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Educational                                                           is right for you.
                                                                   •	Understand the value of balancing taxable with tax-free
Texas license to carry a handgun class
                                                                      income in retirement.
Saturday, Feb. 20, 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., CCAN with shoot-           •	Take full advantage of all the benefits of a Roth conversion
ing @ 2:30 p.m.
                                                                      while avoiding common pitfalls.
Hosted by: Resident Ron Gaddy @ rongaddy22@                       For more information please call 512-527-9900, ext. #10, Denise. – NRA Pistol Instructor                                 Jim will not receive any compensation for this event. There is
                                                                  no obligation for attending.
This class will provide you with the information and certificate
to receive a Texas license to carry a handgun.                    Advisor office located at 4131 Spicewood Springs Rd, Suite
                                                                  I-5, Austin TX 78759.Brokerage, investment and financial
Please call Ron Gaddy 512-750-8877 to register for this class     advisory services are made available through Ameriprise
and for information about basic pistol instruction.               Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2013
                                                                  Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved.
Texas D.P.S. Certified Instructor for C.H.L. - N.R.A Certified
Pistol Instructor                                                 Estate planning basics & IRA/401K seminar

National Rifle Association Credentials:                           Tuesday, Feb. 16, 10 a.m., CCAN
 •	Basic Pistol and Safety
 •	Personal Protection in the Home                                Hosted by: The Greening Law Firm
 •	Personal Protection Outside the Home                           Purchase your $1 ticket online or at the Member Services Office.
 •	Refuse to be a Victim
 •	Range Safety Officer                                           10:30-11:30 a.m.: Estate Planning Basics – Wills, Trusts, and
Financial                                                         11:30 a.m.-noon: IRA/401K – Five Beneficiary Options, Includ-
                                                                  ing Retirement Fund Trusts
The truth about estate planning workshop                          Presented by Ron Greening of The Greening Law Firm, P.C.
                                                                  Our practice is limited to Estate Planning, Probate, Trust
Thursday, Feb. 11, 9:30 a.m., CCAN                                Administration, and Medicaid Planning
                                                                  You are invited to join us to learn more about:
Hosted by: The Wiewel Law Firm
Purchase your $1 ticket online or at the Member Services Office.   •	Living Trusts - a powerful estate planning tool
                                                                   •	Wills - uses and misconceptions
Presented by Brad Wiewel, JD, Board Certified, Estate Plan-        •	Probate - what it is, how it works, and how to avoid it
ning and Probate Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization; and     •	Protecting your assets while reducing death taxes, attor-
Doug Paul, JD, MBA, Director of Advanced Planning Strategies
at The Wiewel Law Firm.                                               ney’s fees, and other costs
                                                                   •	Living Wills and Powers of Attorney
Learn the truth about:                                             •	Five options you have for IRA/401K beneficiary: advantages

  •	Who will care for me if I can’t do it?                            and disadvantages of each
  •	Are trusts always better than wills?                           •	Estate planning for IRAs and life insurance proceeds
  •	Do out-of-state documents work in Texas?
  •	Remarriage - protecting your estate                           Attendees will receive a “Texas Estate Planning Basics” book
  •	Divorce-proofing your kids’ inheritance                       and the opportunity for a complimentary private consultation
  •	Community property and new Texas residents                    with attorney Ron Greening concerning their planning at our
  •	Are death taxes dead?                                         Georgetown office, 1601 Williams Drive at Rivery Blvd.
  •	How to lawsuit-protect your assets
  •	Is your estate plan up-to-date?                               Mr. Greening will bring fresh-brewed Starbucks coffee and
We look forward to seeing you there. For more information,        fresh-baked gourmet cookies.
call our Georgetown office at 512-869-1435.
                                                                  Please call us at (512)931-0888 for more information.
Why a Roth IRA, Why Now?
Friday, Feb. 12, 2:30 p.m. CCW

Hosted and presented by: Jim Bailey, CFP®
Purchase your $1 ticket online or at the Member Services Office.

Jim is an Ameriprise Platinum Financial Services® Practice
financial advisor with 26 years of experience.

Can a Roth IRA help you be prepared for a confident retirement?

Find out which factors to consider before choosing a Roth Con-
version. This seminar will help you:

 •	Cut through the clutter and decide if a Roth conversion

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