Page 55 - Sun Rays_February 2016
P. 55

News from the SC Stacks

By Nancy Davis

                                                                                              Nancy is the representative for the
                                                                                              Sun City Texas Library.

                                                                                              Recommended Links takes you to other
                                                                                              locations where you will find information on
                                                                                              topics such as the Georgetown Library and
                                                                                              WOW!mobile; book discussions; read-alikes,
                                                                                              which lists authors and titles similar to
                                                                                              those that you like to read; book club news;
                                                                                              best seller lists; talking books programs,
                                                                                              and much more.

Avid readers, rejoice! It’s up and running and so informative! The Sun City Library           How You Can Help section gives
has its own web page on                                                      information on how to volunteer and what
                                                                                              to expect, what kind of books to donate
There’s something new at the Sun              location of our special collections as well as  and what happens to these books, and
        City Library, and we are very         general areas, including fiction and non-       a list of lost or missing audio and video
        excited about it! Our new web         fiction. These locations and collections may    discs that need to be found and returned.
page is now a functioning part of the         change from time to time to maximize our
Community Association website. To             current shelf space and we will endeavor        Contact Us tells how to find a contact
locate us, log in as a resident, click on     to keep an up-to-date drawing for your          person. We hope to soon have a submission
Community Association Info and then           convenience. Of course, library volunteers      form for those who wish to volunteer.
click on Community Library. There             will be happy to help you find that special
is a lot of information packed into our       book, and we enjoy visiting with you about      Calendar shows when we are closed.
web page and we want to share it with         the books you have read.
everyone. Linda Baker, the library web                                                        I hope you find our web page helpful
administrator, is a knowledgeable former                                                      and interesting. It will be updated and
librarian with library website experience.                                                    improved constantly, so do visit often.

In the News & Reviews section, we
will provide pertinent information about
changes and happenings in our library, as
well as updates on authors and books in
the news. Occasionally we will feature an
author we think you might find interesting.
There will also be more complete book lists
from the Sun Rays library articles. Look
for “Book Bites,” our short reviews of books
and authors that have become favorites of
the library volunteers.

In Finding Your Way Around, we help           The Recommended Links page allows you to research authors who are similar
you locate various kinds of books. We’ve      to your favorites and find out which books are on the bestseller lists.
drawn a map of the library showing the

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