Page 56 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 56


Golf course playability plans for 2016

Submitted Norm Pfingsten (Golf Committee Playability Chair) and Gary Wilson (Director of Golf)

Every year the playability sub-committee,            cept Hole 9, which has been completed.     middle area of the fairway that is slow
course superintendents and head golf                                                            to heal.
professionals tour each course to iden-            • Keep all native grasses cut down in
tify items affecting playability and safety.         front of tee areas, specifically holes 4,  #10. Cut down the native area in the front
These playability items are compiled into            6, 12, 16 and 17.                          left of the green so golf balls can be found
a list that golf maintenance uses as a                                                          without impacting pace of play.
punch list for completion. The playabil-          HOLES
ity list is reviewed by the Director of Golf                                                    #12. Clear willows so sprinklers can work
Course Maintenance and prioritized by             #5. Repair DG near entire tee box area        as designed.
item. The list then goes to the golf commit-      with more DG adhesive to keep it in place.
tee, where it is reviewed in our Septem-                                                        #14. Clear brush in the lateral hazard to
ber golf committee meeting. The work on           #6. This hole needs more French drains.       restore sight lines to the green. Safety
the playability items usually starts in the       Location to be selected at superintendent’s   Item: Place more rocks at the spillway.
winter months once the Bermuda grass              discretion.
goes dormant and the maintenance staff                                                          #15. Repair the bird bath near the cart
doesn’t have to mow on a regular basis.           #7. Repair the sinkhole in the fairway.       path along the green. Firewise: There
The work is planned to be completed by            Rework, re-sod and top-dress bare areas       are many dead cedars along the right side
the end of the first quarter every year.          in the fairway. Rope it off until damaged     of the cart path.
                                                  areas are healed. Mark as ground under
During 2016 we will be addressing the             repair (GUR).                                 #17. Suggest tall ropes at the blue tees to
Cowan Creek playability items and putting                                                       protect the grass.
the Legacy Hills and White Wing items             #8. Trim trees on both the right and left
on hold until we see the overall scope of         side of the fairway.                          #18. Cut willows to expose nearby sprin-
work that will be done in the up-coming                                                         kler. Safety Issue: Aggressively back
course renovations project. The course            #9. Rope off the fairway from the front       brush to the left of the cart path.
renovation project will more than likely          to the back of the bunkers. Top-dress the
address many playability issues at those
two courses, so we will revisit the play-         Golf Town Hall to address expansion project
ability reports as we move forward in the
project.                                          Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2-4 p.m., SCB

Below are the items for the 2015-2016             A Golf Town Hall will be held Tuesday, Feb. 23 to present an update of the
Cowan Creek playability report. Note:             Golf Course Enhancement Project. We will review schematic designs for
Some of these items have already been             Legacy Hills and White Wing with our golf course architect Jason Straka of
completed or are underway as of this pub-         Fry Straka Global Golf Design and update the projected schedule. The pre-
lication date.                                    sentation will include a question and answer period regarding information
GENERAL ITEMS                                     presented during the Town Hall. This is a great and informative opportunity
                                                  for residents and we encourage everyone to attend!
 • Cement the lower parking lot, next to
   the pitching practice area to keep the         Taking care of your golf courses
   DG (decomposed granite) from washing
   away during every substantial rain.            Submitted by Erik Beyer, PGA, Head Golf Professional, Legacy Hills

 • All fairway bunkers not completed in           As we move into another exciting golf season, we should take a moment to ensure
   2015 will be completed in 2016. This           we golfers of Sun City Texas are doing what we can to help maintain our wonder-
   encompasses all fairway bunkers ex-            ful courses and keep them in the best condition possible. Little things like sanding
                                                  divots, fixing ball marks, raking bunkers, picking up tees and adhering to golf
                                                  cart traffic signs go a long way in helping the maintenance staff provide the best
                                                  possible playing conditions.

5544 || SSUUNNRRAAYYSS FFEEBBRRUUAARRYY 22001166                                                COWAN CREEK BYOHNLOINLEL: SYCTMEXOAOS.ORREG
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