Page 21 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 21


Purchase your tickets for CA-Sponsored Events at or at the Member Services Office.
           Tickets for activities listed for the first time will be available Monday, Feb. 1 at 8 a.m.

your seat. When you purchase your ticket, please list if you             John Denver Tribute
are wanting to sit near certain friends. You will have reserved       Square Tones
seats with your name written at your seat.
                                                                      Wednesday, March 9, 7 - 9 p.m., SCB, $8 pp
   Nonprofit Fair                                                                          Reserved Seating by Table

Friday, Feb. 19, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. SCB, Free                                                 Come out and enjoy some great John Denver
                                                                                           hits performed by Ken of Ken’z Guitars in
                     Be sure to mark your calendars for the                                Georgetown, and Karen and Chris Hunt!
                     upcoming Nonprofit Fair. Traditionally, we
                     have more than 40 nonprofits participating.         20th Anniversary Event –
                     Talk to representatives of area organizations    Spring Vendor Fair - NEW!
                     to see what services are available and whether
there is a cause you are interested in supporting. Have a nonprofit   Friday, March 18, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., SCPL and SCB
that is near and dear to you that you would like to see participate?
Have the organization contact Dick Baker at dick.baker@sctexas.                            There will be door prizes for this 20th
org for registration information.                                                          Anniversary Event. The event that brings
                                                                                           local area businesses to your backyard! Enjoy
Third Friday International Presentation -                                                  meeting business owners in Georgetown and
Thailand - NEW!                                                                            the surrounding area and make contact with
                                                                      those who have served Sun City for years! Come shop and talk,
Friday, February 19, 1 p.m., ACA, FREE                                or just stop by!

                     The Foreign Language Club presents its Third     Horticulture Club Spring Plant Sale -
                     Friday International presentation with guest     NEW!
                     speaker Ursula Pinner, who will take us on a
                     virtual trip to Thailand, the Golden Kingdom.    Saturday, March 19, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                     This free presentation explores bustling         Sun City Gardens, 141 Sun City Blvd.
Bangkok to the bridge on the River Kwai to ancient ruined
capitals. Journey through the lush countryside to mountaintop                              Mark your calendars now for the Horticulture
temples and even visit an elephant training center! Third Friday                           Club’s annual Spring Plant Sale. Annuals,
International presentations are open to all Sun City residents.                            perennials, Texas Native and adapted plants
Join us!                                                                                   and shrubs, vegetables and herbs will be for
                                                                                           sale. Compost, mulch and compost tea will
Follies 2016                                                                               also be available.
Feelin’ Groovy, Sounds of the ’60s
                                                                         Folkwine – Performance
Monday, Feb. 22 – Saturday, Feb. 27, 7 p.m., SCB, $15 pp
                                                                      Wednesday, March 23, 7 - 9 p.m., SCB, $5 pp
                     “Walk right in, sit right down” and allow        Reserved Seating by Table
                     AcTAG to take you back in time to the groovy
                     sounds, sights, and memories of the ’60s. We’ll                       Folkwine is a trio composed of Buenger
                     enjoy the sounds of American Bandstand, the                           Dickson (tenor guitar), Les Newcomb (acoustic
                     Beatles, Burt Bacharach and a host of other                           guitar), and Joe Blanda (lead & slide guitars)
great music from that decade.                                                              harmonizing on vintage folk, traditional, and
                                                                                           acoustic rock tunes from the 1950s to the 1970s.
It wouldn’t be the Follies without the wonderful dancing skills
of the Sun City Georgettes, Cloggers, SunSations and our own          Their set list includes songs from Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger,
AcTAG dancers.                                                        the Everly Brothers, Peter, Paul & Mary, The Kingston Trio
                                                                      and many others.
Music wasn’t the only thing groovy about the ’60s. There were
some groundbreaking television shows in that era as well. This                                         Events continued on the next page
year’s Follies will showcase the comedy of Laugh-In, Ed Sullivan,
Lily Tomlin and Phyllis Diller, just to name a few.

Truly “those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never
end” and you won’t want this night to end either. Tickets are on
sale now and can be purchased online, in the Member Services
Office and at the door when available.

                      Indicates CA sponsored event                    FEBRUARY 2016 SUNRAYS | 19

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