Page 20 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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           Purchase your tickets for CA-Sponsored Events at or at the Member Services Office.
                       Tickets for activities listed for the first time will be available Monday, Feb. 1 at 8 a.m.

Activities with Jenny                                                  When is Junior Camp?

Junior Camp Drawing                                                    Session 1: June 14 - 17 – 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Friday, February 26, 10 a.m.,                                          Session 2: June 21 - 24 – 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
French Room
                                                                       Who is eligible to attend? Campers must be 7-11 years
What is Junior Camp? Junior Camp                                       old at the time of camp. No exceptions due to Texas licens-
is a day camp for 160 grandchildren (80                                ing. Also, we are not licensed to accommodate children
each session) to experience Sun City activities – bocce ball,          with special needs.
swimming, tennis, acting, golf, ceramics, gardening, fishing,
and more. Staffing includes director, health care provider,            How do I sign up? Because of the popularity of Junior
counselors, volunteer Sun City club members, and lifeguards            Camp we hold an annual drawing to determine the par-
who all help provide a fun and safe environment. Cost is $290          ticipants. Pick up more information and an entry form at
per camper which includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, camp               the Monitor’s Desk, 2 Texas Drive. Put the form in the
T-shirt, family movie and popcorn night, and all activities.           drawing box before February 26. Attendance at drawing
                                                                       is not required.

   Movie: “Mission Impossible:                                         N13 Mardi Gras Parade & Dance
Rogue Nation”
                                                                       Saturday, Feb. 6		
Wednesday, Feb. 3, 6 p.m., SCB, $5 pp                                  Parade: 10 a.m., Rio Grande Loop, Free!
131 minutes, PG-13                                                     Dance: 6:30-10 p.m., SCB., $12.50 pp*
Reserved Seating by Table
                                                                                            Neighborhood 13 will celebrate Mardi Gras with
                     CIA chief Hunley (Alec Baldwin) convinces                              their annual parade and dance on Saturday,
                     a Senate committee to disband the IMF                                  February 6. Those interested in participating
                     (Impossible Mission Force), of which Ethan                             in the parade, or for more information, contact
                     Hunt (Tom Cruise) is a key member. Hunley                              Randy Gehr at 512-863-4100 or Donna Braun
                     argues that the IMF is too reckless. Now on his   at 512-948-5116.
own, Hunt goes after a shadowy and deadly rogue organization
called the Syndicate.                                                  *NOTE: Tickets will not be sold through the Member Services
                                                                       Office, nor online through the Sun City ticketing system. Contact
   20th Anniversary Homecoming                                         Debbie Williams at 512- 863-5378 or dddwilliams@suddenlink.
                                                                       net to purchase tickets, or mail payment to Debbie Williams,
Friday, February 5, Open House from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.,                 104 Rio Leon Cove, Georgetown, TX 78633.
RSVP to [email protected]                                            Pinot’s Palette – Georgetown

                     Residents, past residents, neighbors, friends     Painting the Night Away
                     and fans of Sun City Texas, please join us for a  Wednesday, Feb. 17, 7 - 9 p.m., SCB, $45 pp
                     walk down memory lane at the Sun City Texas
                     20th Anniversary Homecoming. As with any          Pinot’s Palette - Georgetown is coming to our Sun City
                     homecoming, it will be a time to celebrate old                         Ballroom with their mobile studio. Bring your
friends and new, reminisce about the past twenty years and                                  friends, snacks, and favorite beverages. Get
imagine our Community’s future!                                                             ready to be inspired by their artists who will
                                                                                            guide you step-by-step through your painting.
Please RSVP to [email protected] and join us anytime                                   An artist will be on stage teaching step by
between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. for wine, cheese and dessert. This
nostalgic event will also include music, photos, door prizes,          step, and artists will also be on the floor to answer questions
presentations by special guests and lots of surprises. We would        and guide your hand. At the end of the night, leave with your
like to extend a special thank you to our 20th Anniversary             own masterpiece. There will be fun music playing, and this is
Sponsors Pulte, Suddenlink and Goodwater Wealth Management             a great event for girl’s night, date night or night on your own!
Group of Raymond James for their support of the community
and this celebration.                                                  Note: We must have at least 20 people signed up by Monday,
                                                                       February 1 for this event to happen.
Life is good in Sun City Texas and we’re happy you’re here!
                                                                       Doors will open 30 minutes prior to the class so you can find
                      Indicates CA sponsored event
                                                                           Editor’s note: When submitting articles for the Events
18 | SUNRAYS FEBRUARY 2016                                                   section, please limit your article to 150 words or less.

                                                                                                                                                               ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
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