Page 65 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 65

Sam and Margaret Kyzar                                             Lee and Cynthia Miller
                                           LAUGH AND LEARN
SHOW APPRECIATION                          Happy wife, happy life! This is Lee’s mantra to a great marriage. Love can
                                           be great the second time around. Lee and Cynthia Miller have been married
My wife and I met the summer before        almost six years. Neither thought they would ever marry again. They’ve
my senior year in high school. I told my   never had a fight - just some well-intentioned, thoughtful disagreements.
mom after our first date that Margaret     They keep wondering when the BIG ONE will blow. Intimacy comes in all
was the girl I was going to marry. We      forms, but a hug, kiss and breakfast in bed get huge brownie points. Try
saw each other off and on (mostly on) for  new things - Cynthia never thought she would get her motorcycle license
five years. At the end of my Navy flight   or love RVing, and Lee never thought he would love gardening, decorating,
training, we married. We just celebrated   etc. (just kidding). Their advice? Keep laughing, keep learning and keep
our 52nd anniversary in November           experiencing life.
2015. Each morning my first prayer is      Lee & Cynthia Miller
thanking God for her.
                                                                                                           Continued on the next page
Sam Kyzar
                                                                                                             F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 SUNRAYS | 63

Mary and I have been married for 60
years as of this February. How, you ask?

We love and respect each other and show
it in many ways. I do as much for her as
she does for me. I am unselfish - not all
my life, but I am now. I am concerned for
her health, wellbeing and happiness. I do
my part at home and consider her in every
decision I make. I still love her as much
ever - probably more - and I always will.

Jerry Sivin


Charlie Welsh and Sharon Perdue were
introduced by a mutual friend in 1988
and married a year later. Between them
they have 5 children, 7 grandchildren
and 6 great-grandchildren. What’s their
recipe for happiness?

 1. Enjoy your similarities.
 2. Respect your differences.
 3. Listen well.
 4. Speak kindly.
 5. Argue fairly and with respect.
 6. Treasure your time together.
 7. Find ways to laugh a lot!

Charlie Welsh

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