Alcoholics Anonymous
• Saturdays 9:30 a.m., Worship Place.
Mondays 10 a.m., Wednesdays and Fri-
days 3 p.m., Scott&WhiteClinic. Donna,
512-240-5151, or Wally, 512-240-4747.
• GeorgetownWhite House Groupmeets
at 1019 S. College Street four times daily,
For friends and family related
to alcoholics:
• Saturdays 11 a.m., Georgetown Church
of Christ, 1525 W. University Ave.;
Darlene, 512-868-0948.
• Mondays, 8 p.m.; meets at Georgetown
White House, 1019 S. College Street, no
contact currently.
•Mondays, 3:30 p.m., Scott & White Clin-
ic, 4945Williams Dr., Conference Room
off the Lobby. Susan, 512-240-4289.
ALS Assn. (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
1st Thursday ea/mo, 10:30 a.m., S&W
Boardroom, Jennifer Beckett, 512-745-
0400 or email
Last Tuesday eachmonth,
7-9 p.m., TheWorshipPlace, CherylWhite
at 512-864-1380.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia
A free
monthly lunch and learn at the Wesley-
an at Estrella with a different topic each
month relating to Alzheimer’s and demen-
tia. Call 512-943-9804.
Breast Cancer
4th Monday ea/mo, 1-3
p.m., Cowan Creek Andice Rm. Alice Fey,
RN, 512-868-9515 (h) or 512-966-0388 (c).
For individuals with cancer as
well as familymembers and friends. Meets
twice monthly. Call Anne, 512-426-4964.
Cardiac Support Group
Free and
open to anyone wanting to learn how to
prevent, treat, and reverse heart disease.
Meet on second Tuesdays at 10 a.m. at
Seton Williamson, 201 Seton Parkway
in Round Rock. Contact Lydia Terry at
or 512-324-4000 ext.
A support group has formed for
Sun City residents who have chronic ob-
structive pulmonary disease (COPD). For
more information, contact resident Helen
Brayton at 512-864-0039.
First & third Tuesdays, 1:30-3 p.m.,
Scott & White Clinic Conference Room,
4945Williams Dr. ContactMardy Yonikas
at 512-864-0451.
Contact Jim Nelson at 512-
639-4457 or
Hearing Solutions
If you or a friend
have trouble hearing, attend the Hearing
Solutions meetings. second Thursdays
monthly, 3 p.m., in the Activities Center
CyberCenter. Contact Nelda McQuary at
Meets the second Thursday
ea/mo, 10-11 a.m. at TheWesleyan at Es-
trella Independent Living. Contact Helen
Sanders, 512-868-5189, or Barbie Stoner,
Join us Monday, January
12, from 1-2:30 p.m., when podiatrist Dr.
Harvey Lisch will talk about how to keep
your feet in good health. We will meet at
2423 Williams Dr., Suite 101, LakeAire
Shopping Center, Community Room A,
Georgetown. Contact Diane at suncity@
handsfeetheart.org or 512-863-9293.
Overeaters Anonymous
• Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., Worship Place
choir rm. Mary at 206-499-9525;
• Saturdays, 9:30 a.m., Church of Christ,
1525W. University. Bernice, 512-635-3585
Meets on fourth Thursdays
of each month at 2 p.m. in the George-
town Health Foundation rooms at 2423
Williams Drive. Our group is open to all
- patient, care partner, family, and friends!
For information, contact Mary Jane Ber-
ry at 512-240-4167 or email dberry3@
Post Polio Survivors
Meets Thurs-
day, January 22, at 10 a.m. in the Scott
& White Conference Room. FFI email
LaNell at
call 512-868-1427.
Prostate Cancer
The Prostate Cancer
Support Group will meet on Thursday,
January 8, from3-5 p.m. at Scott &White
Clinic Conference room for a general dis-
cussion of member experiences, revised
treatments and other subjects of interest.
For additional information, contact Dr. Bob
Eanes at 512-240-5431.
Sjogren’s Syndrome
Meets quarterly.
Helen Smith at 512-869-8840 or Linda
Frost at 512-255-6049.
SC Helping Hands
We provide assis-
tance to residents. Call to borrowbaby ne-
cessities for little visitors or medical items
on a temporary loan. Call MariaWagner,
512-864-0641; Courtney Powell, 512-864-
3429; Jan Hohenberger, 512-864-3500;
Maureen Vogl, 512-864-0689.
Are You Feeling Overwhelmed or Confused by all the
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3613 Williams Drive, Suite 701, Georgetown
(512) 868-2224
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Living Guide
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