Page 58 - Sun Rays_February 2016
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GOLF                              Couples Golf Association (CGA)

  WGA 9-Hole Group                        Submitted by Wanda Cussio-Kanode, CGA Media Director
                                          Meeting: Wednesday, April 6, 3 p.m., CCAN
   Submitted by Kempa Rider
   Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 9,              Welcome back to all past CGA members          Format will be Front 9 Low Net/Back
   11 a.m., CCJ/W                         ready for an exciting 2016 golf year, and     9 Scramble.
                                          welcome aboard to all new members!
   We ended the year with 211             We look forward to sharing the links          This is a One Couple (Two Player Team)
   members and anticipate that            with you.                                     event.
   everyone will join again in 2016.
   As of this writing we have 75 paid     We are beginning our third year as a          On holes one through nine, post the
   members. If you have not renewed       chartered club and pleased to report our      lowest net score. On holes 10 thru 18, post
   yet or would like to join as a new     membership is growing. Just a reminder:       your team gross score. Combine these
   member, please do so as soon as        if you have not paid your dues for 2016,      scores for the game total. Registration
   possible.                              the amount owed is $15. Don’t delay and       for this event will close on January 29.
   Our end of the year award results      miss out on play dates.                       We ask that you register online.
   were as follows: The most improved
   player award went to Paula Elmers;     The complete 2016 Play Date Schedule          Please note that registration for games
   Emily Eldridge had the most birdies;   can be found on the CGA website. Mark         has changed slightly from last year.
   Nancy Secrist made the fewest putts    your calendar so as not to miss playing
   and Cleo Ramsey claimed the award      your favorite formats.                        The CGA website has been updated
   for the most pars!                                                                   with the 2016 board members, contact
   An award was given to the lowest       The next scheduled play date is February      information and club updates. See you
   gross and lowest net on both of the    6 at Legacy Hills with a 1 p.m. shotgun.      on the golf course!
   front and back of Legacy and the
   front of White Wing. Capturing low     WGA 18-Hole Group Submitted by Bonnie Beauchamp
   gross honors were Margaret Kachal,
   April Pope and Retta Goss. Jackie      Contact: Membership Chair Paula Mockenhaupt, [email protected] or
   Fife, Patti Tietjen and Jan Dobbs
   came in with the lowest net scores.    512-240-4273
   Our membership was able to vote        Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 2, 12:30 p.m., CCF/G
   electronically for the winners of      Board Meeting: Monday, Feb. 15, 9 a.m., CCW
   these fun awards: Ms. Fashionplate
   went to Mary Tupacz; Donna             The 18-hole golf ladies were in               membership: Paula Mockenhaupt;
   Betts was voted the Most Helpful;              festive moods with attire to match    publicity/historian: Bonnie Beauchamp
   Betty Ann Preston was named                    when they attended the 2015           and Kay Atkins; ways and means:
   Most Knowledgeable and Sylvia          Year-End Luncheon on Dec. 8 in the            Kathy Russell; major tournaments: Pat
   Quillin was declared Hardest           Social Center Ballroom. Golf pro liaisons     Blankenship and Mary VanAudenhove;
   Worker. Other categories included
   Ms. Organization (Kempa Rider),        Lee Matthews and Sheila Diller, who           prizes: Sandee Fox; golf tepresentative:
   Most Dependable (Rae Gill), Tree       were instrumental with making the year        Marilyn Strickland; hole-in-one: Linda
   Hugger (Cathy Tucker) and Beach        a memorable one, were recognized and          Copt. As you can see, it takes many hard-
   Baby (Ruth Ann Hicks). The final
   two receiving recognition were Barb    thanked for their help and contributions      working ladies to make everything run
   Schulemburg for being Comedy Girl      with our league. We also try to appreciate    as smoothly as possible. There are also
   and Janice Brown for being Most        all of our sponsors throughout the year       many other members not mentioned who
   Optimistic.                            and many of our members utilize their         work tirelessly on the committees listed,
   The social committee arranged for a    services as well; it seems to be a win/win    so it’s true that it takes all members to
   lovely traditional holiday buffet and  for everyone. Please view our webpage on      make a league.
   did a fabulous job decorating the      the website for a list of all of
   tables with mirrored center pieces     the businesses that generously sponsor        Our new President, Marcia Ness, has
   topped with live poinsettias.          our league.                                   made “communication” our buzzword
   At our first meeting of the year, all                                                for the 2016 season. She and the rest of
   new 2016 officers were installed.      The new board for the 2016 WGA 18-Hole        the board want to be open and available
                                          Group is as follows: President: Marcia        for the membership and it promises to
56 | SUNRAYS FEBRUARY 2016                Ness; First Vice President: Catherine         be a great year.
                                          Daniel; Second Vice President and Play
                                          Day Director: Margo Maddux; Secretary:        We look forward to a wonderful 2016
                                          Cindy Brien; Treasurer: Becky Scofield.       season full of good weather and good golf
                                          The committee chairmen for 2016 are           and we welcome new members to join in
                                          as follows: rules: Vicky Matthews;            on the fun. Check our website for more
                                          handicaps: Ege Reichert; social:              details concerning our club. We’d love to
                                          Julie Dreyer and Marilyn Hamner;              have you join us.

                                                                                                ONLINE: SCTEXAS.ORG
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