Page 67 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 67

February tips for a beautiful

Water-wise landscape

By Winola VanArtsdalen

Here in Central Texas, we are               older multi-stemmed shrubs/trees by              Winola is a Williamson County
         just moving into late winter/      removing old stems at crown.                     Master Gardener, a member of
         early spring. Be sure to have all                                                   the Sun City Garden Club and a
trimming tools sharpened and ready to       Trim evergreens late winter, before new          member of the Sun City Water Wise
go, because it is a real challenge to get   growth. Subshrubs like salvia greggii,           Task Force.
all needed trimming done before new         zexmenia and skeleton-leaf goldeneye
growth.                                     may or may not die back. Even if they            Master Gardeners and other
                                            do not freeze, they need to be cut back.         experienced gardeners are available
Texas Forest Service recommends we          I have tried cutting them back halfway           to answer questions a half hour
do not trim oak trees susceptible to oak    as well as cutting down to six or eight          before Sun City Garden Club
wilt February through June. Because         inches. Cutting back drastically, they           meetings each month. The Garden
nitudulid (sap-feeding) beetles that        take a long time to grow and start               Club meets the second Wednesday
spread oak wilt are never 100% inactive,    blooming, but look much neater. You              of each month beginning with
you must always paint wounds on             may choose to wait to trim in early              the question/answer period at
oak trees immediately any size,             spring so dead branches can give some            12:30 p.m.
any season, but especially during the       protection if there is a hard freeze.
months of February through June. Sap        Watch the weather and plant’s location          save problems later!
is moving at this time, making beetles      to determine. Just be sure you have           •	Plan to aerate and spread one-half
particularly active and wounds more         mulched at least two inches, but that
susceptible to disease.                     the mulch is not touching the stem as           to one-inch organics (fine compost)
                                            this can cause disease.                         over your turf, then water in for
Let’s stop a moment to consider the                                                         better health and moisture retention.
rationale behind this gardening practice.   The common saying is to trim roses on           You can spread top dressing any
The terminal bud on a shoot produces a      Valentine’s Day, but that is early. That        time except during hot weather.
hormone inhibiting the development of       was the saying when I lived halfway             If you aerate, spread top dressing
lateral buds along the shoot. When we       between Houston and Galveston, and              immediately after.
remove that terminal bud, the lateral       their spring arrived a month to six weeks     •	Do not fertilize until after second
buds near the cut become active and         earlier than here! Watch the weather.           mowing. If you spread top dressing,
grow. When pruning, cut back to a bud,      You may want to trim in mid-February            do not fertilize, as this would be too
making a slightly angled cut. A branch      or wait until later in the month or even        much nitrogen.
cut back to the main trunk or to a lateral  into March. Remember that old roses
branch or bud will heal quicker. A stub     do not want severe pruning, otherwise        Source: Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension
left is not only ugly, but slower to heal   they will “pout.”                            Service.
as well.
                                            Wait to trim spring-blooming plants like                Horticulture Questions:
Correct pruning is the selective removal    viburnum and lorapetalum until April          Contact Williamson County AgriLIFE
of branches, not shearing where all the     or May, after spring bloom.
ends of branches are removed. Unless                                                                   Extension Office at
you desire a hedge, it is better to trim    FEBRUARY GARDENING TIPS                                       512-943-3300
bushes for a natural shape. Before
starting, stand back and consider            •	If you have planted any shrubs or            F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 SUNRAYS | 65
the natural form of the plant - try to         trees within last year, check to be sure
maintain this. A good pruning job should       tags/tape have been removed, not left
not be conspicuous.                            to eventually strangle the plant.

If you have not already trimmed vitex,      TURF
crape myrtles and other shrubs or
trees that have summer bloom on this         •	Apply pre-emergent before February
year’s growth, do so now. Rejuvenate           15.

                                             •	Digging weeds now while they are
                                               easier to see with grass dormant will

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