toward men. Series taught by Nancy.
Senior Boot Camp Series
Tuesdays & Thursdays,
5:45-6:45 p.m. • CC
8 classes for $24, January 6-29
A combination class that incorporates the
walking track, indoor cycling, strength
training, core work and stretching. Series
taught by Leslie.
Sleep Better Series
Mondays, 6-7 p.m. • TD
4 classes for $28, January 5-26
Sleep better, wake up refreshed and reduce
stress and anxiety. This insomnia solution,
inspired from the Feldenkrais Method
and relaxation techniques are led by
Marika Hicks. Participants should be
able to get on and off the ground.
Slim Down Series
Tuesdays & Thursdays,
4:45-5:30 p.m. • CC
8 classes for $24, January 6-29
A beginning to intermediate circuit
workout which incorporates cardio
interval training, muscle strengthening,
core stability and joint mobility. Series
taught by Beth.
Stretching 101 Series
Fridays, 1-1:45 p.m. • TD
5 classes for only $15, January 2-30
Learn the essentials to stretching all
muscle groups to improve flexibility and
help prevent injury! Series taught by
Personal Training
Monday, January 12, 9 a.m.,
Cowan Creek
John Rutan, Sun City Texas
personal training coordinator,
will answer your questions about
personal training. Join us to
learn more information about our
personal training sessions and the
Tai Chi – All Levels
Wednesdays, 7:15-8:15 p.m. • TD
8 classes for $40, Jan. 7 – Feb. 25
This fun class will review, refine and
clarify many of the Yang 24 Form
postures and explore new practice
techniques. Series taught by Larry.
Thirty Minute Cycle
Mondays and Wednesdays
1-1:30 p.m. • CC
8 classes for $24, January 5-28
A quick and great workout on indoor
cycling bikes, which means a huge
calorie burn in a low-impact, joint friendly
environment. This class is great for
beginners and avid cyclists who just want
a quick ride. Series taught by Whitney.
Yoga for Joint Mobility
Thursdays, 4:30–5:30 p.m. • TD
4 classes for $16, January 8-29
A yoga class designed to gently loosen
the joints in the feet, ankles, knees,
hips, torso, spine, and neck. Class will
explore joint-freeing yoga exercises and
relaxation. Series taught by Amanda.
Zumba Combo
Saturdays, Noon–12:45 p.m. • TD
5 classes for $15, January 3-31
A Latin-based dance class which allows
you to dance yourself into cardiovascular
fitness and helps develop a strong core.
This class also includes some sculpting.
Series taught by Taryn.
Zumba Toning Series
Thursdays, 2-2:50 p.m. • TD
4 classes for $12, January 8-29
Learn the basic moves of Zumba plus
muscle toning! Dance yourself into
cardiovascular fitness and develop a strong
core with this fun, Latin-based dance
class! Series taught by Taryn.
Questions about a series class? Contact
Whitney Alexander at 512-948-7753 or
Meet Your Group
Fitness Instructor and
Personal Trainer –
Allison Worley
A l l i son has
worked as a
personal train-
er and group
fitness instruc-
tor since 2000.
She focuses her
skills and edu-
cation on helping clients exercise to
be strong for the demands of their
daily lives. Allison believes that
becoming fitter and healthier has
a positive impact on every area of
our lives and teaches us a lot about
reaching our true potential.
Allison loves playing sports, in-
cluding softball. She is passionate
about travel and has lived, worked
and vacationed around the world.
She and her husband Herb enjoy
time together and own a cat named
• Certified Personal Trainer,
National Academy Sports
• Senior Fitness Specialist
• Corrective Exercise Specialist
• Fitness Specialist Stott Pi-
lates Instructor AFAA
• Group Fitness Instructor,
Spinning Instructor
Group Fitness Tutorial
Monday, January 12, 10 a.m.,
Cowan Creek
In the Group Fitness Tutorial, Sun City
Texas Group Fitness Coordinator Whit-
ney Alexander will answer your ques-
tions about Group Fitness classes. If you
want more information about the classes
offered, which class is right for you and
how to get started, please join us.