Golf Course Improvements
Submitted by the Golf Committee
As a result of the Playability Sub-
Committee’s detailed work last fall,
many course improvement suggestions
were made. The golf and maintenance
staff have reviewed these items and have
compiled a description of the work to take
place from late 2014 through 2015 (see
below). Our thanks go to the golf and
maintenance staff for their cooperation
and responsiveness to these requests.
Tree Trimming
One of the biggest items identified in
the playability reports was the need to
get caught up on tree trimming. We will
start to address this problem in the fall
and winter. The “in house” trees will be
done by our maintenance staff, and the
larger trees will be contracted out. The
2015 budget includes $30,000 for tree
trimming, which will be split between
WhiteWing and Legacy Hills, the largest
of these areas being #8 and #14 at White
Wing and #8 and #14 at Legacy Hills.
The Non-Capitalized Improvements
line item includes $55,000 for course
improvements in 2015. We have put in
preliminary numbers for each item on the
playability report, and we will complete
most of this work in the first quarter. The
list totals $33,200 in project work and
$22,400 in tree trimming, leaving us with
an additional $7,600 in tree trimming
and $21,800 in course improvements to
be identified and addressed in the second
Legacy Hills and Cowan Creek
Greenside Bunkers
The greenside bunkers were shelled
out at the end of November and will be
played as ground under repair, as we did
at White Wing last year. We will start
putting the new sand in place in January
and will have the Legacy Hills greenside
bunkers complete before March 2015, if
not sooner. Also, greenside bunkers at
Cowan Creek will be redone in the first
quarter of 2015. This project is funded
from our golf reserves.
Legacy Hills Mainline Leak
The leak under Del Webb Boulevard was
repaired in late 2014.
Pre-emerge has been applied wall-to-wall
on all three courses.
Overseed has been put out on the Par 3
tees, Driving Range Tees and the tees
with highest amount of winter traffic.
We have all three courses continuing to
use liquid fertigation for the fairways,
roughs and tees, which allows us to
fertilize as we irrigate the golf courses.
We will continue to fertilize greens at
all three courses with liquid fertilizers.
Remember, you can always review golf
course maintenance details at the blog
at sctxgcmaint.blogspot.com.
Last month, everyone in the GHIN
system as of December 15 was
billed the 2015 GHIN fees for the
handicap service. If you did not
intend to renew, and wish to cancel
participation in this service, please
stop by a golf shop and complete the
green cancellation form. Please note
that this fee is on your CA statement
and must be paid for online or
through the Social Center Member
Services Office. Payments for GHIN
renewals cannot be accepted at the
golf shops; however, if you wish to
sign up for a new GHIN handicap,
youmay stop by one of the golf shops
to complete the GHIN form and pay
the appropriate $30 annual fee.
2015 GHIN
Cancellation Forms
Submitted by Erik Beyer, PGA,
Head Golf Professional, Legacy Hills
CGA News
Submitted by Beth Lampman, CGA Communication Director
The Couples Golf Association ended
its first year as a SCTXCA sanctioned
club with over 250 members! I would
like to congratulate our 2014 CGA
Club Champions, Daryl and Emily
Eldridge, N52 residents who have
been living in Sun City since 2011.
Congratulations to you both!
Be sure to visit our website at www.
sctxca.org> Clubs and Groups>
Chartered Clubs> Golf, CGA. If you
have not yet joined the CGA, you
can sign up for membership on the
website. Come and join us! Our Social
Golf Play Days are once a month on
Emily and Daryl Eldridge
CGA Club Champions