or those of us who could use a good
stretch, this is the class to attend.
This course will also help to en-
hance your balance, and as I can’t even
balance my checkbook, I figured I should
get myself to a Pilates class sooner rath-
er than later. After spending a day as
an observant, I can tell you that I plan
to take it (so if you see me there, please
don’t laugh when I’m floundering on the
mats like a whale on a sandy beach).
Instructor Anna Easterling has a mel-
low voice which invites you to perform
the exercises at your own pace and at
ability level. She’s not some shouting
drill instructor, so you will come out
feeling refreshed and fulfilled (instead
of paranoid and alarmed).
Anna was trained in teaching Pilates
through a five-year program led by certi-
fied instructors. In addition to Pilates,
she is a trained yoga instructor and re-
cently has begun teaching aqua aerobics
as well. Her upbeat and welcoming de-
meanor makes you glad you joined the
Pilates class.
Pilates, Anna told me, is a combination
of breathing exercises intended to de-
velop concentration, control, alignment,
precision, and relaxation. Combined,
these elements help in the development,
strengthening and stability of the body’s
“core muscles;” then, that centered con-
nection radiates vitality throughout the
body. The class is also aimed at improv-
ing your flexibility. I’m presently about
as flexible as a steel girder, so the class
should do wonders for me.
When participating in this class, be
absolutely sure to give yourself lots of
space! Though there’s not much equip-
ment involved in Pilates, there’s plenty
of movement. If you don’t want to take a
Beginner Pilates
By Mike Gullickson
Beginner Pilates
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
11:45 a.m. with Anna
Cowan Creek Fitness Center
JoinBeginner Pilates to strengthen
your “core muscles” and improve
your flexibility.
For more information about Be-
ginner Pilates and other group
fitness classes, email Whitney
Alexander at whitney.alexander@
sctexas.org or call 512-948-7753.
foot to the head, be sure to be thoughtful
about where you put your mat.
I got a kick out of this class, the way it
was presented, the benefits it provided.
Odds are you will, too, so give Beginner
Pilates a try! The class meets on Mon-
days, Wednesdays and Fridays at Cowan
Creek, from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. You
will need to purchase tickets, which you
can do at the the monitor’s desk in either
fitness center.